To that one guest

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To that one guest....let's look at the TMs in our store after 7pm, shall we?
Guest services
Electronics TM
Food ave TM
Starbucks TM
Pharmacist (can't leave pharmacy so doesn't really count)

That's it. And we have to cover each other's breaks AND get all the work done as if we had a full team. Thus, we do not have two hours to devote to you to be your personal shopper. It took four of us within that two hour period to get you through the store. So when you come in to announce your presence to me and that you will be needing our assistance. I get you are lonely and have physical issues...but we just don't have the TM power to cater to you for two hours.

Sounds like a job for the LOD.
It will give them a great opportunity to demonstrate that vibe stuff.
Speaking of, the other day I got a call from the front lanes to bring up fifteen gallons of distilled MP water. I was like, I did. And then promptly got sent back for more by the guest because a few of the ones I'd brought were "dented". No apology for the inconvenience, no thanks for helping out...I'm firmly convinced that the jerk didn't feel like loading up her cart herself so just took one for the cashier to ring out and then PLANNED to have someone else bring up the rest for her!

Yeah, I was kinda ticked off. 😛

To that...person, not even going to call you a're of able body but the sound mind part I question. Anyway, we are NOT your personal shoppers. Load up your own dang cart. I'm not heartless; if you REALLY wanted the help I wouldn't have minded if you found someone one the floor while you were still shopping so we could take our time and load up a tub while you were still shopping. But to leave it till you were checking out is just beyond rude. I hope you choke on your water. 😛
To the 3 teenage girls who were shopping and laughing in shoes in the aisle that was clearance and that I had already zoned - You were a pleasant surprise. Things were for the most part put back where they went. Thanks to you and to your parents who obviously raised you to have some consideration for others. I walked past there on my way to break expecting to see a mess and was extremely happy. I wish I could've thanked you in person.
to the guest that wanted to use my smart cart to shop...HA, just because your a guest dosent mean you can just take it while i was talking to another TM, dumba$$, dont give me an attitude and try to argue with me about it, you will use the other carts just like everyone else
to the guest that wanted to use my smart cart to shop...HA, just because your a guest dosent mean you can just take it while i was talking to another TM, dumba$$, dont give me an attitude and try to argue with me about it, you will use the other carts just like everyone else

The old people at my store do this all the time because they dont have to bend to get their stuff out. Maybe Target should make a plastic version for elderly guests?
At our store, guests aren't allowed to touch any TM equipment such as three tiers, tubs and flats. If they need something rolled around, we do it for them (I'm assuming this is company wide policy for liability reasons). If we run out of regular carts, too bad so's not like I can exactly stop you from bringing in a cart from the department store next door, anyway. 😛 *whistles*
To the 3 teenage girls who were shopping and laughing in shoes in the aisle that was clearance and that I had already zoned - You were a pleasant surprise. Things were for the most part put back where they went. Thanks to you and to your parents who obviously raised you to have some consideration for others. I walked past there on my way to break expecting to see a mess and was extremely happy. I wish I could've thanked you in person.

Bet one of their parents work in retail.
To the 3 teenage girls who were shopping and laughing in shoes in the aisle that was clearance and that I had already zoned - You were a pleasant surprise. Things were for the most part put back where they went. Thanks to you and to your parents who obviously raised you to have some consideration for others. I walked past there on my way to break expecting to see a mess and was extremely happy. I wish I could've thanked you in person.

Bet one of their parents work in retail.

That's what I was thinking, too.
I spent yesterday prompting one of my clients to say "sorry" and lecturing him about respect and following directions as he has been very bad as of later. Later that night I was zoning the freezers and some guy comes up and very rudely says "Where's the [whatever]?" I swear I had to catch myself from saying "Excuse me, we do not talk like that to other people" in a matter-of-fact-voice.
To the 3 teenage girls who were shopping and laughing in shoes in the aisle that was clearance and that I had already zoned - You were a pleasant surprise. Things were for the most part put back where they went. Thanks to you and to your parents who obviously raised you to have some consideration for others. I walked past there on my way to break expecting to see a mess and was extremely happy. I wish I could've thanked you in person.

Bet one of their parents work in retail.

or were like me (before retail)...put it back in the original spot if possible. It's called respect, lost art.
Wanted to smack this one guest that moved the flat full of dog food I was stocking out of the end of aisle (to keep people out of there while I moving the 40 pound bags of food)....and the proceeded to just walk through the aisle without looking at anything......really, another 5 feet to go into the next aisle would have killed you?
i REALLY REALLY want to say "no" to a guest when they ask "do you work here?", i really want to know what they will say, i was so tempted to say that today.

Then add, But I really like the look with the accessories (PDA and walkie). Do you think I've pulled it off? I mean, I'm standing there putting up reshop and/or zoning and they will walk up and ask me that.
To any guest who refuses to put clothes on the conveyor belt because it 'looks dirty'

Never realizing that the clothes may have fallen on the stockroom floor, been stepped on, etc.

Got caught in the cart wheels when taking back for reshop. I had a night gown that kept doing that.

Can't tell you how many time I've knocked clothes off the racks and driven over them with the Wave when I had to hang signs.
i REALLY REALLY want to say "no" to a guest when they ask "do you work here?", i really want to know what they will say, i was so tempted to say that today.

Then add, But I really like the look with the accessories (PDA and walkie). Do you think I've pulled it off? I mean, I'm standing there putting up reshop and/or zoning and they will walk up and ask me that.

i was taking the WAVE across the salesfloor into another stockroom and someone asked me that
To the 3 teenage girls who were shopping and laughing in shoes in the aisle that was clearance and that I had already zoned - You were a pleasant surprise. Things were for the most part put back where they went. Thanks to you and to your parents who obviously raised you to have some consideration for others. I walked past there on my way to break expecting to see a mess and was extremely happy. I wish I could've thanked you in person.

Bet one of their parents work in retail.

or were like me (before retail)...put it back in the original spot if possible. It's called respect, lost art.

Every now and again you get that one guest who surprises you in a pleasant way. I was zoning shoes one night and someone had entirely had a shoe trying on party in the toddler aisle and there were shoes and boxes all over the floor. I was saving it for last knowing that it was going to take me forever and therefore was straightening the men's section when this woman stepped around and looked at me with big eyes and said, "People really make messes like that?" And I told her, "Yes, they do... but don't worry, I'm just about to clean it up." Then she disappeared. I finished the men's aisle and was just about to step over to the toddler nightmare when the same woman met me and said, "Now I didn't know exactly where they were supposed to go but I put all the shoes back in the right boxes and lined them up against the shelves for you." Needless to say I was in so much shock I barely got out, "You didn't have to do that." And she said, "I Just wanted to help you." I've never forgotten that. Those types of guests I wish we could have more of. 🙂
To all of the jerk wads who have visited the pharmacy lately....please make good on your repeated threats to "go somewhere else". We're sick and tired of listening to you b!tch and moan EVERY month because you think WE have done something wrong. 1) It's not OUR fault you haven't picked up your "auto-refill" for 2 weeks and it had to be put back to stock so you have to wait for it to be filled again (for the umpteenth time) 2) it's not OUR fault you're going out of town and need your "auto-refill" a few days early so you have to wait for it to be filled 3) it's not OUR fault you waited until you were COMPLETELY out of meds to call us for a refill (oh, and you had NO refills left....sorry, we don't just "hand out" controlled substances, you'll have to wait until he gets back to us) 4) it's not OUR fault YOUR DOCTOR sent the prescription to the WRONG pharmacy so it's not waiting for you when you get here 5) it's not OUR fault YOUR DOCTOR didn't put clear directions on the e-script so we have to call and verify exactly HOW you're supposed to take your medication 6) it's not OUR fault the insurance won't pay for another refill already when you JUST got it filled 2 weeks ago and last, but not least 7) it's not OUR fault you're a blatant LIAR and we busted you....go ahead and call corporate, I'd love to hear what story you tell THEM (since you already changed it TWICE)!!!
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