To that one guest

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To that guest that said she was going to kill me last night....

So I was working in men's on Wednesday and was asked to pull a Yoda shirt off of the table for a customer hold. I did. Took it to the fitting room where we normally hold items. All is well..
Thursday, I'm working infant softlines and a call comes over the walkie about the shirt. I respond because I knew what was up with it. I head over to the fitting room and I'm told that it isn't in there. I go over to the table and look for it and the size I pulled (large) was sold out. I grab a medium and an XL and head up to guest service. The lady says "You better have my size or I'm going to kill you." I say "Go for it. I pulled the shirt for you last night. All I can say is that I knew it was here last night. If you weren't going to make it in last night you should have let us know." Guest continues to go off on me. I look over to the GSA working with her and say "Can you handle this and try to find her one?" I gave her the DCPI for the right size and went about my business.

I fully understand the importance of taking ownership of a situation, but I get paid what us new hires get at Target and I'm not going to let some crazy lady go off on me about a $8 shirt. Just not worth my time.
As soon as she said that, I would've had AP bounce her sorry a$$.
Spot doesn't pay me (or anybody else) enough to put up with that garbage.
You could do what I would do. Ask them politely to not be a little b!tch and just ring you up already.
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Me (on phone): Thank you for calling Target of xxx. This is RG, CIHYFS?
Guest: I'd like to speak to the optical department.
Me: I'm sorry, we don't have an optical department.
Guest: What do you mean?
Me (trying to figure out how to explain myself clearer): We don't have an optical department at this location.
Guest: Yes you do.
Me: No, I'm sorry, we don't.
Guest: Isn't this the store in yyy?
Me: No, this is the store in xxx (you know, the one I mentioned in my greeting as well as mentioned in the recorded greeting).
Guest: Whoops. Wrong store.
Me: *sigh*
To the woman in front of me yesterday, thanks for being patient. I didn't realize how large your order was and how much I would slow our cashier down. I tried to catch you in the parking lot to tell you, but you were already gone.
To that older guest that came in 5 minutes before I was scheduled to leave. Thank you for being so patient, while I waited on Tracfone customer support for 35 minutes trying to activate your phone, and while I returned it and tried activating a different phone. Thank you for just saying you'd try back some other time because you knew I had spent too much time with him and was getting visibly flustered with Tracfone. Most of all, thank you for now giving me the ability to NEVER EVER recommend Tracfone to any guest anymore.

To all TMs here, NEVER RECOMMEND TRACFONES TO A GUEST. Their customer service is the worst.
To that older guest that came in 5 minutes before I was scheduled to leave. Thank you for being so patient, while I waited on Tracfone customer support for 35 minutes trying to activate your phone, and while I returned it and tried activating a different phone. Thank you for just saying you'd try back some other time because you knew I had spent too much time with him and was getting visibly flustered with Tracfone. Most of all, thank you for now giving me the ability to NEVER EVER recommend Tracfone to any guest anymore.

To all TMs here, NEVER RECOMMEND TRACFONES TO A GUEST. Their customer service is the worst.

I have had a similar experience. I would love to recommend virgin mobile as having great customer service but the older people who just want an emergency phone find it confusing.
Anybody have an alternative to tracfone as a simple phone with good customer service?
One word: vibe
Absolutely. What about calling other stores for guests? Is that apparently not allowed either? Haha

To those guests looking for ninjabread men cookie cutters: sorry, we are out. I don't know/can't find the DPCI anywhere soooo good luck. ***5 minutes later*** team, where are the ninjabread men cookie cutters? Me: pulling my hair out!!!
Absolutely. What about calling other stores for guests? Is that apparently not allowed either? Haha

I wish we didn't have to. I could just as easily give the guest the DPCI number and have them sit on hold for 10 minutes and help the other million guests looking for my attention instead of doing something the guest can do with their own phone.
to the children who were allowed to yell at the fitting room for 10 minutes and a good half hour, are lucky I just didn't say "Would you just SHUT up?" The first one scream talked at his mom and great grandma the entire time she was trying on her 2 pieces. I had to take my first break of the day after that because my nerves were fried. The second batch were when it was just ramping up back at the fitting room and 5 kids and 2 moms were trying ONE pj on each.....the two little ones kept standing up in the cart and after the 6th time of saying "please sit down", I decided I would be okay with the yelling that would come with them breaking open their heads. They were all LOUD even when I was on the phone trying to find them one pair of pj's in the right size at the other I am trying to answer phones, make sure everybody goes in and comes out with the right amount of clothes, answer the walkie calls AND be on hold for your request. I was out of break time by then but I wanted to cry.
That's when you REALLY wish kids came with a "mute" button.
I'd give them the location of the store you despise the most & send them over there for whatever it is you're out of & let THEM deal with that traveling circus.
Phone conversation again:

Me: Thank you for holding, this is the electronics department. CIHYFS?
Guest: Who is this?
Me: This is RG.
Guest: this the RG that works at the service desk?
Me: Yes, I do.
(thinking to myself: crap, they are starting to remember who I am)
That's when you REALLY wish kids came with a "mute" button.
I'd give them the location of the store you despise the most & send them over there for whatever it is you're out of & let THEM deal with that traveling circus.

one of the moms joked that she was going to get duct tape for the little ones for Christmas....I told her right where she could find it in the store.
All too often the screaming kid is just trying to let the parent know that something is legitimately wrong but hasn't been taught to tell them or the parents don't listen, so the kid has escalated.
Oblivious parents walking around on the phone while a tired child is screaming their head off just makes me nuts.
All too often the screaming kid is just trying to let the parent know that something is legitimately wrong but hasn't been taught to tell them or the parents don't listen, so the kid has escalated.
Oblivious parents walking around on the phone while a tired child is screaming their head off just makes me nuts.

those do drive me nuts....but the ones I had yesterday are worse.....their kids have never learned inside voices...and just get mildly rebuked (I am tired, and when tired the 25cent words come out) from the parents. They don't seem to care their children are breaking everyone's ear drums. The cry/scream because they are tired or hurt usually get the question, "Hard day, huh?" from me. Usually quiets them down a little bit. There are times when you have to legitimately be in the store with a crying kid.....but do to an hour's worth of shopping with said kid is just mean.
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