To that one guest

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I did catch one guest once. Her mom say to her kid, now are you going clean this up & why did you this? I love every moment of it. I told them , I would do clean up for them. Then, mom blasts the kid, walking away.
In this case the coupon is valid so long as the guest got it through Target so in order for Target to shut down the barcode to deny the invalid version they would have to deny the valid version as well. I could be wrong about this but I think at this point in time the only smartphone coupons we accept are Target coupons and Target doesn't need its own coupons turned in to itself. All Target coupons, real and smartphone alike, should state say Target Coupon or Target Mobile Coupon above the barcode somewhere and the Target logo should also be present along with an expiration date. If you cannot see these things call over your GSTL.

Turns out it's a scanned UPC of a free $20 gift car when you open a registry...or at least that's what I dould glean off Google. I won't fall for that again.

The problem is, the silly snip snap app has a you tube video out there of a demonstration of how it works...and they are doing it at Target, of course. Yeah, the customers are going to have to find a different cashier to get that crap through on...because I won't be honoring them.
To th guest who apparently thought I fell off the turnip truck forgot a couple of your coupons when you stormed out of the store yelling at me. First, the product needs to match the item. Always. You bought too few items for me to not notice it wasn't exact. Second, read the fine print. When it says one coupon per guest per day, that's what it means. Don't get huffy at me for not reading it. And why can you print out two when you can only use one? Don't know, don't particularly care. But since you left them, they're both in the garbage, and you won't be using either. ;-)
To th guest who apparently thought I fell off the turnip truck forgot a couple of your coupons when you stormed out of the store yelling at me. First, the product needs to match the item. Always. You bought too few items for me to not notice it wasn't exact. Second, read the fine print. When it says one coupon per guest per day, that's what it means. Don't get huffy at me for not reading it. And why can you print out two when you can only use one? Don't know, don't particularly care. But since you left them, they're both in the garbage, and you won't be using either. ;-)

GTC to you! A former GSTL of mine would be proud.
To that crazy lady in Pets: I would love to stick around and listen to you ramble about your dogs and the puppies they had in the backyard, but I need to get back to work!
To the guest who came in a half hour before closing, filled up 4 carts (yep, that's right 4) and showed up at the register about 5 minutes before after you were repeatedly shooed up that way. Then had a huge stack of coupons that most of which you couldn't use. Thanks so much! Those of us on the sf might have gotten out a whole lot earlier but instead we had to put away 2 full carts of assorted reshop (and that was only on the market side of the store) so ended up leaving a whole lot later. And thanks to the 2 young guys that were with you riding the smarl carts around the store. Left one back in grocery.
Coupon scammer

That was the thought we all had. That and she showed up yesterday morning (this happened at close Sat.) and our etl-ap talked to her. I heard about this after I came in last night so don't know the whole story.
The carts are not your personal trash cans!
I find food containers, popcorn bags, soda cups, open toy packaging, USED DIAPERS!!! Especially the people who buy car seats and leave the old car seat with the box in the cart!
to that one guest whose poor three year old cried from exhaustion for a half hour: She has nothing to apologize to us for you dumb donkey!! It's 11 o'clock at night, of course she is going to cry it is way past her bedtime and you admitted that you woke her up. She doesn't deserve to be threatened for crying(nobody does) and both of your kids needed to be in bed!! Oh and don't think I didn't notice the lovely looks you gave me when I was doing the warning overheads (you know the 15,10 and 5 minute warnings). It is that late and you are an idiot.
Ok....this explains the two mobile coupons I had yesterday for $20. How is this even legal, though? Coupons cannot be copied/scanned, which is what this does. And how am I supposed to see what the coupon is for before I am presented the bar code? Cain even ask? Contrary to some guests (and even TMs) perception, the process is not scan the coupon and see if the register takes it, even though it's expired, they don't have the specific product, etc. And don't the companies want the coupons turned in? It looks like he is still trying to figure out how to put in manufacturer coupons....but then a company wouldn't be reimbursed for it....

I'm so confused.

Ok, the target coupons clearly say they cannot be scanned, transferred, copied, etc. I will not be accepting these at my register without a GSTL's okay. As for the $20 gift card one, that's big enough that Spot ought to be aware of it and shutting it down themselves if they want (I can't find anything but a bar code on that one).

I've been meaning to post about this, But I'm honestly surprised AP is not being notified about it either. Anyway some very creative "guests" have discovered that the pharmacy gift card coupons will scan at any register without verification. This has been a problem, as some have decided it's okay to copy this bar code and redistribute it...

Now, I've been asked myself why Spot doesn't just blacklist the bar code, well Target doesn't have the time to create unique bar codes so they make one master and print off coupons with that. So if someone discovers a flaw with a coupon, they can continue using it until the actual coupon expires 🙁

To sum it up, if someone comes through your lane with a mobile coupon for a gift card, politely tell them it's fraudulent and notify AP.
There was actually an email sent out in June not to accept SnipSnap anything. Only in my store (and I suspect others) it never got past the person who received the email until the $20 gift card fiasco. I'm not even sure if it got past me and the other cashier working the moment my GSTL mentioned it finally, but I'll do what I personally can.
To that one guest...if the person with you wants to go back for another item, that's fine. But you need to move, because you cannot hold your place in line and not allow others to check out. Especially when I'm the only register open.
The carts are not your personal trash cans!
I find food containers, popcorn bags, soda cups, open toy packaging, USED DIAPERS!!! Especially the people who buy car seats and leave the old car seat with the box in the cart!

I swear on everything I have had like 3 people do that to me
I've been meaning to post about this, But I'm honestly surprised AP is not being notified about it either. Anyway some very creative "guests" have discovered that the pharmacy gift card coupons will scan at any register without verification. This has been a problem, as some have decided it's okay to copy this bar code and redistribute it...

Now, I've been asked myself why Spot doesn't just blacklist the bar code, well Target doesn't have the time to create unique bar codes so they make one master and print off coupons with that. So if someone discovers a flaw with a coupon, they can continue using it until the actual coupon expires 🙁

To sum it up, if someone comes through your lane with a mobile coupon for a gift card, politely tell them it's fraudulent and notify AP.

I need some tips on internals....I'll be pming you soon 😉
The carts are not your personal trash cans!
I find food containers, popcorn bags, soda cups, open toy packaging, USED DIAPERS!!! Especially the people who buy car seats and leave the old car seat with the box in the cart!

That's always fun, but I have one better. At my old store, I'm presuming somebody decided to buy a new microwave. I say that, because I went out to collect carts at one point during the day and found a microwave in one that had to have been at least a decade or more old.
to that one very, very regular guest who LOOOOOVES to go to my lane right at 11 pm when we're closing because i'm nice; she said "so i talked to the manager and he said to give me this for $1" -"ma'am, it says it's $3.99 tho and it's not on sale." -"well i directly talked to hiim!!!!! you're no good! let me see your *bleeping* manager!!!!!!!" *gstl comes and says "what can i do here?" - "she's no good! she's trying to charge me $4 dollars for this microwave dinner & she's gonna probably stick it in her pocket!!!!" --"ma'am there's really no reason to yell, can you tell me the name of the manager who said this?" --"why the hell does it matter to you!!! it's supposed to be $1, you're acting like a damn cop so i'm just gonna go to another register for someone who will give it to me for $1!!" (basically that back in forth went on for a good 20 minutes and towards the end she sees this $1 see spot sandwich container with dr suess on it and says "what is heavens name is this?! who made this kind of garbage!" ...........basically all of us were dying at that point and laughing at the fact that she ALWAYS goes to my lane. WHY ME, LADY WHY MEEEE?!
To that one kid who thought it was a real smart idea to open WOW Cataclysm while sitting on the basedeck against the TV Wall, then take the registration card out, turn on your cellphone and call a friend with the code .... all while peak week is going on. ... You deserve everything that's coming to you you miserable putz. Don't look dumbfounded at me when I bust you for it.

To the legion of guests who come through the store on peak week, I don't mind helping each and every one of you cause it makes my shift blow by ... plus the numerous 'team where can i find item x' questions keep me on my toes. Basically you're the impetus for me looking competent at my job, much to the dismay of TLs everywhere.
Yes, we are out of most school supplies. It is Sunday night. School starts this week. Not every parent in the district waited until a half hour before closing on an extremely busy weekend to start searching for school supplies.
So far the only thing for sure that I know we are out of is #2 pencils. I guess there are other things that I am just only aware of. School starts here in the morning, so i expect tonight to be a busy one. Just hope we have no call-ins, so can attempt to get a good zone. If not I guess our new STL (first day at our store) will see what things are like at our little, but good Target.
I had one guest stop me near shoes yesterday as they were walking from hardware toward me (C in our store).....he asked where picture frames were, since he was looking for something on his registry (aisle G21)....I pointed him in the right direction (snuck a peek at the registry), and he noticed the sign.....he then proceeded to inform me that our aisles were mismarked, so being stupid, I asked him to explain.....I was over in G21 and there was nothing but toys.....I politely told him that that was aisle C21, not G21.....he about had a temper tamtrum trying to tell me that I was mistaken.....I walked away before I finished the thought in my mind......the mans poor wife just looked embarrassed as she snuck down the aisle in domestics that was closest......
So far the only thing for sure that I know we are out of is #2 pencils. I guess there are other things that I am just only aware of. School starts here in the morning, so i expect tonight to be a busy one. Just hope we have no call-ins, so can attempt to get a good zone. If not I guess our new STL (first day at our store) will see what things are like at our little, but good Target.

We aren't out of everything, but you know how guests love to exaggerate. I think we are out of the cheap wide rule notebooks, as everyone has been buying the college rule ones for their elementary school aged kids....poor kids.

People were commenting they went to Walmart first and that was the biggest mistake of their lives and the school supply situation there is a joke. So we've been a heavy hitter, I guess.
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