TTOC: Can you not stand behind my register with me, breathing down my neck whilst I process your gift card purchases? I understand you want to ensure accuracy, but the card reader and the POS system both will mirror each other so you’re good. And when I hand you your money back because I have to step away to get your boxes from another register, it’s for the security of both you and I. Hold your horses (and $100 that you so rudely shove to me), for one second or don’t ask for something you know I need to go get for you, and when a queue forms behind you, don’t get mad when I have to ask for your billing zip code, holding up others even longer due to your lack of any human decency. You’re using one of our credit cards. This is standard procedure. What in the blazing hell is “nose thropping” by the way? “I can’t hear you with your nose thropping.” No bitch, you just weren’t listening the first ten times you self-absorbed egg, now just tell me your zip code so I can type it in. You can’t type it in because only I can. I don’t know why either, but that’s the way it works. Yes, my breath smells like chicken, because I literally just got back from lunch. You’re obviously standing too close, and aren’t allowed behind the register to begin with. Don’t get mad when Security is looking from a few feet away, because the Suits Specialist called him out to them for me because he, too, saw your insanity. Yes, I appreciate the sale, but it nearly wasn’t worth it.