To that one guest

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We price check EVERYTHING! I once had a register call for a price check on a bottle of vitamins..the price difference? 25 cents! I said to the the cashier "You're calling me for a quarter?" She said "oh, I didn't realize..." Ugg...
At the other end of the spectrum, I once got reamed by an elec TL for doing a price check on a printer.
The difference? $19.00.
Yeh, I did an inquiry & no, it hadn't been on sale EVER.
Because she would have cried if she had to pay $40 more for them @ BB&B...

Well that's too ****ing bad, if she can afford Egyptian Cotton, she can definently afford the $40 extra at bed bath and beyond and get a product that would last 3 times longer than if she decided to be a cheap **** and buy them at Target.
Those guests who ask you where a product is and obviously put in no effort to look for it.

For example, someone looking for windshield wipers.

"Sir, it's right there behind you. Right under the big sign that says "Automotive.""

Guest: "Oh I walked right past it (laughs)
Me in my head: "Yes, because I haven't heard that one before"
Guest: "Oh I walked right past it (laughs)
Me in my head: "Yes, because I haven't heard that one before"

Oh, kinda like veteran tm's who walk in the fixture room and ask where to put away 9" hooks?
Same place they have always been, right inside the door.
Look to your left, now look down, no, no, the 3rd box over, no, that has 12" pegs, the one next to it. NO, on the right.
Yes, those really are 9". Yes, I am sure. See the hook that is zip tied to the front of the box, match it up to the one in your left thats your right.

Don't even get me started on the blank stares when they can't tell a row of 3' shelves from a row of 4'.

Think I'm joking? Wish I was.

Our guests are actually pretty smart.
Oh, kinda like veteran tm's who walk in the fixture room and ask where to put away 9" hooks?
Same place they have always been, right inside the door.
Look to your left, now look down, no, no, the 3rd box over, no, that has 12" pegs, the one next to it. NO, on the right.
Yes, those really are 9". Yes, I am sure. See the hook that is zip tied to the front of the box, match it up to the one in your left thats your right.

Don't even get me started on the blank stares when they can't tell a row of 3' shelves from a row of 4'.

Think I'm joking? Wish I was.

Our guests are actually pretty smart.

It's like you're walking around my brain sometimes. Just YESTERDAY:

Plano TM: "There aren't any 9" peg hooks."
Me: (First, I wonder why they bring this up to me since...well...last I checked but peghooks aren't signs, but yes, okay, larger scope....) "Well we just sorted every peghook in the fixture room and there were 2 whole grey bins of them. If there aren't any in there the only other place is "x". Otherwise bring me your planogram so I can get the part number and how many you need for your set and I will order some for the store." [x=typical fixture dump zone where they most recently dumped BTS fixtures that came down and were never put away]
TM never brings said planogram.
Next day;
PTL: "Hey, do we have any 9" peghooks?"
Me: "TM said they couldn't find any yesterday."
PTL: "So, did you bother going to help them look for them"
Me: "They told me they looked, and I am under the impression that they wouldn't lie about looking just to get me to look for them. I haven't received any new ones, they said the bins were empty, and I told them to check X for them. If all those turned up empty to bring me the POG with the part number and I would put it on the outgoing order"
PTL: "oh."
next time i see the TM
Me: "So did you still need me to order 9" peghooks?"
TM: "Nah, they were in X, PTL made me look there".

This literally took two days to resolve. I am beyond the point of scouring the fixture room for literally one of the top 5 most common items in the store. They're not hiding, it's not some exotic fixture you might not recognize. I don't use peghooks for anything I do, so literally if you - the team that uses them consistantly and constantly cannot figure out if we have any more in the store - I am at a loss. Now, that conversation isn't exact and it isn't word for word, it is my takeaway from what happened and the most simple summary I can give. Obviously I help people look for fixtures all the time, but its things like these that happen on a consistent basis, and they need to do it themselves.
I don't use peghooks for anything I do said:

Team, if you are lucky enough to have a person in your store that takes ownership of the fixture room and it is relatively clean, don't waste even more of their time by asking them where every simple fixture is. You owe it to them to spend a few minutes to get to know where every thing is so you can be self reliant. Its a small room, its not that hard.

Oh and if you are self or professionally diagnosed acrophobic , that still isn't a reason to dump your shelves on the floor. I expect you to tell your team leader, so they can assign a healthy person to put them away.
This literally took two days to resolve. I am beyond the point of scouring the fixture room for literally one of the top 5 most common items in the store.
They're not hiding, it's not some exotic fixture you might not recognize.
I don't use peghooks for anything I do, so literally if you - the team that uses them consistently and constantly cannot figure out if we have any more in the store - I am at a loss. Now, that conversation isn't exact and it isn't word for word, it is my takeaway from what happened and the most simple summary I can give.
Obviously I help people look for fixtures all the time, but its things like these that happen on a consistent basis, and they need to do it themselves.

It's not the peghooks that give everyone kittens at our store it's the frelling fastbacks.
Which you order without ordering the peghooks, which is so stupid because as we all know, plastic breaks and metal not so much.
Big bin marked fast backs but they can't see it or they throw the peghho0ks back in the bins with the peghooks still attached.

And I do hide some things ...
So that when we run out I have a backup that has just disappeared into the void.
A mom was sitting in the cafe dining area with her 2 squirming boys trying to get them to finish their lunch when the older batted his drink off the table spilling it every where. The mom got up, collected her kids saying "Oopsie! That's our cue to go!" Leaving everything on the table, floor, chairs, etc.
Lady, I hope your kids throw up in your car.
First of all, Jack wagon, my name isn't "Hey you!" Second, when you're yelling it from 30 feet away and I'm walking AWAY from you with my big silver purse on my shoulder because I'm on my break, don't get pissy with me when I don't realize you're talking to me.

It's gotten to the point where I pretend to be on my cell phone if I have to be on break on the floor so I get left alone.
First of all, Jack wagon, my name isn't "Hey you!" Second, when you're yelling it from 30 feet away and I'm walking AWAY from you with my big silver purse on my shoulder because I'm on my break, don't get pissy with me when I don't realize you're talking to me.

Texting with purse & lunch bag--guest yelled at me after 3 times I *very* politely said I was on my lunch & couldn't walk 2 sections over to help him with a vacuum.
To the "vulture lady" who cranes her neck around to watch me make her drink: You watched me like a hawk as I made your drink as though you were waiting for me to make a mistake. Unbeknownst to you, my fellow baristas had warned me about you & how you look for any reason to complain in an attempt to get a free drink. They also told me EXACTLY how your drink is done so you didn't get a freebie on me.
Blow THAT through your straw.
To the "vulture lady" who cranes her neck around to watch me make her drink: You watched me like a hawk as I made your drink as though you were waiting for me to make a mistake. Unbeknownst to you, my fellow baristas had warned me about you & how you look for any reason to complain in an attempt to get a free drink. They also told me EXACTLY how your drink is done so you didn't get a freebie on me.
Blow THAT through your straw.
That's a great drink!
To the lady in the bakery last night.....I know whatever you were ordering was probably important....but do you think you could pay attention to your 3 year old who is standing up in the cart with his pants around his knees, and not wearing underwear or a diaper....there are some things no one needs to see in public!
I am patiently waiting for cooler weather so I can do this!

This. If I have to go out on the floor during my break or lunch, I try to walk along the back walls whenever possible so guests don't spot me as easily. But it's nice when it's winter because I can just put on my coat and look like yet another guest.
It's gotten to the point where I pretend to be on my cell phone if I have to be on break on the floor so I get left alone.

If you have a iPhone or iPod, put the ear buds in when your out on the floor. Guests will think your music is on too loud, and give up....
To that one guest: If you're seriously raising a stink because the GSA directed you to another (shorter) line, I pity your family.
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