To that one guest

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Just be glad it wasn't a snot rocket. At least he had enough manners to wipe his hands.
wow I have seen guests completely just like cough and stuff but never anything like this. eww All my cashiers clean their registers quite often so I dont think there is much to worry about. There is also hand sanitizer at each CL

Yeah, some of our guests are rather disgusting. I clean the hell out of my lane and use hand sanitizer like you wouldn't believe. And I'm not even a germophobe - people don't want their food, etc. exposed to that.
I really hate guests. Not all of them, just most. They disrespect my team members and other guests. They make terrible messes, and then complain about it. They let their little brats run wild through the store. That doesn't even touch on the dishonest things they do, I won't go there. I make sure to give each and every one of the jerks as hard a time as I can by rigidly applying every little directive and best practice that I can.
I really hate guests. Not all of them, just most. They disrespect my team members and other guests. They make terrible messes, and then complain about it. They let their little brats run wild through the store. That doesn't even touch on the dishonest things they do, I won't go there. I make sure to give each and every one of the jerks as hard a time as I can by rigidly applying every little directive and best practice that I can.

YES! The Terrible Target Truth! The one most TMs and many leaders agree with but are afraid to say anything for fear of losing their job for "blasphemy". In my experience, even some of the guests feel this way.
To the guest in front of me in line at Target Cafe: I watched as you opened several pizza boxes, leaving them in the warmer before asking the cafe cashier when "some FRESH ones would be coming out". I was PO'd because they had to toss every one that you stuck your fingers into but I laughed when she told you it would be 15 minutes "to replace all the ones you touched."
Karma Ss. Hope you weren't in a hurry.
to the one guest who had her daughter in such a crying tizzy that she puked..thanks so much for aiming her for the last part into the garbage can. But really? just walking away without saying anything about the pile she didn't get into the can...not cool. You should be happy a) I saw it happen and b) I didn't do what I do normally when seeing/hearing puke which is puking(which would have landed on you....but would have made me laugh)

Seriously? Why do I seem to get all the icky guests? (pee'ers, feminine hygiene products and pukers..oh my)
To the guest in front of me in line at Target Cafe: I watched as you opened several pizza boxes, leaving them in the warmer before asking the cafe cashier when "some FRESH ones would be coming out". I was PO'd because they had to toss every one that you stuck your fingers into but I laughed when she told you it would be 15 minutes "to replace all the ones you touched."
Karma Ss. Hope you weren't in a hurry.

When I covered breaks and lunches in the food court I always hated when they did that. You dont need to touch them to find out......
Was cashiering today. A person brought their dog into the store, it took a dump on the floor. The guest then didn't tell anyone, but immediately headed up to the checklanes (my lane). Since poop is kind of hard to hide, an ETL is notified of it immediately. She goes and cleans it up, but then goes up to the guests in my line. She tells them we can't have dogs in the store and poop is unsanitary. They basically shrug it off and say "We're leaving anyway."

While that guest was not a good guest, what I heard in the line next to me is the purpose of this post. A different guest comments "If that ever does happen, you don't seek out the customer and yell at them, you do your job and go clean it up." We were insanely busy, but I stopped ringing just to turn my head and look to see if someone had actually said that.
Was cashiering today. A person brought their dog into the store, it took a dump on the floor. The guest then didn't tell anyone, but immediately headed up to the checklanes (my lane). Since poop is kind of hard to hide, an ETL is notified of it immediately. She goes and cleans it up, but then goes up to the guests in my line. She tells them we can't have dogs in the store and poop is unsanitary. They basically shrug it off and say "We're leaving anyway."

While that guest was not a good guest, what I heard in the line next to me is the purpose of this post. A different guest comments "If that ever does happen, you don't seek out the customer and yell at them, you do your job and go clean it up." We were insanely busy, but I stopped ringing just to turn my head and look to see if someone had actually said that.
I guess that guest doestn't care if their neighbors' dogs run loose and poop in their yard.

One thing all animals except for service animals are prohibited from entering the store.
To the guest in front of me in line at Target Cafe: I watched as you opened several pizza boxes, leaving them in the warmer before asking the cafe cashier when "some FRESH ones would be coming out". I was PO'd because they had to toss every one that you stuck your fingers into but I laughed when she told you it would be 15 minutes "to replace all the ones you touched."
Karma Ss. Hope you weren't in a hurry.

The TM should have charged them for every pizza thrown out.
I guess that guest doestn't care if their neighbors' dogs run loose and poop in their yard.

One thing all animals except for service animals are prohibited from entering the store.

That is our policy as well, it's just rarely enforced--only in situations like this one.
I know that situation. I had people walk their dogs right into the store. I stop the guest to tell them that only service animals are permitted in the store. Then they go on a rant that they are in a hurry and complain its cruel to leave dogs in cars, or their pet is too young/frail to leave at home alone. I say "I'm sorry it is store policy."

Then the ETL comes up with a box and cart and says its ok just this time only if the pet stays inside the box inside the cart.
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I like the guests who sneak in with ferrets, snakes and guinea pigs.
Never had one leave any poop behind so it's no big deal.
One of my cashiers nearly got bit by a small dog held by a child sitting in the basket. She had bagged up the guest's items & was setting in the basket next to the child. She thought the child was holding a toy dog until it snapped at her. The guest said "oh, he wouldn't hurt anyone." Yeh? She sure hightailed it out of the store, tho.
To all those guests who forget their redcard...NO WE CANNOT LOOK UP YOUR INFO. Do you people realize the gigantic security risk if we were just able to pull up that info on demand, let alone enter it into the register? We also can't just GIVE you 5% because you can't keep your redcard with all your other cards. The world doesn't work on the honor system, wake up!
To all those guests who forget their redcard...NO WE CANNOT LOOK UP YOUR INFO. Do you people realize the gigantic security risk if we were just able to pull up that info on demand, let alone enter it into the register? We also can't just GIVE you 5% because you can't keep your redcard with all your other cards. The world doesn't work on the honor system, wake up!
This drives me crazy, too! Then they'll ask me if they can look it up at Guest Services. Um, no! I know that other stores do it but we don't. When I worked at Kohl's they could put their social in at the card reader and it would print them out a temporary card but we don't do that here.
These are the same folks who 'didn't want to give out their SS#' to get the !@#$ card.
I used to tell 'em "If I can look it up, then ANYONE could look it up."
Can you say 'security risk'? I thought you could.
To all those guests who forget their redcard...NO WE CANNOT LOOK UP YOUR INFO. Do you people realize the gigantic security risk if we were just able to pull up that info on demand, let alone enter it into the register? We also can't just GIVE you 5% because you can't keep your redcard with all your other cards. The world doesn't work on the honor system, wake up!

I get this one all the time!
to the guest who didnt realize they got "double charged", doesn't realize this until they get home which just happens to be millions of miles away. When they call the store they demand the refund be done over the phone by giving their credit card info over the phone because driving back to the store to fix the issue is simply out of the question. I want to tell them like seriously?!?!! YOU want ME, someone you don't even know to KEY IN your credit card info. Are you that ignorant to think that loosing what $5/$6 bucks in gas is worse then your credit info being handed out...OVER THE PHONE?? lmao No I'm sorry ma'am, unfortunately you will have to come into the store to fix the double charge. For security purposes, we cannot do any returns or transactions over the phone. Guest: "great, now because your cashier screwed up I have to take time out to fix it" 'yes ma'am"

This has to be the same guest who looks at their bank statements and sees charges on their account from a Target store in Road Island. loll
to the guest who didnt realize they got "double charged", doesn't realize this until they get home which just happens to be millions of miles away. When they call the store they demand the refund be done over the phone by giving their credit card info over the phone because driving back to the store to fix the issue is simply out of the question. I want to tell them like seriously?!?!! YOU want ME, someone you don't even know to KEY IN your credit card info. Are you that ignorant to think that loosing what $5/$6 bucks in gas is worse then your credit info being handed out...OVER THE PHONE?? lmao No I'm sorry ma'am, unfortunately you will have to come into the store to fix the double charge. For security purposes, we cannot do any returns or transactions over the phone. Guest: "great, now because your cashier screwed up I have to take time out to fix it" 'yes ma'am"

This has to be the same guest who looks at their bank statements and sees charges on their account from a Target store in Road Island. loll
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