One of our former cashiers (she quit for another job) told me about a woman who walked up talking on her cell. The cashier told her hello. Guest ignored her. Cashier finished ringing her up and told her the total. Guest just ran her card. So the cashier instead of telling her goodby just kinda waved at her. Woman walks a few steps away, turns, and says to the cashier, "You're not very friendly, are you?" and walked away (still talking on her cell). The cashier and the next guest both just stood there with their mouths hanging open.
I had a guest come up to me way before our remodel and when baby food and diapers were still in HBA. While zoning baby food a guest on her phone (had to be blonde) came up to me:
Blonde: Hey you, where do you guys have your towels?
Me: *turns toward guest* Oh over on...
Blonde: blah blah blah *on phone*
Me: *turns back to zone*
Blonde: Excuse me I think I asked you-
Me: Over on C on the backwall *back turned*
Blonde: You know you are very rude! You could have at least looked at me!
Lol sorry princess you were rude to me first and rude throughout the whole exchange of information. Oh these types of guest how I loath thee