To that one guest

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I've found I can deal with people on their cell phones when I'm cashiering. But when I'm at guest services, I really want to tell people that I will help them as soon as they can put their phone down for two seconds and pay attention.
Yesterday I had a guest who clearly did not know how to use her SNAP card. She didn't understand my instructions because she didn't speak English. The worst part was, throughout my trying to explain it, her child was yapping away on their iPhone!
I am so sick of guests on their cell phones.....

But last night's guest didn't have one - I had a flat of paper in the main aisle while I was waiting for a guest to exit the aisle so I could get in....I had the flat tucked up against the beer end cap. Guest with 4 children (none over 7) comes out of the beer aisle, with her head turned backwards trying to contain the oversugared children......good thing I pay attention to my surroundings, and had just enough room to move the flat so she, her cart, and the kids could get through and into the paper aisle. I did kind of laugh though as she got up the aisle....she stopped to talk to the smallest child, and the next thing I heard sounded like him being put in hadcuffs (her keys were around her wrist, and were clinking against the bottom of the cart that he was now trying to lay on).....
these guests on their phones are reeeeally starting to piss me off. had one last night round nine fourty five come up with an overflowing cart of groceries yapping away like theres no tomorrow. and stop her cart. now i thought she was going to grab a drink or something but she just stood there yakkin. well the gsa comes by for reshop and i go down below to get it and i hear the guest say this. " EXUSE ME ARE YOU GOING TO RING ME OUT" i pop back up and say politly that i was waiting for her. "OH your not going to unload my cart." i say that i was unaware that she was wanting me to do that as she didnt say two words to me. " im standing in your line arnt i." at this point i said ok ok lemme get over to you. so as im unloading her cart onto the lane i hear bits of her phone conversation saying about how we have horrible sevice and the cashiers are lazy. so i ring her up and she says she has coupons. i **** you not she pulled out a stack of coupons so huge it went up to the top of my scanner. most were suprise suprise freakin expired by two or three months. so i told her that we couldnt accept them and that was the ball game. she lost it and flipped her lid on me, the gsa and anyone else in the vacinity. shouting about how she wasnt able to coupon here and she was being robbed then stormed out minus her cart of crap still on the goddam phone. me the gsa and the guests were all left frozen and speechless for about a minute. i have said it before and i will say it again what on gods green earth is wrong with some of these people.
One of our former cashiers (she quit for another job) told me about a woman who walked up talking on her cell. The cashier told her hello. Guest ignored her. Cashier finished ringing her up and told her the total. Guest just ran her card. So the cashier instead of telling her goodby just kinda waved at her. Woman walks a few steps away, turns, and says to the cashier, "You're not very friendly, are you?" and walked away (still talking on her cell). The cashier and the next guest both just stood there with their mouths hanging open.

I had a guest come up to me way before our remodel and when baby food and diapers were still in HBA. While zoning baby food a guest on her phone (had to be blonde) came up to me:

Blonde: Hey you, where do you guys have your towels?
Me: *turns toward guest* Oh over on...
Blonde: blah blah blah *on phone*
Me: *turns back to zone*
Blonde: Excuse me I think I asked you-
Me: Over on C on the backwall *back turned*
Blonde: You know you are very rude! You could have at least looked at me!

Lol sorry princess you were rude to me first and rude throughout the whole exchange of information. Oh these types of guest how I loath thee 😛ardon:😛rankster2:
Had one walk up to the pharmacy window yesterday, just expecting me to "recognize" her. I just stood there and she snaps "aren't you going to get my prescriptions?" I snipped back (as nicely as possible) "when you are done with your call..." She tells the person on the phone "hold on...I'm at the pharmacy", turns to me and goes "fine..." and just looks at me. I asked her last name and she goes "REALLY?" (sorry lady, I see HUNDREDS of people a week, I can't be expected to remember ALL of you snobs), gives it to me, and as soon as I saw the prescription, I said to myself "oh crap!" and knew who she was....I had an "issue" with her the previous month over the same thing and knew there would be an issue again because the doctor called in another prescription that had no generic and was ridiculously expensive (if there was a generic, it would be $0). Needless to say, she told whomever she was talking to on her phone "I'm going to have to call you back, there's a SERIOUS problem here" and it put a damper on the next 10 minutes of my day :dash:
these guests on their phones are reeeeally starting to piss me off. had one last night round nine fourty five come up with an overflowing cart of groceries yapping away like theres no tomorrow. and stop her cart. now i thought she was going to grab a drink or something but she just stood there yakkin. well the gsa comes by for reshop and i go down below to get it and i hear the guest say this. " EXUSE ME ARE YOU GOING TO RING ME OUT" i pop back up and say politly that i was waiting for her. "OH your not going to unload my cart." i say that i was unaware that she was wanting me to do that as she didnt say two words to me. " im standing in your line arnt i." at this point i said ok ok lemme get over to you. so as im unloading her cart onto the lane i hear bits of her phone conversation saying about how we have horrible sevice and the cashiers are lazy. so i ring her up and she says she has coupons. i **** you not she pulled out a stack of coupons so huge it went up to the top of my scanner. most were suprise suprise freakin expired by two or three months. so i told her that we couldnt accept them and that was the ball game. she lost it and flipped her lid on me, the gsa and anyone else in the vacinity. shouting about how she wasnt able to coupon here and she was being robbed then stormed out minus her cart of crap still on the goddam phone. me the gsa and the guests were all left frozen and speechless for about a minute. i have said it before and i will say it again what on gods green earth is wrong with some of these people.
one word : entitlement!
To ALL the guests that walk up to the 2nd register at the pharmacy when there's someone at the 1st: WHY?!?!?!?!?! Where else do you just walk up to an empty register and expect someone to come help you? You wouldn't walk into an empty check lane, would you?

Oh, and I especially appreciate it when there are only 2 of us and you get snippy about it.....:good:

AAANNNNNDDDD....would not believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own two our store the other day, some chick DID walk into an empty checklane, light out, NO cashier (we weren't even that busy), put her crap on the belt and says "Can I get some help over here?" Someone told me about it so I had to go out and look, but I was just getting off lunch and had to get back so I grabbed my purse really quick and went out to buy a drink at Starbucks....needless to say, she looks over at me like I'M supposed to come help her....I looked at her with a look that said "Ummm....not a snowball's chance in Hades, b!" To make things even BETTER, some guy gets in line BEHIND HER!!! I didn't stick around to see if someone DID come help her, but I imagine someone did...
these guests on their phones are reeeeally starting to piss me off. had one last night round nine fourty five come up with an overflowing cart of groceries yapping away like theres no tomorrow. and stop her cart. now i thought she was going to grab a drink or something but she just stood there yakkin. well the gsa comes by for reshop and i go down below to get it and i hear the guest say this. " EXUSE ME ARE YOU GOING TO RING ME OUT" i pop back up and say politly that i was waiting for her. "OH your not going to unload my cart." i say that i was unaware that she was wanting me to do that as she didnt say two words to me. " im standing in your line arnt i." at this point i said ok ok lemme get over to you. so as im unloading her cart onto the lane i hear bits of her phone conversation saying about how we have horrible sevice and the cashiers are lazy. so i ring her up and she says she has coupons. i **** you not she pulled out a stack of coupons so huge it went up to the top of my scanner. most were suprise suprise freakin expired by two or three months. so i told her that we couldnt accept them and that was the ball game. she lost it and flipped her lid on me, the gsa and anyone else in the vacinity. shouting about how she wasnt able to coupon here and she was being robbed then stormed out minus her cart of crap still on the goddam phone. me the gsa and the guests were all left frozen and speechless for about a minute. i have said it before and i will say it again what on gods green earth is wrong with some of these people.

I'm just speechless. What store does she shop at where they actually unload the cart for her. I don't know of any store hat does that. On the Customers Suck web site they have a name for that - EW or entitlement whore. It really works here.
At places like Trader Joe's the cashiers grab directly from the carts to scan items...but they have a clear way of pulling the carts up to the register to do that. This lady was clearly lost.
Ahh the guest on cell phones make working at Target a blast especially when their kids are running wild trying to lift shelves which still have merchandise and oh only hear you when you're laying down the law onto their entitled wiled children. Yup those guest are the worst and partly why kids are so stuck up and whinny. They suffer from 'the customer is always right' syndrome and I end up with having to give them a dose of 'your crap does stink b!' :buba:
a reminder that Target guests are not rocket lines at the fr include: please put the number on the outside of the door. Every other guest went to the ONE door that the hook has fallen off of (most of the time all of the other rooms were empty) and said "but I can't put a number there" It's been a long week (6 days in a row...40 hours) so I really wanted to yell after the tenth one "IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE, JUST PICK ANOTHER DAM ROOM"

to the guests who continually try on way too small of clothes look in the mirror...seriously look in the mirror you are not a size are not even a large.
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To ALL the guests that walk up to the 2nd register at the pharmacy when there's someone at the 1st: WHY?!?!?!?!?! Where else do you just walk up to an empty register and expect someone to come help you? You wouldn't walk into an empty check lane, would you?

Oh, and I especially appreciate it when there are only 2 of us and you get snippy about it.....:good:

AAANNNNNDDDD....would not believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own two our store the other day, some chick DID walk into an empty checklane, light out, NO cashier (we weren't even that busy), put her crap on the belt and says "Can I get some help over here?" Someone told me about it so I had to go out and look, but I was just getting off lunch and had to get back so I grabbed my purse really quick and went out to buy a drink at Starbucks....needless to say, she looks over at me like I'M supposed to come help her....I looked at her with a look that said "Ummm....not a snowball's chance in Hades, b!" To make things even BETTER, some guy gets in line BEHIND HER!!! I didn't stick around to see if someone DID come help her, but I imagine someone did...

"I'm sorry but that register does not work. Please put your things back in your cart and go to the checklane with the light on." Would have been my response
To ALL the guests that walk up to the 2nd register at the pharmacy when there's someone at the 1st: WHY?!?!?!?!?! Where else do you just walk up to an empty register and expect someone to come help you? You wouldn't walk into an empty check lane, would you?

Oh, and I especially appreciate it when there are only 2 of us and you get snippy about it.....:good:

AAANNNNNDDDD....would not believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own two our store the other day, some chick DID walk into an empty checklane, light out, NO cashier (we weren't even that busy), put her crap on the belt and says "Can I get some help over here?" Someone told me about it so I had to go out and look, but I was just getting off lunch and had to get back so I grabbed my purse really quick and went out to buy a drink at Starbucks....needless to say, she looks over at me like I'M supposed to come help her....I looked at her with a look that said "Ummm....not a snowball's chance in Hades, b!" To make things even BETTER, some guy gets in line BEHIND HER!!! I didn't stick around to see if someone DID come help her, but I imagine someone did...

"I'm sorry but that register does not work. Please put your things back in your cart and go to the checklane with the light on." Would have been my response

I guess after she said it again, the TM in the lane next to her said "Ummm....that lane's not open...." so she threw her stuff back in her basket (the guy had already figured it out) and went to another lane.
Better than walking out ranting loudly (& profanely) leaving everything - including perishables - on the belt.
Saw that one across from FA.
to that one guest who cursed me out because their card got declined. um, no when the store closes at 11 and the lights go off the machines don't automatically turn off to the point where it won't accept your cards. like is this forreall??
To that one have no idea how lucky you are that the GSTL was on last night. No other GSTL/GSA in our store would have knocked down the price of the underwear you wanted to half price to match the price you got back on the clearance stuff you returned without a receipt. You also got lucky that, since there were none of those particular type left in any size, that they hadn't gone salvage. And how in the world did you get pissy with me for offering to cancel out the return and give you back the product after you told me that's what you wanted if I couldn't produce the correct underwear in the clearance price? You were the one who suggested it!

And no, with the different patterns not connected to each other in the system, I had no way of knowing that there were none left in any pattern. Believe it or not, I do not have the entire inventory of the store in my head.
To that one have no idea how lucky you are that the GSTL was on last night. No other GSTL/GSA in our store would have knocked down the price of the underwear you wanted to half price to match the price you got back on the clearance stuff you returned without a receipt. You also got lucky that, since there were none of those particular type left in any size, that they hadn't gone salvage. And how in the world did you get pissy with me for offering to cancel out the return and give you back the product after you told me that's what you wanted if I couldn't produce the correct underwear in the clearance price? You were the one who suggested it!

And no, with the different patterns not connected to each other in the system, I had no way of knowing that there were none left in any pattern. Believe it or not, I do not have the entire inventory of the store in my head.
Why do guests expect ALL of us to know EVERYTHING the store has? We get guests that will ask us in pharmacy about certain items (one lady asked about a certain brand of LENTILS) and got pissy because we weren't sure if we carried them or not (even though we offered to walk over and check for her)....or they'll ask for a certain type of lotion and we're not sure if we carry it so we'll tell them where the lotion is and they'll get upset because we sent them over there and we don't carry it. One of the other techs was telling me that our STL had a guest that got upset because he wasn't familiar with EVERY planner we carried...she wanted a certain type and he went through ALL of them in the planner aisle and they couldn't find it. I guess she ended up finding it on an endcap on clearance and sought him out and kind of told him off for not knowing we had one! Look, lady, we have THOUSANDS of items in the store, we can't know the details of EVERY ONE OF THEM!!!
to this one guest... how in the world am i suppose to know what your financial situation is, i dont know how much money you have in your account and thats none of my bussiness so why mention it to me?, i dont know how much more beneficial it would be to buy that up&up toilet paper compared to buying scott toilet paper with the prices given for each and the amount of quantity toilet paper it has, plus which one is more... "comfortable"? i just stock the $hit, im not some customer review person, im a backroom team member who dosent give one f**k about which one should be more "comfortable" for you! and as for which one is more beneficial for you price wise? i dont have time to be doing algebra to figure that out! which ever one costs less!
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