To that one guest

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just to remind us all that I get the toxic guests:

to the lactating guest-please, please keep your bra on (or at least those little absorbent pads) while trying on bathing suits. I had to defect out the ones you tried on tonight

to all of the guests who had to wait in a line to get a fitting room...THANK YOU!! for being pleasant and not pissing and moaning about the wait. It wasn't until an hour before close that I didn't have a full fitting room.

to most of the guests...again thank you!! for not using the fitting rooms as your home base for stealing (I did have one...don't know when, so it could have been one from my breaks)
To guest #1: why are you just evil? I've never heard a nice thing come out of your mouth. How on earth your husband has stayed married to you as long as he had is beyond me...he must be a saint! If you don't watch it, you're going to be banned from OUR store as well!

To guest #2 (well, multiple guests fall under this moniker): if you can't see us, guess what? We can't see you either! Don't walk up to the counter, lean over on it so we can't even see you in the mirror, NOT say anything, THEN get pissy because we're doing something else and don't help you right away! Say "excuse me?!", clear your throat, heck, just STAND STRAIGHT UP so we can see you!

To ALL the guests that send someone else to get their meds, then either call or come back in themselves wanting a refund because it's not the right med (and getting mad because we won't refund their money), either tell the person what med they're supposed to be picking up (since 99% of the time, they have no clue), call first to make sure we have the correct meds waiting, or come get it yourself! Once meds leave the pharmacy, we can't give a refund unless it was OUR error.
okay I just have to put this one out there:

to that one guest at JCPENNEY'S: yes ma'am I am sitting in the very nice fitting rooms in the bra section of penney's and I said good morning but I am not the FRO at Jcpenney's.
to those guests who piss and moan after I say 6 items in the fr at a time and that both pieces of a bathing suit should only count as one....grow up.
To that one guest who picked up the phone to ask for help in toy.what a freaking lazy moron you are !!!!
You have 2 legs ,2 arms ,young enough ,and to boot ,you had your 2 daughters ( 8 and 18 or so ) with you .
I was running like a mad tm to that call button from the front of the store to clear it ( because all other tm were either on break or t the register ) ,i cleared it by the way in the nick of time !
So I ask CIHYFS ?, and you freaking moron said : could you carry a heavy dog food bag to the front ? Hum what ? Then walks by your 8 year old ,you yelled at her not to carry it .she drops it in the middle of the floor for me to pick up !!!!
You could have :
1. Taken a cart with you. ( you know the 50 or so you walked by in the front of the store ,right a the entrance)
2. Sent your teenage daughter to fetch a damn cart .
3 . Carried it.
If they complain that much about a bathing suit being two pieces, then tell them to stop showing off their bodies and buy a one-piece.

I keep telling the guests I don't lie (and I don't...I find a nice/different way to say to the 300+ lb woman who is trying on a size medium/large dress that it looks like a handkerchief on that it's not her color) but I am finding it harder and harder to lie about them looking good in bikinis. To the 200-300 bikini/tankini options we have only about 10 1 piece options and I know it's a similar situation at most other stores.
To the guest who decided to lay out all the rugs in the aisle and then leave them there.
Seriously, WTF?

We get that quite a bit, and the rugs are right outside our most used doors to the backroom (of course, the bathroom is back there).....
To everyone that lacks a Y-chromosome: I hate you all for aisles A23 and A24. As you can imagine, I had a lot of fun zoning the feminine hygiene products tonight...
To everyone that lacks a Y-chromosome: I hate you all for aisles A23 and A24. As you can imagine, I had a lot of fun zoning the feminine hygiene products tonight...

Whenever I'm working in those aisles with a male tm I usually will zone those so they don't have to.
Whenever I'm working in those aisles with a male tm I usually will zone those so they don't have to.

It's not necessarily because of what the products are, but moreso because those aisles get destroyed and the products make it awkward to zone lol.
Whenever I'm working in those aisles with a male tm I usually will zone those so they don't have to.

One time, I had to help with the Mid-Day Zone in HBA, and when we got to A24, the Hardlines TL was complaining that he always gets stuck zoning the tampons and douches.

To the 5,000,000th guest who walks up to me, standing at my lane with the light on and asks "Are you open." I would love to say "No, now go away and stop bothering me."

You should tell them "No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!" in an outrageous accent and see if they get it. If they don't, then turn your light off and walk away very quickly.
To the 5,000,000th guest who walks up to me, standing at my lane with the light on and asks "Are you open." I would love to say "No, now go away and stop bothering me."

Stupid things guest's say when approaching cashiers could be a thread of it's own. I would to add some of my personal least favorites--

"You look bored!"
"Need something to do?"
"I'll keep you busy."

I think the worst part is how everyone says these things like they were the first one to think of it.:girl_mad:
To everyone that lacks a Y-chromosome: I hate you all for aisles A23 and A24. As you can imagine, I had a lot of fun zoning the feminine hygiene products tonight...

My zone is almost always HBA, and I'm a guy. I don't mind going in those aisles, but I do refer to them as "The aisle where I don't help people." If I try to, it just results in embarassment for all parties involved, and odds are I won't be able to help anyway.
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