To that one guest

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To that one guest on the phone yesterday: I don't know who told you we had XYZ in stock, but we don't. It's on clearance and we're not getting more. We'll get different ones after the transition. I don't care what whoever told you, I can't magically make XYZ appear out of thin air just for you!
To that guest in shoes who found a lonely shoe,no I do not know where the other one is ,and after checking in my pda ,it was not in the system anymore .I am sorry ,but I do not know where the left shoe is .No matter how long you huff and puff ,I can not make it jump into your hands ! And ,no ,it won't be in the back somewhere !
Yes, we have women's body wash and men's body wash, because many men do not like to smell like edible objects.
To the lady who tried to return a car seat without packaging and it had been USED for a couple months...really? She screamed at us and Guest Relations on the phone. I felt bad for those poor people at the call center who had to deal with her foul language and screaming. NO we can't return a car seat that's been USED and you don't have the box it came in. First it was she didn't like it, then it didn't fit in her car, then her kid outgrew it, then it was a "safety issue". Oh, also, a receipt would be nice...

Plus it was crusty...ewww...

this reminds me of the tents I used to receive in chargeback that were returned by guests at the end of the summer. The tents were used, dirty, and had bugs falling out of them. And the exercise equipment that was returned in February because the guest had lost their weight loss resolve when the Christmas credit card bill arrived at the house.
to that guest in the electric cart....I didn't clock you but you had to be going full throttle to take out that sign in RTW

to those 3 Guidos (sorry it's the only way to describe these 3)- you stink!! literally and then you go over to young men's and turn nearly every shirt inside out just so you can try them on in the middle of the store AND then don't turn them around. We do appreciate you coming to the FR to try on the shorts though.
to that guest in the electric cart....I didn't clock you but you had to be going full throttle to take out that sign in RTW

We only have one Smart Cart that goes at a reasonable (let alone fast) speed. Most of them move at turtle speed because obese guests ride them and strain the motors.

to those 3 Guidos (sorry it's the only way to describe these 3)

I'll bet they're obsessed with a certain unnamed reality show on MTV...
To the guest who tried to return a camera purchased on 4/1/2011:

I'm not going to allow you to return the camera. Sorry. You can try contacting Sony, via Customer Service or I can give you manufacturer information that may be of assistance. That's about all we can do in store as you're beyond the return limit.

P.S.: I will not shove Sony up my @$$ nor do I think Sony would fit.
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No, I do not know why you're being charged $X for your prescription when you used to be charged $Y. Maybe you have a new deductible, maybe it's no longer on the formulary, maybe your copay changed, maybe it's just no longer a "preferred drug"'ll have to call your insurance company to find out. And no, I will not call them FOR you, you're a big girl/boy, you can do that yourself. If you don't want to take the medication today, that's fine, I'd be happy to hold it for you until you find out that information.

What's that? We should keep track of how much EVERYONE is charged on a monthly basis and AUTOMATICALLY call their insurance company when it changes to find out why? Mmmmkay, I'll get right on that because we have SO MUCH free time back here. You ***** and moan because it takes "so long" to get your prescriptions filled? Imagine how much longer it would take if we spent 3/4 of our day on the phone with insurance companies??? :facepalm:
I understand you are probably 65-70 years of age but I mean c'mon man have some common decency.

When you try on a pair of jeans in the fitting room, and they don't fit -- you put on your original pants, come out, and get a different size.

You don't come out in your whitey tighties, truck all the way to the jean wall and then walk back.

(the men's jean wall is like 40 feet from the fitting room)

We only have one Smart Cart that goes at a reasonable (let alone fast) speed. Most of them move at turtle speed because obese guests ride them and strain the motors.

I'll bet they're obsessed with a certain unnamed reality show on MTV...
The Electric Cart moments when I had to tell the guest, "I am sorry, the electric carts cannot leave the store."

Guest: "Why not? How am I going to get to my car?"

"I am sorry but the carts cannot operate properly and breakdown easily on the parking lot surface, and its not safe to cross the fire lane in them becoming a liability."

Guest: "How am I going to get to my car?" <with a stunned and dumbfounded look>

<same way you walked walk out>
How STUPID do you have to be to call one day, try to get your (fake) Vicodin script filled (since your profile is FLAGGED *WATCH OUT-FAKE VICODIN SCRIPT*), KNOW you're busted when you get put on hold so you hang up, call back the NEXT DAY to try again, get put on hold AGAIN (by the SAME tech--ME!!!), hang up AGAIN, THEN try to have it transferred to a DIFFERENT STORE?!?!?! Do you REALLY think we're not going to tell the OTHER store it's a FAKE script??? :facepalm:

Although I have to give you at least waited a few months to get the refill....unlike the idiot who actually got ARRESTED and tried to get the refill the day AFTER he got OUT!!!! Obviously, these people don't realize there's a database where their names are kept and pharmacists talk and send pictures via email....we currently have 3 posted in the pharmacy to "be on the lookout for"...
To that one guest: They may be the same color, but only the brown one can be used as a substitute. And the Hardlines TL who is also the Instocks TL is not gonna let you do it either. Quite frankly, I don't give two flying f**ks if you go to Walmart instead. Good riddance! (P.S. While you're at Wally World, you may want to ask if they carry the Phonics Game so you can learn how to read signs.)
Ah, the "stupid criminals" wall of fame....
It gets even BETTER!!! I guess she figured I'd be off last night (she called in the AM) so she called back AGAIN!!! One of the techs sent me a text after work and said "Guess who called again about 8:45 wanting a refill on her Vicodin???" I guess they told her they couldn't get it ready last night, but would try to have it ready this morning for her. They then called the doctor whose name she was using and asked what he wanted them to do and he said "fill it so I can press charges because I've already gotten 3 of them this year" so they alerted the police, who also called the doctor to verify and I guess they are "on alert" for this morning in case she comes to pick it up :facepalm:
I understand you are probably 65-70 years of age but I mean c'mon man have some common decency.

When you try on a pair of jeans in the fitting room, and they don't fit -- you put on your original pants, come out, and get a different size.

You don't come out in your whitey tighties, truck all the way to the jean wall and then walk back.

(the men's jean wall is like 40 feet from the fitting room)


I have seen way more tightie whities(and other "stuff") in my time at the FR than I did raising two daughters. I don't wanna/need to see that much "junk"
Had a guest today come in hopped up on what seemed like crack. She no receipt returns her "KY intense stimulation gel" via no receipt on a gift card. She grabs her gel and runs out the door. No AP today...

It was the expensive stuff too. 32.99 or so.

Gotta love IGS... 5 feet from the exit door...
I don't care if you never had a problem before using your aunt's discount card for your own purchases - it's not allowed, unless you were claimed as her dependent (and consequentially having your own "dependent" variant of the discount card).

We aren't supposed to let you use it, and that's that.



Is it just me or are a lot more people trying to do the whole coupon decoding thing? (I think that's what it's called) Had some guest get all POed at me because I denied all her coupons considering the fact that NONE of them matched up with what the coupon was actually for - and the only ones that would of worked? Expired.
Yep, decoding is what it's called & it's fraud. Remind them of that when they say that "if it scans, it should be taken".
Even Krazycouponlady had a blog condoning it.
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