To that one guest

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I hate when people ask me for product reviews, or how to use something, or how big it will be when put together, or how something tastes.....

Do they not realize we don't get to take home products to test and review?

seriously, just because we work there dosent meen we know how to use it or how its like for EVERY item we have in the store
If it is a product I've used then I give them my opinion, with the caveat that their mileage may vary. If it isn't something I tried than I will tell them. On UP & UP vs. name brand, U&U is usually half the price.
Standing in the middle of grocery and telling your friend at the top of your voice that you,
"Just bought my AK.
Didn't do the background check cause I paid cash and told the guy I wanted it right away.
Picked up a couple of the 30's (round clips).
No way that pussy president gonna tell me what I can own."
You sir are an embarrassment to those of us who believe in the 2nd amendment.
Nothing like being the worse kind of stereotype.
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If it is a product I've used then I give them my opinion, with the caveat that their mileage may vary. If it isn't something I tried than I will tell them. On UP & UP vs. name brand, U&U is usually half the price.

We aren't "allowed" to do this in least not with anything that can be considered "medical" (including vitamins, allergy meds, even band-aids!!!), it ALL has to come from the pharmacist (well, it's "supposed" to....sorry, if a guest asks if I know anything about the different types/flavors of children's ibuprofen, I'm going to tell them since I've given it to my kids, oh, probably about a thousand times, I don't need a PharmD degree to do that!!!)
We should be given one of everything in the store so we can learn it..taste it...whatever and give adequate advise. :sarcastic2:
To that one guest who wanted to apply for a Check Card and even had a blank check with them(!), but didn't remember their SSN: :rage:
To that one guest who wanted to apply for a Check Card and even had a blank check with them(!), but didn't remember their SSN: :rage:

Who doesn't have their SSN memorized by the time they are 20 or sooner?

The only reason I had mine memorized was because I went to college while they were still using SSNs for student ids, and I was forced to memorize it. But without that, I'm not sure I would have ever had need to memorize it.
I didn't memorize my SSN until I started putting in job applications when I was 19. Before that, I had no idea what my SSN was and it was really awkward when I'd do the occasional Election Judging and had to call my dad to hunt the card down so I could put my info in to get paid, lol. Nowadays you don't have to fill your your SSN on the expense sheet anymore, which is great because I always thought it was dodgy that our personal information was being committed to a piece of paper to the County like that. 8-o
To the guest who left their baby's half-liquid-half-solid excrement on the shelf in a Starbucks cup: Why?!
I cannot imagine how or when this could have possibly happened, but I had to deal with it the next morning... The smell was disgusting, it was unsanitary, and left a mess that the poor floor cleaning guy had to mop up!
Yes, the baby aisles are kind of out of the way in the back, and the guest bathrooms are way up front, but was the urgency so great that you couldn't take the time for a one-minute power walk up there to avoid germs, a potential mess, and just have an easier time of it? Or was it some kind of sick prank? I forgive easily, but this was too much! It's unfathomable!

All I can say as a word of warning is, check closely before casually tossing aside those empty cups that people leave on the shelves....
Yep, every time you think the general public has pretty much stopped being able to surprise you they come up with something else.
To the guest who left their baby's half-liquid-half-solid excrement on the shelf in a Starbucks cup: Why?!
I cannot imagine how or when this could have possibly happened, but I had to deal with it the next morning... The smell was disgusting, it was unsanitary, and left a mess that the poor floor cleaning guy had to mop up!
Yes, the baby aisles are kind of out of the way in the back, and the guest bathrooms are way up front, but was the urgency so great that you couldn't take the time for a one-minute power walk up there to avoid germs, a potential mess, and just have an easier time of it? Or was it some kind of sick prank? I forgive easily, but this was too much! It's unfathomable!

All I can say as a word of warning is, check closely before casually tossing aside those empty cups that people leave on the shelves....

The fan central aisle at my store smells like vomit. Now I'm scared of finding a rolled up shirt covered in puke.
A TM kept catching a 'whiff' of poo while zoning in an aisle full of vases & pottery. He finally homed in on a poopy diaper stuffed in a large urn.
The smell alone made it necessary to defect it out.
I hope the kid pooped all over the parents' car interior.
to these two regular guests (mother and daughter in their 70s & 90s i assume; the daughter is a complete a-hole to the mom) anyways, they got into a physical fight in the parking lot and all the TPS went out to stop it, according to the Cart attendant the daughter had the mom in a headlock and started punching her in the head, all while the mom was scratching, spitting and trying to claw out the daughters eyes out. I feel like it was an episode of Jerry Springer or something.
To that one guest: I'm not your servant. If you think you can come in and treat me like a peon, you've got another thing coming...don't be surprised when your prescription comes flying across the counter at you. I don't get paid enough to deal with the likes of you....
To that one guest....let's look at the TMs in our store after 7pm, shall we?
Guest services
Electronics TM
Food ave TM
Starbucks TM
Pharmacist (can't leave pharmacy so doesn't really count)

That's it. And we have to cover each other's breaks AND get all the work done as if we had a full team. Thus, we do not have two hours to devote to you to be your personal shopper. It took four of us within that two hour period to get you through the store. So when you come in to announce your presence to me and that you will be needing our assistance. I get you are lonely and have physical issues...but we just don't have the TM power to cater to you for two hours.
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