To that one guest

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Just the thought of some of those sprays makes me cough. Brings back memories of gym class in high school.
Oh the axe body spray....gag.

To those guests who utter one word at me of what they're looking for: wow....

To the guest who got pissy about waiting to check out in electronics, you do realize it is three days before Christmas, right???
Oh yeah, we have SOOOO many guests that I can smell before i ever see them thanks to the copious amounts of Axe/Old Spice/Brut/(insert cheap personal fragrance item here) that he is wearing ( I venture a guess that 90% of them are male )...what's even better is when they come thru my checklane with the whole "Hey, baby" thing ( bleccch ), like they are reeeeaaallly doin' it rite....

yeah, what you're doing is giving me an asthma attack, dude! Dial it back and hand me my nebulizer, please!!!
Oh, and from the "I can explain it to you, but i can't uinderstand it for you" files...

Dear Guest: I kept arguing with you about you wanting to take half of your stuff outside while i was still ringing up the rest of it because since you nor your wife had not processed any types of payments on any of the merchandise, you removing it from the store is, um, well, technically shoplifting. It's bad enough when people graze their way through the store and open up every other package that catches their eyes...I can't really just let you leave with a couple hundred bucks' worth of toys until that receipt comes up-THEN it's "YOUR STUFF"!!!

Or perhaps we should let you try to leave and let AP and/or the police explain it all to you...?
oh so many tonight-

to the lady who told me off because I mistakenly put Spider Man with the Marvel comics people AND the fact that I didn't have a computer to do a check like the "other" stores did for you.....I am sorry you obviously know so much and I don't. I will be more than happy to switch spots with you and you can work the umpteen carts of reshop carts, monitor the fitting rooms, answer the walkie AND answer the inane questions from the phone guests, all without a PDA.

to the 20 or so guests who didn't heed any of my "we are closed" announcements---how much clearer can we make it?

to those 3 guests who refused to leave until you found your keys....why the hell did you not start looking for them on the first we are closed call? I really hate the closing LOD but she was so within her rights to threaten to call the were trespassing after hours.

What is with all of the slobs that were in our store all day?
You know the type. The ones who ask you if you're sure you work there or if you understand English. Idiot was asking for coffee nowhere near the market. Then sarcastically says thanks for the help when I tell him to ask the team members in market. Hey dumbass, stupid questions deserve stupid answers. You're welcome, ***.

You guys that have worked all over the store might have been able to answer the question with a specific aisle but thats like asking people in softlines where stuff in electronics is.

And about the English...haven't you guys had people that talk in broken English asking you with an attitude if you understand English because you can't understand what the **** they're saying? That or they don't make sense and then think you're the one with the problem.
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to those 3 guests who refused to leave until you found your keys....why the hell did you not start looking for them on the first we are closed call? I really hate the closing LOD but she was so within her rights to threaten to call the were trespassing after hours.

Should have offered them some Red & Khahi and told 'em to get Zoning
To the bored, rich little housewives who sat with their skinny lattes & complained about how much STUFF you were going to have to wrap: If you'd pooled your resources, you girls could've had a wrap party & done all your packages in the amount of time you spent whining. I can't feel sorry for you, only disgust. So many of my coworkers' kids won't be getting much (if anything) for Christmas & I had to listen to your vapid complaints.
I wish I could vote you off my planet.
To the lady whose cards were declined today:

No, I cannot "manually override" the rejection of your credit card. I understand that you think there is "no reason for this."

I would have checked the balance on my card(s) before making a $200+ shopping trip, but maybe that's just because I'm a part-time wage worker.
Wow. And can we say WOW, WOW, WOW....simply AMAZING...

Between the posts about the people who are hopelessly unsure about their own financial status and how credit and debit cards work (!!! in THIS day and age?!? OK people, if you insist...), the Socialites/RichieRiches/Real Housewives of (Insert Your City/Town/Township?village Here), and the problematic ESL folks, I would SWEAR we LITERALLY ALL WORK at the SAME. EXACT. STORE. Spooooky 🙂
*side note*

For my ESL people out there: there is DEFINITELY a learning curve to to the English you can likely see, my own spelling and grammar often leaves much to be desired, and many, many features of the English language....Simply. Have. No. Rhyme. Or. Reason. We all have different strong suits as to learning, and many people take to it quite well, wheareas others may not be able to fully read, write, and speak eloquently or articulately in whatever their native language is, much less English, for various reasons...

Also it's worth noting that having been surrounded by people speaking various Spanish dialects, Cantonese, mandarin, Tagalog, various dialects of French, and many African an d South Indian languages, most of what I know is easily found out on a menu, or can be learnes from anyone who knows some choice cuss words in any language, as far as my cultural ambassador credentials go. 🙂

( I say all this because i am in a very eclectic area where there a lot of people who speak a lot of languages, including non-american born caucasians-Eastern Europe, etc. )
Oh yeah, we have SOOOO many guests that I can smell before i ever see them thanks to the copious amounts of Axe/Old Spice/Brut/(insert cheap personal fragrance item here) that he is wearing ( I venture a guess that 90% of them are male )...what's even better is when they come thru my checklane with the whole "Hey, baby" thing ( bleccch ), like they are reeeeaaallly doin' it rite....

yeah, what you're doing is giving me an asthma attack, dude! Dial it back and hand me my nebulizer, please!!!

I waited on a few that i could smell, not because of their body spray, but because of all of the alcohol they had for breakfast.
To that women who was shopping for her grandson... Your little comments really did upset one of our associates.

You probably should have thought a little bit more, before asking, "Do these shirts look like something a Fa**ot would wear?" and saying "I just don't want him ending up like you".

People like you really disgust me. I don't care how much money you have, you shouldn't be treating other people like trash.
To that one guest who was obviously on drugs that stayed in the store 10 minutes past close and ran in and out of asiles when two LOD's tried to confront you. Thanks for the making all of us laugh
To that one guest today: go f*** yourself.

This young female electronics team member was helping an older man with cameras. She knows her stuff, ESPECIALLY with cameras, and while she was talking to him, he said, "Excuse me, I'm sorry, but is there a guy whom I may talk to?"

... This girl is the nicest, sweetest person and I cannot believe he said that. She just hung her head and found another team member, but if she found me, I would of went right up to him and said if he didn't want to talk to her he could leave.
Should have offered them some Red & Khahi and told 'em to get Zoning

we actually decided at the next huddle that they were more than likely trying to rob us and didn't realize there was going to be 20 or so of us in the store at the end of the night
To that one guest today: go f*** yourself.

This young female electronics team member was helping an older man with cameras. She knows her stuff, ESPECIALLY with cameras, and while she was talking to him, he said, "Excuse me, I'm sorry, but is there a guy whom I may talk to?"

... This girl is the nicest, sweetest person and I cannot believe he said that. She just hung her head and found another team member, but if she found me, I would of went right up to him and said if he didn't want to talk to her he could leave.

Why do people do this, like women are ****ing retarded these days or something? even though there are more women on college campuses than men, stupid people. Just because someone has a vagina automatically disqualifies them from knowing ANYTHING about ANY electronics lol just utter stupidity.
To that one guest today: go f*** yourself.

This young female electronics team member was helping an older man with cameras. She knows her stuff, ESPECIALLY with cameras, and while she was talking to him, he said, "Excuse me, I'm sorry, but is there a guy whom I may talk to?"

... This girl is the nicest, sweetest person and I cannot believe he said that. She just hung her head and found another team member, but if she found me, I would of went right up to him and said if he didn't want to talk to her he could leave.

As many times as I've found myself working electronics for 30 or 40 minutes when I was trying to put up a sign this time of year, the moron should have been happy to have had help at all.
And the idea that in this day and age, a woman is not every bit as knowledgeable as a man shows a level of Neanderthal thinking that I had thought died out years ago.
we actually decided at the next huddle that they were more than likely trying to rob us and didn't realize there was going to be 20 or so of us in the store at the end of the night

It's quite sad, I didn't even think of such scenario..

You do know it's Christmas Eve right? We're out of all the ipods, because it's 9:05pm on Christmas Eve.

"What do you mean I can't buy a iPod 5 minutes before closing, the day before Christmas? I want a manager"

"Can you check the back room?"

"Can you check again?"

We've all had that one Guest... No matter how many times you tell them, you're out of stock, they think that Maybe, there's some secret stash in the back.
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