When I first started at Target, one of my cousins had just started dating a guy who was a hard-core, super paranoid socialist who apparently hated corporations, or really any company bigger than a guy selling flowers out of the back of his car. The first time I met him (at a family dinner BTW), he spent the entire time ranting about how corporations were taking over the world and everyone who worked for one was a criminal, etc, etc. After about two hours of this, he got bored, then looked at me and asked me what I do for work. I told him that I work for Target (which I deliberately referred to as "Target Corporation") and explained that it was my job to catch the serfs who try to steal from us, beat them up, make them pay us money, and then keep our merchandise and send the little guy off to jail. He basically looked at me like I told him I murdered puppies for fun and never talked to me again, which was really my goal in the first place.