To that one guest

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To that one, I cannot give you a rain check for a product that our Target does not carry. Why? Because we don't carry it and thus won't get any in...we can't be out of an advertised product that we don't carry. A rain check says we will get some in at some no...getting the Super Target to give you a rain check if they were out (as you said they were) would have been the better plan. But I do give you mad props for that hissy fit that you threw as you stormed off.
to the guest that i overheard talking $hit on the two gay guys holding hands in the store...i think you're the real f*ggot, your lucky i dont beat your face in with my PDA

In the words of the amazing Henry Rollins "Gay people don't have a personality problem. They have a problem with small-minded motherf uckers who can't conquer a 1-inch high curb.”
To that one guest who left me with a "code brown" in the ladies' room this morning, and then stepped on it and tracked it all the way out the door...... HOW can you not notice that??!!!
To that one guest who left me with a "code brown" in the ladies' room this morning, and then stepped on it and tracked it all the way out the door...... HOW can you not notice that??!!!

How can you MISS?!?!?! If you're so worried about "cooties" that you don't actually "sit" on the toilet, you'd sure as heck think you'd FREAK if you got sh!t on your shoe!!!
To the PITA guest who tried unloading her ENTIRE cart (which was overflowing) when we were short-staffed because of a meeting today(& no-one was available for back-up because they were all in the meeting):
1) there are 3 guests behind you patiently waiting 2) NO, you don't "always pay for your wine back here", we always tell you you can't and you usually say "oh, just forget it then!" and get pissed! 3) go ahead and go somewhere else....I've been hearing you threaten that for YEARS and yet, here you stand before me 4) No, this ISN'T one of our $4 generics...NO, not ALL generics are on the list...NO, I don't have to "double check it", I already KNOW & 5) just pay and leave, I have 3 in-store waiters to type, 2 more to finish filling, the phone ringing off the hook (keeping the RPh occupied), and 3 people waiting to pick up their meds behind you, I don't have the time or patience for your BS today!

To those guests standing behind her: thank you SOOOOO much for being understanding! Especially the one who said "if that's how she is sober, I'd hate to see her AFTER she finishes that wine! Maybe she should think about Xanax instead of wine..." You made my morning a little more bearable 🙂

To the guest who tried to tell me "the girl I spoke to this morning said I only needed the ID number" time, make a note of the NAME of the person to whom you're speaking and make sure you're not speaking to the SAME person when you feed them a line of bull. I CLEARLY told you what you needed (ID, BIN, & Group #)...I even told you the BIN would be a 6-digit number!!! Although, I wish I had a picture of your face when I called you out on it....I think it was the same shade of red as my shirt! :blush:
to my guests today...thank you!!! to guest A, I spent the little extra time with you gladly, especially when you were so happy with the results. The hug was so sweet and threw me off guard. (I also ended up selling an extra $18 shirt)
to guests B ) Pure luck that I ended up helping you twice in such a short time and one of those times was when the ETL came around to help me with another issue. He got to hear me to tell you about the red card AND you took the time to say that I was such a big help. (and I had another huge sale with you.....mad props to me
To the guest who just had to have the display TV last night.....thank you for wasting a total of 7 team members, ETL's and Mobile Rep's time to get the thing off of the wall.....on the bright side, at least you bought it.

And what is the fascination with buying new TV's when it is pouring rain out like it was last night....last week it was sleeting/raining/snowing very hard, and a guy bought a brand new 51" TV.....they told me taht it took them 15 minutes outside to figure out how to get it in his it came back at some point during the week.....
I would never buy a display tv..they are on all the time and instead of being turned off properly they just go off at night when the store shuts down. It's like buying a tv that has been on for 12 hours a day for a year and was shut down every night by a power failure...
I would never buy a display tv..they are on all the time and instead of being turned off properly they just go off at night when the store shuts down. It's like buying a tv that has been on for 12 hours a day for a year and was shut down every night by a power failure...

For 70 - 80 % off I'd might grab one for our guest bedroom, so family would have something if they came over. It'd be a cheap, nice TV, and would be better then nothing. Plus, when it finally died, I could probably sell it on Craigslist easily (to someone who knows how to repair them) and probably get about what I paid for it back.
to the nasty guest complaining about no snow boots. Yes, we had a ton last week at 70% off but there gone now. (didn't tell her that they went salvage!) Would you like a bathing suit for your child or a sled?:spiteful: Hope you are one of the 500,000 without power today!
To that one guest: I don't give a flying **** what *insert competitor's name here* does, we do not. We follow HIPAA laws. I'm sorry if you don't like it. What's that? You're going to switch all of your prescriptions to *insert competitor's name here*. Well, that's your prerogative, I can't say I'll shed a tear (nor do I believe you will since you threaten this every other month).
to that one guest: I don't give a flying **** what *insert competitor's name here* does, we do not. We follow hipaa laws. I'm sorry if you don't like it. What's that? You're going to switch all of your prescriptions to *insert competitor's name here*. Well, that's your prerogative, i can't say i'll shed a tear (nor do i believe you will since you threaten this every other month).

hipaa 4 life!
One of our former cashiers (she quit for another job) told me about a woman who walked up talking on her cell. The cashier told her hello. Guest ignored her. Cashier finished ringing her up and told her the total. Guest just ran her card. So the cashier instead of telling her goodby just kinda waved at her. Woman walks a few steps away, turns, and says to the cashier, "You're not very friendly, are you?" and walked away (still talking on her cell). The cashier and the next guest both just stood there with their mouths hanging open.

I had a guest come up to me way before our remodel and when baby food and diapers were still in HBA. While zoning baby food a guest on her phone (had to be blonde) came up to me:

Blonde: Hey you, where do you guys have your towels?
Me: *turns toward guest* Oh over on...
Blonde: blah blah blah *on phone*
Me: *turns back to zone*
Blonde: Excuse me I think I asked you-
Me: Over on C on the backwall *back turned*
Blonde: You know you are very rude! You could have at least looked at me!

Lol sorry princess you were rude to me first and rude throughout the whole exchange of information. Oh these types of guest how I loath thee 😛ardon:😛rankster2:
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