To that one guest

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Yep, decoding is what it's called & it's fraud. Remind them of that when they say that "if it scans, it should be taken".
Even Krazycouponlady had a blog condoning it.

I check out her site all the time and have NEVER seen her CONDONE decoding or ANY kind of fraud (other than doing multiple transactions, which, I guess, isn't "technically" fraud). I think on the $8.00 Huggies thread, someone posted a link to her site where she expressly calls this out as fraud and discourages it!

I actually had one of our own cashiers accuse me of this because I had a ton of items and a ton of coupons and she didn't go back far enough on the register to see that I actually HAD purchased what the coupons called for. She didn't recognize me because I was in "regular clothes" (although she had already scanned my employee discount card). She called over the LOD, who said "ummm....I doubt SHE'S scamming us" as I was pulling the items out of the bags in the cart. She didn't even apologize, either....then again, this was the same one who refused to let me scan my turkey even when I WAS dressed in red & khaki :huh:
Why is it so difficult for people to accept that alcohol can ONLY be purchased at the front lanes? Had a guest yesterday who wanted me to call the STL over (not just the LOD, she "WANTS THE STORE MANAGER!!!!") because she couldn't check out her 2 bottles of wine at the pharmacy counter. The thing is, we've told this same guest this MULTIPLE times, she just likes to be a PITA!!! The STL wasn't in the store so the ETL came over and explained to her that it was "company policy" and she would be happy to personally ring her out at the front lanes. Of course, the guest "didn't have time for that"....thank goodness she didn't get a guest survey on her receipt 😉
Yep, decoding is what it's called & it's fraud. Remind them of that when they say that "if it scans, it should be taken".
Even Krazycouponlady had a blog condoning it.
Hm... I should, shouldn't I?

Especially considering I think a lot of these people KNOW what they're trying to do, considering how calm a lot of them are when I tell them I can't take a bunch of them due to the fact that the item doesn't match up (as in, "Oh, okay!"). It's only when I refuse every single one of them that they end up getting rather POed.

Would love to see their reaction if I said something along the lines of, "Oh, I'm sorry if I upset you by refusing your coupons... It's just that trying to do that could be considered fraud, which is against the law. And I wouldn't want you or I being in trouble for allowing such horrible practices!"

Sorry, wanna-be frauders: I'm one of THOSE cashiers, and be sure I'll be warning my fellow cashiers and GSTL/GSAs every single time someone tries to pull anything of the sort to be on the look-out.

It's those kinds that end up ruining it for all the legit couponers.
Dear guests, I'm sorry, but we are in a tornado WARNING. No, the sirens aren't going off because "it's the first Wednesday of the month". It's 6:00 at night, the monthly drills go off at 1pm. The sky is turning green and black, look outside if you don't believe me. No, you can't keep shopping. No, you can't checkout before you leave. You can either go to the fire aisle and wait or you can leave without buying anything. This is our policy, there's nothing we can do to change it. It's all for YOUR safety.

No, lady, I know the warning expired at 6:30 but I have to wait for my team leaders to give us the all-clear. This means you cannot try on clothes until they tell us we can go back to normal operations. I can't even allow you to browse either.

*sigh* It's May. It's just the start of severe weather season...:facepalm::facepalm:
The other night a guest came up to our photo lab guy (I'll call him Fred). He chatted with Fred for a bit and then quite out of nowhere asks if he's married? No says Fred. Do you have a girlfriend or something? Again no says Fred. The man then proceeds to introduce his daughter to Fred telling him she a great girl and that Fred should get to know her. Then Daddy walks off leaving his very embarrassed daughter to apologize to Fred. Fred's a nice guy and told the girl not to worry about it. Fred said that it was obvious Daddy had a few beers before coming to Target. I asked Fred if the girl was um you know not very pretty? He said not at all she was quite cute in fact. We all laughed about it. I really felt sorry for the poor girl, her Dad pimping her out like that. :wacko:
So I had the idiot guest tonight. This lady finishes shopping and I load her bag into the cart as a reminder to take it. She pushes her cart to the exit door, turns it sideways so it blocks the exit, grabs her bag, and stands there looking confused. I walk over to fix the carts cuz my cart attendant was on break, and she says, "Well, now how am I supposed to get out?" The correct answer was not, apparently, laughing and saying, "if that cart wasn't there, it would be a lot easier, huh?" I mean, really?!? WTF is going through some of their heads???
So I had the idiot guest tonight. This lady finishes shopping and I load her bag into the cart as a reminder to take it. She pushes her cart to the exit door, turns it sideways so it blocks the exit, grabs her bag, and stands there looking confused. I walk over to fix the carts cuz my cart attendant was on break, and she says, "Well, now how am I supposed to get out?" The correct answer was not, apparently, laughing and saying, "if that cart wasn't there, it would be a lot easier, huh?" I mean, really?!? WTF is going through some of their heads???

Are you serious? She blocked her own exit and couldn't push the cart out of the way? Am I reading this wrong? Am I missing something?
You're not missing anything. I thought she was playing with me until I saw the absolute confusion on her face.
I was zoning the bottom shelf in the canned goods aisle last night....I was in the process of getting off of my knees, one hand on the shelf, one hand on the shopping cart, and halfway up when a guest reaches around me, and sticks his leg in between my legs to reach an item on the shelf behind me, and as he hits me goes "Oh sorry, didn't see you there".....Hello, I'm 6 foot, and 275 pounds.......and people wonder why I love being in the backroom, lots less guests there.....

Although it was kind of funny, we have a couple of hearing impaired people that work in the back, and one night I had a guest that came barging through the backroom doors and seeing us working there yells "Can any of you hear?"....she was looking for something, and evidently ran into all 3 of our hearing impaired people that were there that night....
To that one guest: No, we're NOT going to give you more pills "at no charge" since the ER doc won't refill your prescription (big surprise there!) and you have no "good" prescription for it ANYWHERE in the continental US...the only reason the RPh gave you any to begin with was because you were creeping us out!!! We're not going to jump through hoops to get you your medication since you seem to be dead-set against following our advice and finding a LOCAL doctor to handle your health issues. I'm sorry you seem to be down on your luck at the moment, but we're not a free clinic nor are we in the business of handing out free pills to anyone who walks in the store! Either get a new Rx for the meds or leave us alone :angry:
to the whole week of guests-yup, I am nuts, a whack, etc. because I will not allow you to take in 20 items, 2 adults, 6 pairs of shoes (take your pick...think every fr rule and they tried to break it this week) into the fitting room. Your crap is not worth my job and I do bend the rules a little on somethings...but I actually got my ETL approval on that : )
To the lady who asked me if the deck chairs in seasonal would fit in your trunk.
How the hell do I know?
Not only do I not know what kind of car you drive and even if I did I would have no idea how big the trunk was.
Is this national 'ask a a silly question' day?
To the lady who asked me if the deck chairs in seasonal would fit in your trunk.
How the hell do I know?
Not only do I not know what kind of car you drive and even if I did I would have no idea how big the trunk was.
Is this national 'ask a a silly question' day?

I took a display chair & see if it could Fit in her car. I did that on Saturday for a guest.
I'm sure I've ranted about this before, but........

To that b***h: My lane is not your personal garbage can. Walking no more than 20 ft to the nearest trash receptacle is not going to kill you.

And to the other lady: You really should make sure you have your wallet with you before you fill your cart with $400 worth of groceries.

Is this national 'ask a a silly question' day?

Yes, I believe it is....

Funny how it falls on a Canadian holiday........
To the lady who asked me if the deck chairs in seasonal would fit in your trunk.
How the hell do I know?
Not only do I not know what kind of car you drive and even if I did I would have no idea how big the trunk was.
Is this national 'ask a a silly question' day?

You know a good way to find out what kind of car they're driving? Ask "What kind of car are you driving?" While that doesn't live up to "Ask a Silly Question Day," it's a good thing to do with any large item. Selling a large item is good, because it results in money. But a large item that can't fit in a car results in wasted time. And that's why I always ask.

If they say they have a Smart Car and they're getting a huge bookcase, I suggest ways they could still get it--friend with a truck, taxi, opening the box and Tetrising it in. Sorry if you don't feel like celebrating "Logical follow-up question" day, it's a great and helpful one.
I know it sounds like I'm being cranky and short sighted here.
I was the one who stopped on the way back to the baler with an armload of signing to ask CIHYFS.
It was just that the question kind of floored me since it was the first thing out of her mouth.
All the pertinent followup questions were asked and I went and got her a flat and took 4 of the chairs up to the register.
There are just times when people think you are psychic like a guest who asked one of my friends in softlines "Do you think my daughter would like this?"
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