To that one guest

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To that one coupon lady: Quite frankly, I don't care if they accepted two manufacturer's coupons for one item last time. It's not allowed, so I'm not going to do it. And the "manager" you speak to next time isn't gonna accept them either, so don't even bother.

To the next three guests: Thank you all for being not only civil, but also outstandingly nice.
to the guest that asked me 5 of the same questions today, you got the same answer, which is O15

let me collaborate

1. where is your baby lotion? : O15

2. where is your baby wash?: O15

3. where is your powder?: O15

4. where is your baby Wipes?: should be O15

5. where is your baby shampoo?: O15

"really? ok which side is it on? : O15
to the guest that asked me 5 of the same questions today, you got the same answer, which is O15

let me collaborate

1. where is your baby lotion? : O15

2. where is your baby wash?: O15

3. where is your powder?: O15

4. where is your baby Wipes?: should be O15

5. where is your baby shampoo?: O15

"really? ok which side is it on? : O15
To that one cranky guest today, you were my first cranky guest at GS! Congratulations! And you won't be the last, I'm sure, since I now have two shifts under my belt.

But regardless....I'm sorry you didn't have your REDcard with you when you bought all that stuff at the other Target today. And I'm sorry they are halfway across the metro area. But no, I cannot redo the payment with your REDcard at my store. You would need to go back to the original store. And I'm really sorry the person at GS told you that you could do it at any Target. Feel free to call their store and take it up with them. And the fact that "every other retailer" lets you just use a statement or give a number or something? That's called a rewards card....not a credit/debit card. So if you need to get cranky with me, go ahead. But there's nothing I can do. And next time, leave your REDcard in your wallet.

But regardless, you've given me the confidence to know I can do this. So, thanks!
To that one cranky guest today, you were my first cranky guest at GS! Congratulations! And you won't be the last, I'm sure, since I now have two shifts under my belt.

But regardless....I'm sorry you didn't have your REDcard with you when you bought all that stuff at the other Target today. And I'm sorry they are halfway across the metro area. But no, I cannot redo the payment with your REDcard at my store. You would need to go back to the original store. And I'm really sorry the person at GS told you that you could do it at any Target. Feel free to call their store and take it up with them. And the fact that "every other retailer" lets you just use a statement or give a number or something? That's called a rewards card....not a credit/debit card. So if you need to get cranky with me, go ahead. But there's nothing I can do. And next time, leave your REDcard in your wallet.

But regardless, you've given me the confidence to know I can do this. So, thanks!

Congrats, you survived!
Have to get this rant off my chest:

To that one Jew(no offense,it's what she is) woman guest that had the nerve to tell a fellow cashier that I was "incompetent" and I need to "move my ass" and you wanted to talk to a manager, f*ck you!! You seem like you never had to work a day in your life, let alone retail. Plus, you acted like you were high and mighty "telling" me that you were going to "exchange" your open dvd's because you paid cash and "didn't" have a receipt. Lemme guess, your one of many children didn't like the dvd's anymore?

*Backstory* There was a sale on men's polos, buy 3 for 38.00 (something like that), and for "wrong price" because they were rung separate on the receipt, I had to do it one at a time, while I was doing this a line was forming which she so happened to be coming back to. I did call for back-up but at the time my GSA was already on her way to cover my half which I only had a few mins before compliance..

I know I shouldn't get so uppy about it but it just pisses me off that when it's a busy day people complain more, you don't like the crowd don't come out. :angry: Plus she don't know me, I am one of the "faster" people at gs, always get my work done, plus zone one-spot in-between guests. My Gsa's told me not to worry about it and they know I am a good worker. Been working here too long..:wacko:

:end rant:

somehow you know this "jew woman" never had to work a day in her life? .... yeah, sorry all I read was 'i'm a whiney racist'
Why would you even call her a jew? That had absolutely nothing to do with the story and if you need to say "no offense" then it's probably offensive.

if your offended about it sorry but it is MY rant, if I want to say it I can. I didn't use any derogatory words nor say anything worse than Gallagher would.
Oh yea I deleted it even though its been "quoted" because obviously you can't say how you feel or rant because when you do, you get called names when you say the nationality/religion,etc...LMAO..
Guest_Servicebullseye my friend
I held off posting a response to you (mostly because the last time I fired something off like that I hurt someones feelings and I really didn't mean to) and I wanted to make what I said reasonable and not seem like I was being insulting to you.
Let me say that I understand that you might not have meant to come across as antisemitic, I get that I really do.
But keep in mind that while my wife is a Jew, I am a Jew, my mother-in-law is a Jew and my wife's stepfather, the Holocaust survivor, is a Jew; that any one of us could be a bad customer (and I'm laying odds on my mother-in-law), the first did not have anything to do with the second.
This thread has over a thousand posts to it (not all about guests I know) but only one brought up the guests religion so I'm sure you can see that people might be a little put off.
To that one guest (whose religion I don't know, nor does it matter):

Really? The items rang up for $2 and you insist they should be $1.99? I adjusted the price so you could save two whole cents? Ok, granted, if the price on the shelf says $1.99, then that's what it should ring up. But for two cents!? I bet whoever gets the guest price challenge at the end of the day loved that one.
To that one guest (whose religion I don't know, nor does it matter):

Really? The items rang up for $2 and you insist they should be $1.99? I adjusted the price so you could save two whole cents? Ok, granted, if the price on the shelf says $1.99, then that's what it should ring up. But for two cents!? I bet whoever gets the guest price challenge at the end of the day loved that one.

I can do you one better....I had a guest arguing with me today because her items rang up for LESS than what the shelf tag said!!! I guess the sign said "2/$5" and they were ringing up for $2.39. I couldn't get her to understand that 2@ $2.39 was only $4.78 so I went ahead and adjusted the price UP to $2.50 and made the qty "2" so it showed up as $5 on the receipt :huh:
I can do you one better....I had a guest arguing with me today because her items rang up for LESS than what the shelf tag said!!! I guess the sign said "2/$5" and they were ringing up for $2.39. I couldn't get her to understand that 2@ $2.39 was only $4.78 so I went ahead and adjusted the price UP to $2.50 and made the qty "2" so it showed up as $5 on the receipt :huh:

That is so sad.
That is so sad.

I know....I even tried punching it in the register with "qty=2" so it came up as $4.78 and she insisted it was wrong!!! Fortunately, there were other TMs around who witnessed the entire thing so she can't come back and claim I did anything underhanded....I legitimately tried to explain it to her every way I knew how, but we were so busy, I couldn't waste any more time arguing with her. I figured, it was HER 22 cents! She's a little "peculiar" to begin with and INSISTED that I come over and help her to begin with "because I know her"....we get some doozies in the pharmacy 😉
I'm not sure I would have. I would hate to have to prove that I wasn't charging a customer more out of spite or revenge. Of course your coworkers and the cameras will probably show the truth if it comes back, but sheesh! Who does that?
I'm not sure I would have. I would hate to have to prove that I wasn't charging a customer more out of spite or revenge. Of course your coworkers and the cameras will probably show the truth if it comes back, but sheesh! Who does that?

The guest would laugh at it too.
I can do you one better....I had a guest arguing with me today because her items rang up for LESS than what the shelf tag said!!! I guess the sign said "2/$5" and they were ringing up for $2.39. I couldn't get her to understand that 2@ $2.39 was only $4.78 so I went ahead and adjusted the price UP to $2.50 and made the qty "2" so it showed up as $5 on the receipt :huh:

What a stupid crotch dropping. Oops, I forgot I'm on a target board, I meant guest. So sorry!
I think you can as I've nearly accidentally done it when hitting the wrong button. Of course I doubt most people have ever tried it, because it would be stupid.
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