To that one guest

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To that one guest last night...

you come in, TEN minutes before closing, rudely ask me if I work here...then demand that I go back and find you a TV that is not on display and you don't provide the DCPI number so I can see if we even have it...get mad because you're stupid and didn't tell me that you called earlier and that it was in stock...don't posses the ability to wait for more than three minutes without becoming an effing disgrace of a human-being...start *****ing at me, my LODs about how I made you wait 'forever'...start insulting us and the intelligence of everyone in the store...shout petty threats and pick fights with our LOD...yell so loudly and ignorantly that workers across the damn store can hear every single stupid word you utter crystal clear...keep management from closing up...start threatening about how you'll warn everyone you know not to come to our store...

...and you expect to be treated like a ****ing queen? Don't kid yourself, you stupid excuse for life. Someone obviously never taught you manners, or you conveniently showed up ten minutes before the end of that lesson. I'm glad you're never coming back to our store again - yes, please warn your friends, because if they're anything like you, I'd hate to have to just keep smiling in their faces while they act like they are superior to me when they obviously aren't.

I hope you fall face first in a steaming pile of crap, though you deserve worse.
To the couple this morning,I do not know what you smoked ,inhaled or swallowed,but you should have stayed home !
They walked by me,and I asked :CIHYFS ?
The man tells me : no
The woman tells me : perfumes
The man then turns around facing me and said : you had to open your big ******* mouth and ask she is gonna want to go buy something !
The man then turns around facing me and said : you had to open your big ******* mouth and ask she is gonna want to go buy something !
Some one woke up on the wrong side of Hell this morning.
To the lady shopping with her 4 and 6 year old daughters....your six year old is an incredibly bright, articulate, well behaved girl. I really enjoyed getting to talk to her today...even if it was because she came out of the bathroom and you and her younger sister had wandered off. She and I had a lovely conversation, and nothing was more important to me, ap, STL, ETL-HR, and the GSA than finding you. So when you did find her and me talking at guest services, I was really rather annoyed that you told her she shouldn't have come found a team member. She did the absolute right thing. We're a small store...unless you are six and cannot find your mom.
To "cell phone lady", you know who you are. You have been shopping in our store for over a year and you are always YELLING at some one on the phone while you mosey around for an hour or so bothering tm's and guests. PLEASE take it outside! I can't say anything to you because you aren't violating any store policy but you are exrtremely annoying. To all of the the guests who have tryed to tell her to shut up in the past, thanks but don't bother, she'll just yell at you too.
Look, I really don't want to tell you how to raise your kids....but when I scan the items your kids want, and the 8-ish year old says to me, "give us those!" in a rather demanding and rude voice....and you didn't even bat an eye? Seriously, part of me really, really wanted to say no.
please please please quit making me scan and crop all your pictures for you. The first couple of times when you told me you didn't know how i believed you but after showing you at least 20 times you should know! Sorry if you thought i was kind of impatient with you today but i was trying to run the front with 4 cashier calls ins (UHH that's pretty much my morning shift!) and help out at GS because of a call in there. I wish i could be in two places at once but i can't and you really CAN do it yourself!
to the guest tonight who told me to go away when our target mobile guy asked me for advice about a prepaid phone she was asking about cause she only wants one person helping. You are Freaking Psycho. and i felt bad for him too cause she basically aruged with him for about a hour and a half and then cussed him out and stormed out
I had my first day on my own register today. Half of the day was on Express Lane while the other was not. I just wanted to share my mistakes and guest stories.

*To the lady buying 100 articles of clothing with hangers on them.. Please, stop complaining to your friend about my speed in a different language. I know I'm a white 17 year old, but I have taken 5 years of Spanish in High School.

*The little kid that bought 12 dollars worth of toys with quarters, nickels, dimes, and pennies... Lots of pennies.

As far as guest stories, that's about it. I lucked out by having some nice guests and I'm sure my "New Team Member" nametag helped.

Now for my mistakes...

*I had no clue that guests were getting gift cards for buying certain items and I was so confused when the POS told me to scan giftcards. Luckily, after 2 times, I realized what I was doing.

*Perhaps my biggest mistake was when I completely F'ed up a transaction (I have NO CLUE what happened. A guest gave me $160 in cash and then somehow the transaction was complete.) I thought I was going to have to rescan everything but luckily my manager just had me scan the receipt and fix the mistake quite simply.

*Other things were real small and not worth mentioning.

My Rant to end the post:

Please, I understand not everyone is the brightest and some people may be in a hurry. However, the card reader has a really simple icon showing you not only the direction to swipe the card, but also how your card should be positioned!!! I like the "never give up" attitude, but you have swiped your card 50 times in every possible combination except for the one shown.
Our readers, as long as the strip is in the slot will read it if it is run through smoothly...doesn't matter what way it faces or what way it goes.

Yeah, the gift card thing is a bit confusing at first. I always try to flip through the ad at the beginning of the week (there should be one in your drawer) to see what might bring it up. No biggie if you don't get to it.

If you feel confident enough in it, you can always switch to speaking Spanish to the guests (when you give them the total, tell them to have a nice day, etc). It's a subtle way of telling them you understood them without actually saying that. ;-)

Luckily, there is likely very little you can do to a transaction that your GSTL/GSA can't fix. They've probably seen it all.
If you feel confident enough in it, you can always switch to speaking Spanish to the guests (when you give them the total, tell them to have a nice day, etc). It's a subtle way of telling them you understood them without actually saying that. ;-)

Once I've been around longer I might just do that 🙂

Don't want any complaints off the bat.
Please, I understand not everyone is the brightest and some people may be in a hurry. However, the card reader has a really simple icon showing you not only the direction to swipe the card, but also how your card should be positioned!!! I like the "never give up" attitude, but you have swiped your card 50 times in every possible combination except for the one shown.

Don't you love those guests that try to swipe their card down the side, where the reader sits on the base? 😀

If you get a guest who swipes their card before you finish scanning items, you should ask them if they have any coupons or gift cards BEFORE you hit Total. Coupons get scanned before you hit Total, but gift cards are another story. If they have gift cards, they'll have to hit the Cancel button if it's debit, or you'll have to do a Post Void (through Fix a Mistake, or just ask your GSTL) if it's credit and they've already signed.
Thank you for the tip.

I'll generally ask "Is that it for today" and most will hand over the coupons, but of course their is the elite few that give the coupons at the last second.
Also, sometimes a guest will just hand me their card.. Am I able to swipe it from my keyboard or do they need to do it?
Also, sometimes a guest will just hand me their card.. Am I able to swipe it from my keyboard or do they need to do it?

You can swipe it on the keyboard (you have to specify credit or debit first). However, I usually direct guests to the card reader so they know in the future.

If you're ever on a lane where the card reader doesn't work or is missing, you can still do credit by swiping on the keyboard and hitting K8 for the paper slip to be signed. But you can't do debit or EBT/SNAP because the guest can't enter their PIN without a functional card reader.
I've never had to specify credit or debit first...different registers? Anyway, on my store's registers, the reader is on the right hand side of the keyboard. You swipe the card with the strip facing up (feels unnatural).
I've never had to specify credit or debit first...different registers? Anyway, on my store's registers, the reader is on the right hand side of the keyboard. You swipe the card with the strip facing up (feels unnatural).

Sounds like you have the same registers as my store. I was just going by what I was told in my training almost 2 years ago (2 calendar years = about 100 Target years). Though if you swipe on the register and specify credit, the guest won't have to sign under $50, whereas if they swipe a debit card on the reader and do credit, they'll be asked to sign regardless of the total. So it does make the process marginally faster.
Look, I really don't want to tell you how to raise your kids....but when I scan the items your kids want, and the 8-ish year old says to me, "give us those!" in a rather demanding and rude voice....and you didn't even bat an eye? Seriously, part of me really, really wanted to say no.

I usually just ignore the little dears and put it in the bag unless the parent says to give it to them.
Sounds like you have the same registers as my store. I was just going by what I was told in my training almost 2 years ago (2 calendar years = about 100 Target years). Though if you swipe on the register and specify credit, the guest won't have to sign under $50, whereas if they swipe a debit card on the reader and do credit, they'll be asked to sign regardless of the total. So it does make the process marginally faster.
I found out recently that if the guest runs their debit card as credit and it's under $50 they can just hit the ok button and it'll just print the receipt. I don't think that it used to do that but then maybe I wasn't paying attention before😛ardon:.
I found out recently that if the guest runs their debit card as credit and it's under $50 they can just hit the ok button and it'll just print the receipt. I don't think that it used to do that but then maybe I wasn't paying attention before😛ardon:.

I think it's been doing that, but people usually don't do that. It always seems to be the guests with totals over $50 that don't feel like signing. 🙄 Debit cards used as credit will always ask for a signature regardless of the amount, but it's not required if the total is under $50.
Signatures will always be prompted while the transaction is being ringed. But if the guest does swipe until after the transaction has been totaled, then the $50 rule comes into affect.
Signatures will always be prompted while the transaction is being ringed. But if the guest does swipe until after the transaction has been totaled, then the $50 rule comes into affect.

This too. I forgot about this! That's why guests will sometimes appear confused as to why the signature screen disappeared.
To the absolute rude guest in my lane tonight: it is none of your damn business how old I am. When I told you, "too old to answer that," that should have been enough of a clue to shut up. But no, you persisted in being rude and insisting that I should tell you because of my "baby voice." Well, turns out answering personal questions that are none of your business isn't part of my job description. So deal with it.

To the guest who came in my lane and had the nerve to open up Cosmo magazine and flip to the page showing a demonstration with fruit what a labia looks like before and after stimulation....and then have the nerve to ask me if that was true?! I nearly called the LOD. (GSA was on lunch). Thank God you then became distracted seeing your friend, our new TM. When she suggested you get a job here? Hell no. And new TM? He does not reflect well on you at all.
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