To that one guest

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Bet they'd stop doing it if you called AP over each & every time.
They'd find out just what annoyance is.

Whenever I'm in a funk and need a laugh I come to this forum and read some posts.
Picks my spirits up really quickly.

I have to say that this little ditty made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants!
To that one guest who was nowhere near P-Fresh: Just stop. Don't complain that the store is cold when it's 90 degrees outside and the AC doesn't even work that well. Not to mention, everyone around you is dripping with sweat. (If store machinery got reviews like TMs do, our AC would be lucky to get an IE.)

Ooops! This is the post that I really meant to show!

I see how it is...
What can I's the company I keep.
And I mean my teammate company, not spot.
to those guests tonight who had gallons of perfume on and couldn't stop bickering....come back after you will dissipate the smell and may calm you down too.
to those guests tonight who had gallons of perfume on and couldn't stop bickering....come back after you will dissipate the smell and may calm you down too.

Were they bickering and arguing about who killed who?

to the guest tonight who spent a half hour on the phone in toys, while yelling at his former employee saying things like 'you're a crack addict and you've always been one' .... thanks for entertaining me and simultaneously frightening away all those kidlets who were going to destroy my zone.
I've had two prank calls get through the operator to me this week.

The first one was a woman calling to ask about KY, what type we had, prices, etc. She kind of giggled when she asked me, but I thought maybe she was just jealous. Went, looked at the section, got the names and went back. Told her what we had, she asked what was good, said I had no idea, she asked me to describe the best experience with KY, I hung up.

Today got someone asking about mops. I'm not sure if he was putting on a stereotypical "gay" voice as part of his act, or if that was just his voice. But he was asking some bizarre questions about the mops, like if Mr. Clean looked good on the package. The questions would bounce back and forth from bizarre like that to pricing questions. I really couldn't tell if it was a prank or the guy was just weird. Then he said "Have you ever played naked leap frog?" And I hung up.

Maybe I understand doing crank calls as a kid with nothing to do, but both of these people actually were adults. That's the part that struck me as oddest... although maybe the second guy's line of questioning did win out for oddest part.
Not to one guest in particular ,but to women :
What goes in your mind when you decide to open a bottle of nail polish and paint the fixtures? The bottles are clear and you can see the color !
Day after day I have to clean this mess !!!!

Actually, not all nail polish bottles are clear. And, even if it is, some colors are more sheer than others. It is something you should test before you buy, if you can, but on your nail, not the fixture.
To the woman who keeps coming in right before closing, looking for various items we don't sell, don't ***** when they announce that we're closing and that "this always happens". Don't come in at 9:56 asking for things we don't sell. Oh, you're going to go to Wal Mart from now on? More power to you, one less person I have to escort to the front.
Had a guest stop me while I was zoning on a night that was looking to be a VERY long close. She bought a Shark steam cleaner which supposedly was missing the padding that fits on the bottom. She asks me for the location of the replacement pads which says we carry (If I only had a dime for every time I heard that). Couldnt find anything anywhere around the steam cleaners so I just browsed item search until I found something that sounded like it. Went to the backroom, pulled it, and brought it back to her and it turned out to be the item she was looking for. She thanked me and then asked a question that floored me..."So do I have to pay for this?". I replied yes after about a 5 second pause.Then she goes on a rant about how ridiculous it was for her to have to drive an hour back to the store to get something that was supposed to be included. Said she probably will not shop at Target anymore, handed me the replacement pads, and walked away. All the wasted time aside, if you have that far of a drive why the f*ck didnt you just bring back the vacuum??? Stupid biotch.
I had a guest who opened a Pepsi, drank from it and didn't want to pay for it because it was warm.:mosking::
It was so hard not to laugh. REALLY? I told her I would have to call over my manager and I realllly wanted to because the GSA that day was the no-nonsense type and I would have loved to see her handle that guest. I then suggested she could get some ice in a cup from food Ave and she decided to do that.
Had a guest stop me while I was zoning on a night that was looking to be a VERY long close. She bought a Shark steam cleaner which supposedly was missing the padding that fits on the bottom. She asks me for the location of the replacement pads which says we carry (If I only had a dime for every time I heard that). Couldnt find anything anywhere around the steam cleaners so I just browsed item search until I found something that sounded like it. Went to the backroom, pulled it, and brought it back to her and it turned out to be the item she was looking for. She thanked me and then asked a question that floored me..."So do I have to pay for this?". I replied yes after about a 5 second pause.Then she goes on a rant about how ridiculous it was for her to have to drive an hour back to the store to get something that was supposed to be included. Said she probably will not shop at Target anymore, handed me the replacement pads, and walked away. All the wasted time aside, if you have that far of a drive why the f*ck didnt you just bring back the vacuum??? Stupid biotch.

If she didn't want to pay for it and the part was legitimately missing, she should've called the manufacturer. They would be more likely to send her a replacement. Silly people.
To the guest who came and b1+<hed and moaned because you came in at 6:10 and we were closed, guess what? We close at 6:00, not 6:15 or 6:10 and no, we DON'T "stay after closing because the test of the store is open". When it's closing time, the gate goes down and we're out of there! Oh, and we're not going to START staying after 10-15 minutes "for those people who can't make it before closing"...if you can't make it in between 9-9 on a weekday or 9-6 on a weekend, maybe you should either have someone else pick up your Rx or switch to a 24-hour pharmacy.
To that one guest: You are perfectly capable of moving the pen cord out of your way on the card reader all by yourself.

It's bad enough that guests expect us to throw out their garbage, let alone re-position the pen after every transaction. ****ing lazy asses.
No, our lane lights aren't on.

Yes, it's hot in here without the a/c on.

I'm sorry the registers reset themselves and are taking a couple of minutes to come back up.

And while you're using all that energy to make inane comments, could you shove your items down the belt? That's not working either.

Not everything in the store can be on the backup generators. Believe me, the power going out wasn't on our highlights for the day, either.
To the 2 little girls in the ladies' bathroom: The older girl (6?) was explaining to her younger sister the purpose of the tampon/feminine pad vending machine. She said the one item was "cigarettes" & the other was packets of "cookies" in a matter-of-fact voice.
I was in a nearby stall trying to keep from cracking up.
Thanks for entertaining several of us while we took care of 'business'.
Hey, lady, I'm sorry we only have one prints-in-seconds kiosk. Ranting to me for ten minutes about how you're in a hurry could have gotten your pictures through the one hour process since I had no orders. *sigh*
To that one guest: Please do the world a favor and enroll yourself in anger management.

To the next guest in line: Thank you for understanding and being patient.
To that guest who threw a fit at our other tech and our pharmacist because the tech verified the guest's address by asking "On X Street, right?" instead of "What's your address?": Calm down. Nobody heard your address, and there isn't some other lady out there with the same name trying to steal your meds. And even if we did live in some bizarro-world where people got their kicks by fraudulently picking up someone else's atenolol, we have ways of finding out who picked it up.

This is the same lady who chewed out our STL (who is always very nice and guest service oriented) because she couldn't reach any merchandise from the top shelf due to her being in a wheelchair. Really? I understand that must be a frustrating situation, but there are plenty of people who would be more than willing to lend a hand. Also, where has she been shopping that only uses 3-foot tall shelves? If we switched to that, we'd need twice the floor space, and then she'd complain about having to go so far for everything. Some people...

To the guest who came and b1+<hed and moaned because you came in at 6:10 and we were closed, guess what? We close at 6:00, not 6:15 or 6:10 and no, we DON'T "stay after closing because the test of the store is open". When it's closing time, the gate goes down and we're out of there! Oh, and we're not going to START staying after 10-15 minutes "for those people who can't make it before closing"...if you can't make it in between 9-9 on a weekday or 9-6 on a weekend, maybe you should either have someone else pick up your Rx or switch to a 24-hour pharmacy.

We get this all the time. We're 9-7 M-F, 9-5 Sat, 11-5 Sun. It's pretty much the only comment we see on the surveys. "Pharmacy needs to open earlier (like when the store opens), close later, and not close for lunch." Mind you, we only have one RPh on duty pretty much every day, but why would we want to let them eat during the day?
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