To that one guest who tore me a new butthole screaming at me that she did sign her WIC check..
Lady, I've been in the CO for a year. I stare at WIC checks DAILY. Your check was not signed... nor did it have the little "indents" that using a dead pen would have used. It was simply not signed. Also, you got your damn 6 cans of Infamil, WHY are you complaining. It's a loss to us not you. I think she just had baby blues and wanted to destroy a humans soul that morning. Oi.
Back story: No one said anything to the guest. she came in, went to Guest Service and started screaming that we are "retarded little ****s" who don't make sure that WIC checks are signed before endorsing them. and then later changed her story that SHE DID sign her checks and that we were "retarded little ****s" for "deleting" her signature.
She claimed that she didn't sign, when shown the check, she flipped out that we erased her signature, the same signature that she claimed DIDN'T sign in the beginning.
I was just so full of wut.. I wanted to run into my CO and never leave. lol
Some mothers these days...