To that one guest

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To the dude who claimed he was a lawyer yet looked like a homeless guy. At first I rolled with your complaint about how my cashier accidentally scanned your eyes with the hand scanner but I soon became suspicious. You claimed this offended you and were ready to sue while telling me that you had the jurys side. Um, sure, whatever... You then gave me a little speech about how those should be affixed and aimed at a black pad to prevent any bounceback (isn't that the flatbed scanner??). Apparently it is also against the law to do anything but point those downwards according to you.

After that little tirade ended I thought you were done but then you said "oh, one other thing." Being the good person I was I decided to hear you out a little more. You proceeded to tell me how you called the cashier a "f-ing b****". You sir just lost all credibility and your complaint was not passed on to any ETL or even the cashier. Get out of my store if you are going to call my cashiers such names!
To that one guest: It's so obvious that you're lying when you keep changing your story, and especially when you're talking **** about the Guest Service TM who helped you to the GSA. You are so lucky Hardlines 4 wasn't around at the time...*****.
To that one guest who upon finishing his PURCHASE at GUEST SERVICES than proceeded to just leave his cart and walk away...

Even the cop looked at me like "wtf?"

People do that all the time at the lanes. Then the guests behind them get pissed off because there's a cart in their way and expect me to make it vanish into thin air.
This guest had a Clearance Purse, so I was like, "Wow, this purse is on clearance, I bet you're happy!" She goes, "Is it? I didn't even see, when you're wealthy, you don't have to worry about that stuff..."


hahahahaha - that's why she shops at Target, right? She's clearly wealthy.
hahahahaha - that's why she shops at Target, right? She's clearly wealthy.

Believe it or not, that is exactly how they act. My fiance works in a call center for a bank. People with tens of thousands of dollars in several accounts will call up and absolutely b**ch p!ss and moan over a $3 fee that they contractually agreed to when they opened or kept the account. The rich stay rich by not spending money.

And now, an Open Letter to our wonderful Target customers:

I'm speaking to you on a personal level, not as a Target employee. I would like to ask 3 things of each and every one of you.

1) For the love of whatever celestial or terrestrial deity you believe in, if applicable, WASH YOUR #$%^&*ing HANDS after using the restroom. Yes, that includes...

2) USING SOAP!. Ever since my store installed those damn jet dryers and took out the paper towels, I hardly hear those turn on. They do dry your hands. Wring your hands as if you were washing them under the water. The friction will help destroy those pesky water molecules and your hands will feel dry if you did it right. This brings me to...

3) TURN OFF THE WATER!!!!!. What the holy hell is wrong with you people? You had to turn a lever to get the water to turn on in the first place. Why, oh why can you not do the same in reverse? Do you have any idea how many GALLONS of water those faucets can pump in even a few minutes? If you're seriously going to waste water like that, POTABLE WATER, I seriously hope your personal hell is as parched and humid as existentially possible.


Believe it or not, that is exactly how they act. My fiance works in a call center for a bank. People with tens of thousands of dollars in several accounts will call up and absolutely b**ch p!ss and moan over a $3 fee that they contractually agreed to when they opened or kept the account. The rich stay rich by not spending money.

And now, an Open Letter to our wonderful Target customers:

I'm speaking to you on a personal level, not as a Target employee. I would like to ask 3 things of each and every one of you.

1) For the love of whatever celestial or terrestrial deity you believe in, if applicable, WASH YOUR #$%^&*ing HANDS after using the restroom. Yes, that includes...

2) USING SOAP!. Ever since my store installed those damn jet dryers and took out the paper towels, I hardly hear those turn on. They do dry your hands. Wring your hands as if you were washing them under the water. The friction will help destroy those pesky water molecules and your hands will feel dry if you did it right. This brings me to...

3) TURN OFF THE WATER!!!!!. What the holy hell is wrong with you people? You had to turn a lever to get the water to turn on in the first place. Why, oh why can you not do the same in reverse? Do you have any idea how many GALLONS of water those faucets can pump in even a few minutes? If you're seriously going to waste water like that, POTABLE WATER, I seriously hope your personal hell is as parched and humid as existentially possible.



This! It disgusts me to see almost every person not wash their hands after using the restroom. I hate having to touch the door handle after they've slathered their pee-covered hand on it. I'd use my foot, but I'm afraid I'd get some weird looks.
To the guest that came to my line and purchased a $120 item and told me that it was on sale for $50 and then demanded that I change the price.

Well, I never called you a liar, I just let you know that I would have to call over my manager for confirmation, to which you replied that you don't want it anymore.

Listen man, I know I'm young but believe it or not, I was not born yesterday.


Off Topic: For those wondering, I just completed my first week at Target. I'm getting a lot better and am enjoying it (well, enjoying it more then I would flipping burgers). I'm not making any mistakes anymore and my speed score is usually staying around 87.
To that one guest who not only wanted to argue about how I processed the exchange (return first item, buy the exchange),
No, I was not doing it wrong,
Yes I was doing it correctly,
Yes I know that you wanted to do an exchange,
Yes I heard you,
No I'm not stupid.

Even when you brought your wife over to yell at me,
the fact remains,
No I did not do this wrong.

I spent a good five minutes not only being yelled at, but also trying to explain to the guy how we do our returns here and why I couldn't just 'exchange' them (he made it sound so easy).

I then called my GSTL over, who then explained to them why I did it that way, she also explained that I had done it properly according to the training we've been given. She had to explain it fifty times, each and every time it sounded like neither of the ignorant Fu*ks understood what had happened.

They then told her to void the return payment (Recommended refund was straight to Target Visa) and give them cash instead.
She voided the return all the while explaining what she was doing, before having the wife stick her finger in her face and say "Stop talking, just stop talking. I'm so tired of hearing you talk. Just put it back the way SHE had it the first time." And points her finger in my face.
I look over at my GSTL and I can see that she wants to explode and is doing all she can not to.

I wanted to explode myself with: "Look you ignorant fu*king as*hats, you wanted your stupid exchange and you got it. Sorry our jobs aren't as easy as you seem to think it is. Do you honestly think yelling at us will magically make everything go your way? No, so STFU and just stand there while I do my effing job, If you don't like how we do our exchanges than GO ELSEWHERE! We're not going to change the system just for you."
Well if its an even exchange, you should hit K1 before scanning any items in, that way if theres a price difference it will automatically override it so they don't have to pay the difference.

If its not an even exchange, its usually best to return the item, hit total, then hit K7 "Sell Items" and sell the new item... Doesn't always work though.

If they don't have a valid receipt/look up, I always tell the guest that we cannot "exchange", but only "attempt a no receipt return"

I guess I don't really know the situation so I won't comment, the guest sounds like a real ***** though.
Well if its an even exchange, you should hit K1 before scanning any items in, that way if theres a price difference it will automatically override it so they don't have to pay the difference.

If its not an even exchange, its usually best to return the item, hit total, then hit K7 "Sell Items" and sell the new item... Doesn't always work though.

If they don't have a valid receipt/look up, I always tell the guest that we cannot "exchange", but only "attempt a no receipt return"

I guess I don't really know the situation so I won't comment, the guest sounds like a real ***** though.

For some reason our exchange buttons don't work. If we hit them they just say "Service offline"

Off Topic: For those wondering, I just completed my first week at Target. I'm getting a lot better and am enjoying it (well, enjoying it more then I would flipping burgers). I'm not making any mistakes anymore and my speed score is usually staying around 87.

You were doing better than me at the end of my first week lol I was lucky if I hit 80.
For some reason our exchange buttons don't work. If we hit them they just say "Service offline"


They never work or just didn't work that day? Either way that shouldn't be happening and it should be called in. If this transaction wasn't a cash thing the guest may have been upset that you were creating activity on their bank account (which may have been close to empty) or someone else's if the item was a gift. You could have put the returned item onto store credit for them and used to it pay for the second item; price matching the second item to the returned one if that's appropriate. If you can't process return/exchange the way a guest prefers you should tell them upfront what you are going to do instead and get their permission to proceed--it will save you a lot of headaches.
Believe it or not, that is exactly how they act. My fiance works in a call center for a bank. People with tens of thousands of dollars in several accounts will call up and absolutely b**ch p!ss and moan over a $3 fee that they contractually agreed to when they opened or kept the account. The rich stay rich by not spending money.

And now, an Open Letter to our wonderful Target customers:

I'm speaking to you on a personal level, not as a Target employee. I would like to ask 3 things of each and every one of you.

1) For the love of whatever celestial or terrestrial deity you believe in, if applicable, WASH YOUR #$%^&*ing HANDS after using the restroom. Yes, that includes...

2) USING SOAP!. Ever since my store installed those damn jet dryers and took out the paper towels, I hardly hear those turn on. They do dry your hands. Wring your hands as if you were washing them under the water. The friction will help destroy those pesky water molecules and your hands will feel dry if you did it right. This brings me to...

3) TURN OFF THE WATER!!!!!. What the holy hell is wrong with you people? You had to turn a lever to get the water to turn on in the first place. Why, oh why can you not do the same in reverse? Do you have any idea how many GALLONS of water those faucets can pump in even a few minutes? If you're seriously going to waste water like that, POTABLE WATER, I seriously hope your personal hell is as parched and humid as existentially possible.


You missed MY personal rant (that has made it on the board a time or two)....
FLUSH THE $(&;ing TOILET!!!!!!!!!!
To "cell phone lady", you know who you are. You have been shopping in our store for over a year and you are always YELLING at some one on the phone while you mosey around for an hour or so bothering tm's and guests. PLEASE take it outside! I can't say anything to you because you aren't violating any store policy but you are exrtremely annoying. To all of the the guests who have tryed to tell her to shut up in the past, thanks but don't bother, she'll just yell at you too.

My ex-BFF used to do this ALL the time when we were shopping....usually it was her ex- or husband at the time. I'd walk away because it was embarrassing to even be associated with her!!!
To the guests who all decided to try out the SnipSnap coupons for the first time yesterday, please stop.
To the idiot employees who don't understand not to scan everything that passes in front of them without questioning its legitimacy, please stop.
To the 23 yr old TL who socializes like a fraternity member, please stop.

That is all.
To the guests who all decided to try out the SnipSnap coupons for the first time yesterday, please stop.
To the idiot employees who don't understand not to scan everything that passes in front of them without questioning its legitimacy, please stop.
To the 23 yr old TL who socializes like a fraternity member, please stop.

That is all.

Ok....this explains the two mobile coupons I had yesterday for $20. How is this even legal, though? Coupons cannot be copied/scanned, which is what this does. And how am I supposed to see what the coupon is for before I am presented the bar code? Cain even ask? Contrary to some guests (and even TMs) perception, the process is not scan the coupon and see if the register takes it, even though it's expired, they don't have the specific product, etc. And don't the companies want the coupons turned in? It looks like he is still trying to figure out how to put in manufacturer coupons....but then a company wouldn't be reimbursed for it....

I'm so confused.

Ok, the target coupons clearly say they cannot be scanned, transferred, copied, etc. I will not be accepting these at my register without a GSTL's okay. As for the $20 gift card one, that's big enough that Spot ought to be aware of it and shutting it down themselves if they want (I can't find anything but a bar code on that one).
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Ok....this explains the two mobile coupons I had yesterday for $20. How is this even legal, though? Coupons cannot be copied/scanned, which is what this does. And how am I supposed to see what the coupon is for before I am presented the bar code? Cain even ask? Contrary to some guests (and even TMs) perception, the process is not scan the coupon and see if the register takes it, even though it's expired, they don't have the specific product, etc. And don't the companies want the coupons turned in? It looks like he is still trying to figure out how to put in manufacturer coupons....but then a company wouldn't be reimbursed for it....

I'm so confused.

Ok, the target coupons clearly say they cannot be scanned, transferred, copied, etc. I will not be accepting these at my register without a GSTL's okay. As for the $20 gift card one, that's big enough that Spot ought to be aware of it and shutting it down themselves if they want (I can't find anything but a bar code on that one).

In this case the coupon is valid so long as the guest got it through Target so in order for Target to shut down the barcode to deny the invalid version they would have to deny the valid version as well. I could be wrong about this but I think at this point in time the only smartphone coupons we accept are Target coupons and Target doesn't need its own coupons turned in to itself. All Target coupons, real and smartphone alike, should state say Target Coupon or Target Mobile Coupon above the barcode somewhere and the Target logo should also be present along with an expiration date. If you cannot see these things call over your GSTL.
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