Its 11:45 pm on forth of July, closing in 15 minutes, haven't had a guest at SD for an hour. This time of night is when the usual suspects walk in with ugly ass torn up receipts asking for refunds in cash. So this guest comes in with a back pack, takes out some destroyed HBA item and an even more destroyed receipt, which obviously was picked up from the ground. I immediately call my GSTL over, as we always get the same couple of guys over and over trying to return stolen goods with dumb ass reciepts. As soon as my GSTL sees the items, she right away says we cannot do the return, and he would have to return to the store where "he" got them from. Of course he starts complaining, and starts to argue that we should be able to do it. She keeps denying him and he then starts to cuss her out badly and horribly. This of course causes me to get PISSED OFF. I yell at him to leave and GET OUT of the store, as he continues to cuss and flip us off. I was so mad, although I did not get into any trouble was just told by AP to go on a walk to calm down as I looked very flustered. People need to stop thinking they can get away with everything at Guest Service, we arent idiots.