To that one guest

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To the guest who is switching pharmacies because she's "tired of having to wait for her prescriptions or stand in line"....ummm....yeah....good luck finding that "magic pharmacy" that can just make the pills *instantly* appear in the labeled bottles in the correct form, strength, and quantity which services ONLY you 😉
Me: Hi, how can I help you?
Guest: I was given this (some domestics item) as a gift for Christmas, but I don't need it.
Me: Alright, do you have a receipt?
Guest: No, it was a gift.
Me: Alright, let me check if it's still in the system. *does price inquiry* Sorry, ma'am, but we're no longer carrying this item. Unless you have the receipt or a gift receipt, I cannot return this item for you.
Guest: What do you mean you don't carry this anymore? You have things just like it on the shelf.
Me: I'm sorry, but our inventory rotates every so often, and some styles are discontinued. This specific style has been discontinued.
Guest: So there's nothing you can do?
Me: Unfortunately, no, as a receipt is required for a return. In most cases, I can give store credit if an item was recently bought, but this item is out of the system so I cannot do that for you. I'm sorry.
Guest: Can I speak with the manager?
Me: Ma'am, I am the manager. *points to the return policy behind me* Our policy states that returns that returns without a receipt can be denied. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do for you with this particular item.
*Guest walks away cursing under her breath*

Our Best GSTL is leaving...could you replace him please....? 🙁
To that one guest whose kid threw up in one spot the other morning. Thanks for the heads up. But if you are not going to help clean it up please don't come back to the spot and let your kid play in it.
To that one guest...

Okay I get it, you're some incredible hulk lifting an ORANGE team lift basketball hoop that we haven't sold since last summer in the store. Your receipt dates from August 2011, and clearly says it expires in November so no, I cannot return it for you. Sorry. Yes you were at risk for killing either yourself or someone walking around with that hoop on your shoulder. I understand your back hurts now that you lifted that inside, would you like our Cart Attendant to help you out with it on a flatbed?

He declines help and hoists it into the air, as he is going out the doors he hits one of our door sensors and it clean breaks off. He then proceeds out the doors...
A while back I was coming back from a carry out (not team lift, so I was flying solo).

A scary looking meth heady Eminem looking guy approaches me in the parking lot. Already when he was about 20 feet away I have my hand hovering over my walkie, because I know he's approaching me and it could honestly get scary.

"What do I need to do to get hired?"
"What do I need to do to get hired? For the drug test?"
"Do I just need to pee in a cup? Is that all I need to do?"
"... yes."
"Okay, cool, I think I can do that."
"... good."
"So I just pee in a cup and that's the only drug test they do, right?"
"... yes..."
"All right cool, well I guess we're going to be working together soon, so I'll see you out there."

He said as he went to do his interview. I had to tell the ETL not to hire that guy because he scared the crap out of me and I'm pretty sure he has a drug problem. But with a personality like that, they said it wouldn't be an issue--he wasn't getting hired.
Guest looking at lamps, "These are on sale, right?"
Me, pointing to the signings that I made last week that are placed every in every section, "Yep, when you buy one you get the second for half the price."
Guest, "That's not what I read in the flyer.

Sure thing lady, we're going to sell most everything in blue world for half off.
Guest looking at lamps, "These are on sale, right?"
Me, pointing to the signings that I made last week that are placed every in every section, "Yep, when you buy one you get the second for half the price."
Guest, "That's not what I read in the flyer.

Sure thing lady, we're going to sell most everything in blue world for half off.

No, she's just part of the large group of people incapable of reading implied conjunctions. I will admit that the academic writer in me wants to reprimand Target for using a comma splice in their ad.
To that one guest.

For a visual sake, i am zoning p fresh. I am right in front of the eggs moving all the product from the top shelf forward. As I am doing this, this one guest, whom isnt from this country and has a heavy accent, puts a frozen smart one dinner right on the eggs next to me. I saw this happen and i stare at him. We make eye contact and he just walks away. People are so funking rude.

Our "Northern Neighbors" pull this s**t at my store all the time.
So I'm GSAing today and whilst speedweaving, a guest dips into Lane 9 (We have two rows of lanes, odd lanes being behind evens). I tell the guest "If you'd like, you could wiggle down to Lane 6 as they are just finishing up", and she stops pushing her cart, does a 180 degree spin at me and looks appalled. I'm thinking 'is she happy or mad...?'. Then she finally says, "Are you calling me fat?"

I then had to explain to her I was just trying to get her to the quickest lane.. by that time someone else had gone to 6!

In retrospect it kind of made me laugh later on..
Me: Hi, how can I help you?
Guest: I was given this (some domestics item) as a gift for Christmas, but I don't need it.
Me: Alright, do you have a receipt?
Guest: No, it was a gift.
Me: Alright, let me check if it's still in the system. *does price inquiry* Sorry, ma'am, but we're no longer carrying this item. Unless you have the receipt or a gift receipt, I cannot return this item for you.
Guest: What do you mean you don't carry this anymore? You have things just like it on the shelf.
Me: I'm sorry, but our inventory rotates every so often, and some styles are discontinued. This specific style has been discontinued.
Guest: So there's nothing you can do?
Me: Unfortunately, no, as a receipt is required for a return. In most cases, I can give store credit if an item was recently bought, but this item is out of the system so I cannot do that for you. I'm sorry.
Guest: Can I speak with the manager?
Me: Ma'am, I am the manager. *points to the return policy behind me* Our policy states that returns that returns without a receipt can be denied. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do for you with this particular item.
*Guest walks away cursing under her breath*

I'd be careful saying you're the manager lol. Technically GSTLs aren't even "managers"

I do love the new sign behind guest service though 🙂 I point at it all the time when i turn people away
I'd be careful saying you're the manager lol. Technically GSTLs aren't even "managers"

I do love the new sign behind guest service though 🙂 I point at it all the time when i turn people away

Ehh, a GSTL is a supervisor.

I had my GSTL observe me one afternoon at the service desk. A guest wanted to return a portable DVD player because she didn't want it anymore and wanted her money back. Well, it was used, the receipt was expired, and was like $99. I explained that the receipt was expired, thus no longer valid. She tried arguing with me that she had a receipt that showed how much she paid, but I patiently explained that the receipt is only valid for 45 days and that we can't accept the return and give her money back. She asked if there was a manager around, and I explained that I was a manager.

Afterwards, I asked for some feedback in how I handled the situation. He mentioned that since he was there, I could've deferred to him when she mentioned a manager. I explained my reasoning: "When you're not here, I'm the manager. The next level is the TLOD and LOD. It was perfectly within my realm to explain the receipt and return policy. He nodded his head and said how that was the correct answer.

Yeah, if you want to get technical, I'm just a team member. On the other hand, I'm the guest service manager in absence of a GSTL. If there is a situation that I cannot handle, or the guest wants to speak with my boss, I'll gladly involve a TL/ETL.
^Our ETLs hate coming up to SD so much, they've told GSTLs & GSAs to say that.
Sometimes it works, other, not so much.
Had a rather interesting encounter with a couple this past Sunday..

Me: Excuse me, please do not ride our skateboard in the store please.
Guest 1: (Rolls eyes, keeps feet on skateboard)
Me: Its a safety issue and I don't want anybody to get hurt.
Guest 1: (Rolls eyes) Whatever man.

A couple of minutes later, Guest 1's girlfriend confronts me and my new TM I am training at the Electronics boat..

Guest 2: (Looks at my name tag) Oh, you're not a manager, just a trainer. I just wanted to let you know that the skateboard is sitting in the middle of the aisle and kids have been playing on it and it is a liability issue.
Me: (Looks over to see the skateboard her boyfriend was riding in the middle of the racetrack.)
Guest 2: So you don't have to be an a**hole to my boyfriend. (She is raising her voice at this point, making a scene)
Me: Well, I sure am sorry that the skateboard is sitting there.
Guest 2: You're not sorry. A**hole!
New TM: Have a great day!

So she was angry with me because I asked her boyfriend to not ride our merchandise in the store, and that I did not pick it up immediately off the floor where they left it in the middle of the racetrack.

What? Is this real life?
had a really cruddy day yesterday made cruddier by two guests:

Guest #1: so as a consumer wouldn't you look at the sign and assume that was the price for all of the items on the rack (trying to get a $25 C9 tank for $13)
Me: No ma'am, as a consumer I see a sale price and I look at what the regular price is and check it against what I have
more arguing
Guest: so as a consumer you wouldn't look at the barcode/sku and check those
Me: No ma'am as a consumer I know they can't put all codes on an ad
Guest: But this one is closer to the ad (again the $25 tank) sku
Me: no ma'am it isn't.
Guest: but if I bought this one (the one that is on sale) wouldn't it come up on the receipt as a C9 tank also?
Me: well yes ma'am but that's not relevant
Guest finally gave up after 15 minutes of arguing with me and returned the $25 shirt. BTW, the sale sign was 2 weeks past the actual sale and in the wrong spot so I think she was trying to argue her way into a half price shirt.

Guest 2🙁at the fitting room)
Me: Please leave your shopping bag here at the desk with me while you try the bra on.
Guest 2: even though I've already paid for it?
Me: Yes ma'am
Guest 2 comes out in a huff: I've never had to leave my bags before
Me: It is supposed to be all bags are to be left at the desk
Guest 2: Nobody else makes me do this
Me: It is the rule

2 minutes later she returns and asks me my name, I gladly gave it.

End of the night I told the LOD that there might be two guest complaints about me and what they were. She said I was doing my job correctly...I was also told to say that I am not everybody else.
I'd be careful saying you're the manager lol. Technically GSTLs aren't even "managers"

I do love the new sign behind guest service though 🙂 I point at it all the time when i turn people away
My ETLs encourage GSTLs to say they are managers as they can handle most matters.
A guest wanted a crib,or changing table for $.10 ,10 cents ,because it was printed on the strip /price in infant ! No really? I just caught the end of the argument between srtl and guest ....srtl won !
I didn't witness this one, but a friend of mine on the plano team did. A guest asked her if we carried enchilada sauce packets. You know, like the taco sauce packets where you can just buy the packet? Well, all we have is canned enchilada sauce, and my friend told her this. The guest got mad, put all of her groceries back and left the store.

Ya know, if I really wanted to make someone mad, I would have just left the cart and walked off...thanks lady for making our jobs easier!
You must also be in the "You have ruined my child's christmas!" club as well!

The one time I actually worked at Guest Service, it was still Q3 and the guests were pleasant. But the combination of Q4 and the service desk is not a good one. I've heard (and read on here) plenty of stories.

End of the night I told the LOD that there might be two guest complaints about me and what they were. She said I was doing my job correctly...I was also told to say that I am not everybody else.

Good for you for doing the right thing. GTCs to you.
My ETLs encourage GSTLs to say they are managers as they can handle most matters.

Yeah I know its the same at my store too, but a GSA should always defer to a GSTL or LOD (if the guest requests a manager).

Why put your ass on the line for $0.50/hr?
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