To that one guest

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Look, we are trying to get RID of our Halloween crap. Stop buying it at other stores, changing your mind and returning it us! I swear, we are gaining more Halloween stuff than we are selling.
Your store is still taking Halloween stuff for returns? We take candy only, which we toss.
We have mountainous candy bowls piled high in the break room.
Good thing they're not doing the wellness check right now...

"Health & Wellness" is the reason my store stopped giving returned candy to TM's.
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I talked my GSTL into letting me put two boxes of candy canes in the TSC tonight since I had to defect out 3/4 of two cases of the stuff after they somehow ended up damaged between the manufacturer and flow opening the boxes.
I talked my GSTL into letting me put two boxes of candy canes in the TSC tonight since I had to defect out 3/4 of two cases of the stuff after they somehow ended up damaged between the manufacturer and flow opening the boxes.

Those candy canes break after a 2 feet fall. Nothing suspicious about that.
Those candy canes break after a 2 feet fall. Nothing suspicious about that.

Oh, no...I didn't mean to imply that it was suspicious. I was just saying that somewhere in the process nearly two cases of product got damaged somewhere in the process.
What's the difference between QMOS and defecting? I know to do QMOS for outdated, but should I be doing it for other things (like the tons of candy canes)? I saw there were other options, but no one ever told me if I should use them....and I never think to ask when there's a minute of down time.
Excellent question:

QMOS is Quantity Mark Out of Stock, and generally we use that on foods left out of temperature. Basically QMOS is used mostly on foods, especially in P-Fresh Target stores.

Defecting is done for the other things that isn't food. Generally we defect things that can be fixed and are sent to closed out buyers like Big lots, Marshalls, etc or a CRC center or just tossed items. And defecting things requires a label, (green, red or yellow.) Green for salvaged items for the closed out buyers. Yellow for CRC items (electronics, dvds, cds, appliances.) And red items are tossed or put into special handling.
QMOS is used for perishable food items (i.e. anything from Market that's not "dry"). If you're not sure if a perishable is QMOSable, scan it in QMOS anyways. If the item isn't QMOSable, the PDA will tell you that the item is chargeback, so it must be defected instead (if I remember correctly, this generally happens with vendor items, which must go to Vendor Pickup instead of just getting thrown out).

At my store, P-Fresh TMs handle all the QMOS. At closing, they come up to Guest Service for all the QMOS, then scan it right there so they don't have to come back again with chargebacks.
I feel like at our store, everyone just throws the QMOS at guest services. I've easily learned to QMOS, but just out of curiousity is it possible to reverse a QMOS action, like in Reverse Logistics for defects?
In theory, no - because reversing requires you to scan the license plate to return the item to inventory.
QMOS has no lic plate function.
Thank you for all of this good information. I will need to check in with my people to make sure I'm handling things correctly per my store's protocol, obviously. I know we do QMOS on dry goods if they are out of date. GS does all of the QMOS at my store, which is fine, but hard when we don't get a PDA until noon-ish...and I hate having all the crap sitting around GS. It just looks bad. Luckily, the TM who dropped off the QMOS stuff for me agreed that it would look really bad to have the stuff sitting there, so she surrendered her PDA to me early so I could get rid of it.
Yeh, ya really wanna do QMOS on the drippy stuff ASAP (or put it in a bag & tape the barcode on the outside).
She had already emptied it all....but a bunch of empty bottles sitting around on the GS desk was NOT going to make me happy. I do the best I can to keep the desk clean (harder some days than others) but that was going to be way past what I was going to be able to tolerate for any length of time.
to those 2 guests-there were 8 out of 9 fitting rooms open-was it really necessary to almost come to blows over the one being used by guest A? I called for AP to the fitting room immediately and got a tongue lashing from the boyfriend of guest A because we should have given her a card to put on the door...that's the "professional" way to do it. For the record, we are the only target in the area, that I know of, that does have hooks on the outside of the door. I responded that I had given her a number and that she is the one who didn't put it on the door(he butted in on my discussion with AP and AP-ETL on what had transpired between the "ladies" at the point where I had just gotten to the doors)

to that other guest-thanks for flirting with me (at least I think that's what it was) was just what the doctor ordered.
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