To that one guest

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To all guests that ask me questions/tap me on the shoulder/try to get my attention from behind when I'm using a boxcutter: stop it!!! I have a very sharp object in my hand and I don't want either of us to get hurt. Today I almost sliced my hand when some guy tapped me on the shoulder. From now on I'm going to open all boxes in the backroom before going out on the floor.
If not having envelopes for your Target gift cards is your biggest inconvenience during this holiday season, you're doing pretty frickin' good.

Last year we ran out of holiday gift cards (and eventually all gift cards) during the peak of the season. This year we are out of envelopes. Whoever is in charge of the ordering isn't doing so great, however, they are only envelopes. The complaints and yelling I receive as a cashier over the lack of these tiny paper items is disgusting.
I understand that you need to put the rug on the floor to see what it looks like spread out...but why can't you pick it up and put it back when you're done?

Ugh, tell me about it! As a SL brand, I see this all the damn time in shoes. Nothing I detest more than seeing people take a box off the shelf, let it drop to the ground, use their toes to get the shoe out of the box, rattle their foot around til they get it into the shoe, then when it doesn't fit, they simply take their foot out, put on their own shoes again using the same method, and then just walk away leaving their mess on the ground! It honestly boggles my mind how people can be such pigs. I never would behave this way and never had even before I started working retail.
i remember when the ball cage was there during the spring i believe, some kid climbed inside and was just chillin in there lol, one of the funniest things i saw there
Ugh, tell me about it! As a SL brand, I see this all the damn time in shoes. Nothing I detest more than seeing people take a box off the shelf, let it drop to the ground, use their toes to get the shoe out of the box, rattle their foot around til they get it into the shoe, then when it doesn't fit, they simply take their foot out, put on their own shoes again using the same method, and then just walk away leaving their mess on the ground! It honestly boggles my mind how people can be such pigs. I never would behave this way and never had even before I started working retail.
Every so often I had guests ask me to break the plastic wrap holding the large area rugs together. I always told them no. It's against policy. They would keep arguing, but I would walk away.
To the guest with a new born baby screaming his head off... You try to sleep while laying on your back, facing super bright fluorescent lighting... you'd be screaming too!
To that one "Guest" Person.. Thanks for hacking into my PayPal account and going on that nice little spending spree. You over-drafted my checking account:angry:

I really hope, whatever you ordered, was worth ruining my day.
To that one "Guest" Person.. Thanks for hacking into my PayPal account and going on that nice little spending spree. You over-drafted my checking account:angry:

I really hope, whatever you ordered, was worth ruining my day.

Being an avid on line shopper myself, can you share how this was possible? I'd like to avoid any problems.
AFter such a long time in retail, let's just say I've had a whole lot of "amazing" moments in the past. Unfortunately during this time of year ywe always see a big uptick in theft, shoplifting, and all kinds of attempted fraud. But...

To the guest last night who spent a major portion of her evening trying to figure out how to subtlely (HA!) steal every bauble, bangle, and trinket she could get her hands on, and then come through my line and actually buy a few things....

DON'T try to rob a store blind, THEN decide to go ahead and make some real purchases, AND THEN try to haggle/argue over the price OF ALMOST EVERY. SINGLE. THING. YOU. ARE. BUYING. Seriously, WTF was all that about???

Oh, wait, I just realized what a dumb thing that was to say...of COURSE she's not trying to pay the full price!! She wasn't trying to pay AT ALL to begin with !!! Forget I mentioned it, guys. I'll see myself out...
No one can possibly be THIS dumb... can they?

Guest comes up to me with a 4-way headphone splitter in hand and asks, "How does this work?"
Me, pointing to the sticker on the box, "Well, multiple people can plug their headphones in and listen to the same thing. See, you can 'Share music with up to 3 friends!'"
Guest: "Do they have to be friends?"
Me: "What do you mean?"
Guest: "Well can they be family members too?"
Me: "Ummm......... yes they can be whomever you want......."
Guest: "Oh." *walks away*

This was a lady in her 50s. She is either extremely stupid, or she just trolled me harder than I ever have been trolled before.
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To that one guest who's come in 7 times so far to complain to target mobile: why not go to the corporate store? You're making their lives miserable.
To the guest buying a purse: You looked nervous when I pulled out all the stuffing & unzipped pockets because I uncovered the necklace & earrings you stuck inside. I asked you if you wanted to puchase said items & you stammered that you "didn't know HOW they got there" but the topper was when your young daughter said "But you said you WANTED them..."

Purse: $38.99
Stashed jewelry: $42.99
Your expression: priceless
To the guest buying a purse: You looked nervous when I pulled out all the stuffing & unzipped pockets because I uncovered the necklace & earrings you stuck inside. I asked you if you wanted to puchase said items & you stammered that you "didn't know HOW they got there" but the topper was when your young daughter said "But you said you WANTED them..."

Purse: $38.99
Stashed jewelry: $42.99
Your expression: priceless

The part that really sucks? She's teaching her young daughter that stealing is okay. Thanks, Mom.
Tuesday night (at 11:50) I had a quest wandering around talking and swearing to himself about how bleeping expensive the xmas trees were, were were the bleeping xmas lights. He yells out "IS THERE ANYONE HERE TO HELP ME". I go over to him, he wants the flocked tree. We only have a display left, he doesn't want a display. He wants me to start calling all the other stores in the district for it. I let him known that only one of them even shows it in stock. He tells me it is bleeping pointless and wanders off. I hear him still talking and swearing about xmas lights, I'd already told him we had nothing left except the one end cap I pointed out to him. Went over to him and told him again. He tells me "I thought I was still early for xmas decorations...".

At about 12:05 he comes wandering back accompanied by a TPS. He'd dropped the xmas hand towels he was buying on the floor at the front lanes so he wanted to come exchange them 😵

A number of years ago back when we still had a garden center... guest wants to pay for a tree and then have me hold it. I tell her we can't hold paid merchandise, and even if unpaid I can't guarantee it because it is way too crazy out there and it is likely to get lost. She tries to argue the point a bit more. And then she sticks her hand up and grabs me by the throat. Doesn't squeeze/try to choke me, just grabs on. (sidenote: she's about 5'4" and I'm 6'"1) Once the absolute shock passes, I push her arm out of the way and tell her you need to leave NOW. She tells me "Oh, no, I was just kidding! it was a joke!". I called TPS and LOD to garden center and she left pretty fast then.
Being an avid on line shopper myself, can you share how this was possible? I'd like to avoid any problems.

Sorry about the late response.. Anyway.. I'm still really unsure how they broke into the account, in the first place.

I always look for that little lock icon in the address bar (Chrome) before I enter my password for anything, and anytime I get a email from my Bank, I always log in directly instead of clicking on the links in the email..

I can't tell you, how many emails I get from Bank of America, asking me to "Update" or "Confirm" all my account information. I always ignore them, and log in through the normal site. I never click on links.

As I was told by a Fraud Investigator, More then likely my password was obtained from another (less-secure) website, however all my passwords to anything bank related is unique. I'm convinced that they obtained my password from some sort of Computer Virus, or Spyware? I do use Norton 360.. but I'm unsure how effective it truly is.

I'm still scratching my head about it.. I don't visit P**N websites, or ever open attachments in emails. I'd love to know how something did get into my computer.
Sorry about the late response.. Anyway.. I'm still really unsure how they broke into the account, in the first place.

I always look for that little lock icon in the address bar (Chrome) before I enter my password for anything, and anytime I get a email from my Bank, I always log in directly instead of clicking on the links in the email..

I can't tell you, how many emails I get from Bank of America, asking me to "Update" or "Confirm" all my account information. I always ignore them, and log in through the normal site. I never click on links.

As I was told by a Fraud Investigator, More then likely my password was obtained from another (less-secure) website, however all my passwords to anything bank related is unique. I'm convinced that they obtained my password from some sort of Computer Virus, or Spyware? I do use Norton 360.. but I'm unsure how effective it truly is.

I'm still scratching my head about it.. I don't visit P**N websites, or ever open attachments in emails. I'd love to know how something did get into my computer.

Thanks for sharing. I use a Mac + I have a variety of difficult passwords, but I'm going to change all my passwords immediately!

New Year's resolution. Change my passwords more regularly!
The part that really sucks? She's teaching her young daughter that stealing is okay. Thanks, Mom.

The really sad part is, she's bringing along her children for her shoplifting occasions. In her mind, I'm sure she thinks AP will not watch her because she has her kid along, however once we catch her.. there's a chance we'll call CPS and have her taken away.

I've had to sadly call CPS for a few toddler age kids one time (she didn't have anyone to come pick them up, theft was way over felony amount).. It's truly heartbreaking.
I was working freight over in HBA and a older lady brought me over a box of little sample colognes and asked if we had any others like that. I told her that we might have some on the front endcaps for the holidays and started to go check for her, and she was like, "well I'm looking for something cheaper than this, for a little boy." I told her that what we had would probably be pretty comparable in price and she said she just wanted something that was like $2 or $3. I said I didn't think we had anything at that price and she was like, "what, nothing?? What about in the travel section?" So I took her over there and explained that we didn't really have any cologne in that section but we could look (since she was obviously getting exasperated) and finally she just yelled "Well it doesn't have to be cologne! I know I said I was looking for cologne but it can be anything!" I just kind of stared at her because I honestly had no idea what she wanted at that point. I finally just told her to go look at one spot.
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