not to turn this into a debate or anything but I really doubt that endocrine disorders are the cause outside of a very few cases, it's obvious that most obesity is simply the result of these people being unable to control themselves around food. You can tell because the obesity epidemic is a fairly new thing, rewind to 40, 50, 60 years ago when our parents and grandparents were young and you saw basically zero obese people ever, in a time when they deep fried everything in lard. Even I can remember a time when motor cart jockeys were super rare and I'm only 29. Go back a couple centuries and
Daniel Lambert was the most obese man in the world due to an endocrine disorder, now you can go to Walmart on any given Saturday and see at least 5 to 10 of him scooting around on motor carts and gasping for air as they load their baskets with packs of Mountain Dew, Hot Pockets and Twinkies. So either there's been a sudden, unexplained 10,000 fold increase in endocrine disorders in a relatively short time frame of a couple decades (which is unbelievable and demonstrably false) or else a majority of these people are full of shit and using made up illnesses as cover for their terrible personal choices.
I don't *usually* judge people for *most* of the choices they make but unlike some other choices, cramming your face with junk food to the point where you're being crushed under your own weight actually does affect other people in the form of increased healthcare costs. The healthcare industry socializes the costs of caring for morbidly obese people by charging everyone else more for everything. One can certainly argue that it shouldn't be that way, but that's how it currently is and what we have to deal with. I'm fine with paying somewhat increased insurance premiums and taxes if it means helping people who are genuinely down on their luck or suffering from unforeseen injuries and health complications, but gobbling junk food until your toes fall off is not one of them.