To that one guest

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To that one guest: You didn't look suspicious at all when you walked past our TPS with that big bag of yours. /sarcasm It couldn't have been more obvious that you were stealing. (To AP: I hope you got her.)

To that other guest: Learn how to read a ****ing sign before you go and bite our heads off.
Ok I'm going to relate my story and you all tell me what you think. It's Saturday evening and we're busy as usual I'm cashiering and I have a guest, a woman of around 40 and her daughter of say 20. They have quite a bit of stuff and I'm ringing everything up and I come to the last 3 or 4 items and I turn to tell the guest the total and she's gone, daughter too. I ask the ladies next in line did you see where they went. The one woman says "yah, she and her daughter just ran out of the store." My GSA was right there and she went out to see if she could spot them but they were long gone. She asks me if they ran a card, I show her the suspend slip I just made and said no way I couldn't have suspended if they had. The GSA takes the last bag along with the slip and goes to call the LOD. My guests who saw the whole thing just happen to be a mother and daughter to. They're saying that these two must be pros to be able to run out for the few seconds my attention was on the last bag of stuff. The LOD does a print out of the items that were on the sale, and we go on just assuming they stole the stuff. A couple hours later a call comes in and it's the daughter saying they are missing a bag and their receipt. When told that they had left without paying the daughter acts totally shocked and says she'll come in to 1. pay for the stuff and 2. pick up the missing bag. And sure enough she was back within 30 minutes and paid for everything.
:huh: :wacko: :unknw:

There you go, now you tell me, did they really believe they paid even though I was still ringing items or did they just get scared and decide to return and pay to avoid the police?
Don't know Reneeiszena, maybe they are the kind of totally oblivious, the world is only about me, why can't you keep up, kind of people?
I've seen those, where they breeze through the registers without bothering to handle basic courtesies and expect everybody to do things for them.

sidenote, awesome avatar
To the lady who brought in an old, expired ad from the week before and put it up herself so she could demand she gets the discounted price since "the ad was still up"...

Yeah, I know it was you. And I hope the forty cents off of orange juice was worth it.
To the lady who brought in an old, expired ad from the week before and put it up herself so she could demand she gets the discounted price since "the ad was still up"...

Yeah, I know it was you. And I hope the forty cents off of orange juice was worth it.

Wow, I'm just kinda speechless, wow!:facepalm:
Honest mistake
Ok I'm going to relate my story and you all tell me what you think. It's Saturday evening and we're busy as usual I'm cashiering and I have a guest, a woman of around 40 and her daughter of say 20. They have quite a bit of stuff and I'm ringing everything up and I come to the last 3 or 4 items and I turn to tell the guest the total and she's gone, daughter too. I ask the ladies next in line did you see where they went. The one woman says "yah, she and her daughter just ran out of the store." My GSA was right there and she went out to see if she could spot them but they were long gone. She asks me if they ran a card, I show her the suspend slip I just made and said no way I couldn't have suspended if they had. The GSA takes the last bag along with the slip and goes to call the LOD. My guests who saw the whole thing just happen to be a mother and daughter to. They're saying that these two must be pros to be able to run out for the few seconds my attention was on the last bag of stuff. The LOD does a print out of the items that were on the sale, and we go on just assuming they stole the stuff. A couple hours later a call comes in and it's the daughter saying they are missing a bag and their receipt. When told that they had left without paying the daughter acts totally shocked and says she'll come in to 1. pay for the stuff and 2. pick up the missing bag. And sure enough she was back within 30 minutes and paid for everything.
:huh: :wacko: :unknw:

There you go, now you tell me, did they really believe they paid even though I was still ringing items or did they just get scared and decide to return and pay to avoid the police?
There you go, now you tell me, did they really believe they paid even though I was still ringing items or did they just get scared and decide to return and pay to avoid the police?

Wow, I feel like you know when you're actively paying for something and when you're just walking out of the store. I mean, there's a process you go through and obviously you were still bagging their items. I think they might have had regrets about stealing, but I guess you'll never really know, unless I guess they try it again.
My fellow tms are split on this some think that the woman was just not paying attention and thought they were done and some agree that it looked like they were stealing. All I know is that the guests behind them said that they "ran" out of the store, their words not mine. Who knows, like Thinktank90 said we'll never know unless they try it again. Could be this was a test run to check how good our security is. :huh::unknw:
Not to one guest in particular ,but to women :
What goes in your mind when you decide to open a bottle of nail polish and paint the fixtures? The bottles are clear and you can see the color !
Day after day I have to clean this mess !!!!

I know your pain on that! I have cleaned up that mess many a times.
To that one guest who, while I was stocking the Spaghetti-O's, couldn't be bothered with "Excuse Me" or "I'll Take One of those"while reaching under my armpits to get the same thing I was stocking....WTF? I am so sick of guests with lack of respect for my personal space......I'm not hard to get along with, ask me, and I'll move, or get it for you.....

I had a guy this morning while getting my breakfast that was so close to me that I could feel him breathing down my neck.....creepy....and way unneeded.....
Not to one guest in particular ,but to women :
What goes in your mind when you decide to open a bottle of nail polish and paint the fixtures? The bottles are clear and you can see the color !
Day after day I have to clean this mess !!!!

One time I found someone had kissed the support beam in the lipstick aisle to test the color.
Not to one guest in particular ,but to women :
What goes in your mind when you decide to open a bottle of nail polish and paint the fixtures? The bottles are clear and you can see the color !
Day after day I have to clean this mess !!!!

I think what's worse is when they spill it and don't bother telling anybody until you just happen on it:scare:. And by then numerous guests have just run their carts over it.
Not to one guest in particular ,but to women :
What goes in your mind when you decide to open a bottle of nail polish and paint the fixtures? The bottles are clear and you can see the color !
Day after day I have to clean this mess !!!!

They even came up with adhesive covers for the bullnoses so when they get to covered with polish we can peel them off and and put on new ones rather than replace the bullnose.
Pretty nifty all things considered.
But my question is why the frell do we have to do that in the first place?
If only they'd put them in a magnetic little lock that can be removed ONLY at the register (a la security tags) & ONLY upon purchase. If they weren't removed, they'd set off a shrill alarm (kinda what our cosmetics brand TM sounds like when she comes across this).
To that one guest: If I happen to be near the lanes, that does not mean that I am going to jump on a lane just because you're in a hurry. I'm not your personal cashier. You can wait in line like everyone else until the GSTL realizes she needs to speedweave.
Is trying on clothes a new olympic event ?
I was FRO and it was never ending ! Thankfully I was done by 3 pm ,but the tm who came at 3 pm was not too happy when she saw the 2 z racks full and 2 3 tiers carts!
Since I was the only one in SL for the morning and that I had 3 carts of reshops unsorted to start with ,it was not bad!
Is trying on clothes a new olympic event ?
I was FRO and it was never ending ! Thankfully I was done by 3 pm ,but the tm who came at 3 pm was not too happy when she saw the 2 z racks full and 2 3 tiers carts!
Since I was the only one in SL for the morning and that I had 3 carts of reshops unsorted to start with ,it was not bad!

if it is an olympic event I have A TON of regulars who are gold medalists...especially if swimsuits are their own medal category.
To that one guest trying to return an air filter machine he bought seven months ago and "used it twice": it is not even in our system anymore so how can you claim it's still sitting on our store shelf?! The receipt clearly says "expires 3/30/12" so no it's NOT a valid receipt anymore. What's that, you're going to Walmart from now on? Yay! Do you need directions?!
To that one guest: It doesn't matter how much you argue, the LOD is not gonna let you do the return with an expired receipt.
To the man copping an attitude at me when I have to call for someone to help me with a team lift item, I'm sorry I'm teeny tiny and I can't pick up massive things all by lonesome without harming myself, you, or the product.

To the kids who push the indymes and run away, stay with your parents in seasonal, don't run to electronics to look at "M" XBOX 360 games I can't sell you because you're 12. It's not funny. Also, if you see me standing two feet from you zoning, don't push the indymes, you make everyone in the area come running (or walking fast).
to the one guest (and maybe a second)-please put on more than a long, see -through, tank top and bathing suit bottoms when you go shopping at a store and especially when trying on clothes.....EWWW!!!
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