To that one guest

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To all guests:

Are you oblivious to why we have product in different temp zones? Stop putting my cooler and freezer product on dry market shelves, stop putting my dry product in the freezer, and stop putting non market related crap in my freezers, coolers, and dry areas. It really isnt that hard, I swear guests have a mental deficiency or something.

Get out of the main aisle or go up to target cafe/starbucks and sit if you want to talk. There was literally a group of 4-5 people taking up 3/4 of the main aisle in front of my dry section for 40 minutes. I kid you not. I did several pulls and they didnt move one freaking inch. I have noticed this alot lately. People just having a good old time sitting in one damn spot on the main aisle taking up at least half the space for 20+ minutes just chatting away.
Are you oblivious to why we have product in different temp zones? Stop putting my cooler and freezer product on dry market shelves, stop putting my dry product in the freezer, and stop putting non market related crap in my freezers, coolers, and dry areas. It really isnt that hard, I swear guests have a mental deficiency or something.

Sounds like the guests at my store who put ice cream and frozen dinners in the pop coolers at the lanes. :facepalm: I wonder if they do the same thing with their groceries at home...
Sounds like the guests at my store who put ice cream and frozen dinners in the pop coolers at the lanes. :facepalm: I wonder if they do the same thing with their groceries at home...

At least they are making an effort to keep it cold!!! 🙂

But seriously why do people do that...They have to know its just going to be thrown out due to being out of temp right? right?
My first store used to be next to a few other retailers and we'd get their carts sometimes. It was always funny to see a green or yellow cart in the store. Now my store isn't close to any other retailers.

I'd love to have seen the cop bring back the stray cart. What a funny thing to see a cop do!

I had one STL that would panic if a guest brought in a TJMaxx or Pier One cart. He would stop the guest and tell them he would bring them a new cart, and he take the other store cart.

The TJ Maxx store next to my old store would never get their carts. I would see several in our cart corrals at closing and in front of their store. If I ever saw one in our corrals, I made it a point to knock them around a little extra and leave them upside down. Or throw one in the basket of another.
My store is in the middle of a big plaza, so we get stuck with carts from all different stores. Lowe's, Party City, Babies R Us, even the arts and crafts store two doors down. Apparently we're the only ones in the plaza that care about collecting our carts.
We have a Marshall's close by, and we constantly get their carts in our lots, but not never in the store. Our CAs suck at responding to carry outs, but they definitely know how to kepo blue carts out of our store.
To that one creepy guest, no, I can't give you that TV for $100 less because the TV you wanted was currently out of stock. Go ahead to Walmart, you're still supporting my income, considering my fiancee is the ZMS of Electronics/Entertainment at the nearest Wally World.

Also, to the other guest who legit yelled at me because I couldn't unlock the Otterboxes and ring them out for you because our kind and nice Target Mobile rep was at lunch. Yes, it is ridiculous that he is the only one who works here, but in his defense, one employee was fired for attendance, one transferred, and the other is on maternity leave. He's trying hard to hire someone else so things like this don't happen again.
I used to find frozen turkeys and ham in the softlines panty bins and shoe departments...
Sounds like the guests at my store who put ice cream and frozen dinners in the pop coolers at the lanes. :facepalm: I wonder if they do the same thing with their groceries at home...
I havent found anything when ive zoned that aisle in hba but i always find the empty packages for those vibrating things. Usually i find those in the girls or rtw jean walls.
to that one guest who thought it was a great idea to pat me on the stomach and say "you're the man, get it done" ... i hope karma rewards both of us accordingly.
To that one spent more energy arguing with us about why you couldn't exit out the emergency door in the TSC than you would have had you walked down to the correct doors in the first place. Yes, it says "exit" above the door to the TSC. If the roof of the store collapses or the store is on fire or some other mass evacuation is needed to happen ASAP, then we would likely let you exit out that door. Until then, use the automatic doors like every other person on this planet.

And I suspect had you taken one further step into the TSC after the door was already closed in your face once, AP would have enjoyed escorting you out.
To that one spent more energy arguing with us about why you couldn't exit out the emergency door in the TSC than you would have had you walked down to the correct doors in the first place. Yes, it says "exit" above the door to the TSC. If the roof of the store collapses or the store is on fire or some other mass evacuation is needed to happen ASAP, then we would likely let you exit out that door. Until then, use the automatic doors like every other person on this planet.

And I suspect had you taken one further step into the TSC after the door was already closed in your face once, AP would have enjoyed escorting you out.

To all guests:

Are you oblivious to why we have product in different temp zones? Stop putting my cooler and freezer product on dry market shelves, stop putting my dry product in the freezer, and stop putting non market related crap in my freezers, coolers, and dry areas. It really isnt that hard, I swear guests have a mental deficiency or something.

Get out of the main aisle or go up to target cafe/starbucks and sit if you want to talk. There was literally a group of 4-5 people taking up 3/4 of the main aisle in front of my dry section for 40 minutes. I kid you not. I did several pulls and they didnt move one freaking inch. I have noticed this alot lately. People just having a good old time sitting in one damn spot on the main aisle taking up at least half the space for 20+ minutes just chatting away.

OMG I call that the family reunion. At my store it tends to happen RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CHECKLANES! GTFO! lol. Go sit at food ave or starbucks or somewhere else please!

Isn't that crazy? I get that at least once a week and its not always from elderly guests either!

My store's remodel was completed OVER a year ago and people still seem lost as to where the exit is. I get asked where the exit is when I'm in electronics ALL THE TIME. (Keep in mind, the exit has not changed...that didn't change in remodel).
I had someone ask me where our books were located as they were standing where they would have been over a year ago. I have to wonder, have these people not shopped at my store in over a year?
Naaaaah, we got 'em & it still doesn't work. Guests just meander around.
I had someone ask me where our books were located as they were standing where they would have been over a year ago. I have to wonder, have these people not shopped at my store in over a year?

We remodeled 3 years ago and guests still do that!
Don't get cranky with me because you didn't bother to read the ad or signs that the buy one, get one half off was limited to one brand of shoe. But you seriously gave me a good laugh when you threw a fit when I said you'd have to go to GS to do the return because you weren't going to wait in line. If you didn't want to open up your mouth before you paid (it should have been obvious when you saw the total that the one wasn't half off), then what do you expect? Part of me wishes there hadn't been an LOD a couple lanes down who could take care of it. Because then you definitely would have waited longer than going to GS like I told you to.
I really felt like fussing at a few guests that had to shop the endcap I was working on which I had managed to get exactly one item on....she almost pushed me out of the way, and then took a couple of minutes before she finally moved......and then the older lady who was fussing that we really need to clean up Dollar Spot while she is shopping the stuff that we are trying to work on salvaging out so that we set the new product.....
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