To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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to the idiots who do the schedule...why the hell would you have less than 5 people on each side of the floor on the Saturday before Christmas? You had more scheduled for tonight.

to that one muckety muck, who in coming for a visit (our 4th or 5th in 2 weeks...can you say somethings afoot?) ended up running the front lanes....BRAVA!! Beautiful job on a horrendously busy afternoon...too bad our ETL's/STL seem to have the uncanny inability to speedweave themselves.

to all of those team members who get one 15 for every 4 hours worked not 5 minutes every hour to go out the front and litter the ground. To the GSA's/GSTL's dont frantically call for back up and then go out front to smoke...don't care if your right in front of a can't see all registers and more often than not you are taking a "break" with the GS tm who is the one that runs the front end when you are on break.

to those closing LOD' are absolute nimwits who are drinking way too much of our STL's koolaid....why the hell would you change all of the work areas for our closers halfway through the shift? The tm's that are most hurt by that are the ones who actually do their work and were more than halfway done with their zones. I have never seen my TL that mad (and she was already mad with a tm who couldn't really account for her whereabouts for that first half) and honestly, you have made it to the naughty list of all of our team.

to the TM's who were bitching and moaning about not being kept on after the holidays and how you aren't going to bust your butt this last week...well, honestly if you had busted butt once while on the clock you would probably have been kept on because those areas are hurting for regular tm's
oh my goodness!! It's a good thing I have Christmas eve off.

to Miss Cushy Pants...I left less than a cart of rewraps (because OUR tl said to) and a shift later come in to 2 heaping carts...what the h e double hockey sticks did you do all day? And you bet your sweet bippy I showed our ETL what I did in less than an hour (got it down to half a cart, maybe, and sorted so that it will be easy enough to get people to look for what's needed)

to the LOD and GSTL....yup, TSC is the best place to be on December 23rd for your entire shift. (you can hear the sarcasm, right?)

to that tm(from our store) who is training as an AP to transfer over to the other store in our town.....did your eyes ever stop rolling from when our AP told you that I was the best FRO and to jump when I call? I know you are team cushy pants but still.

to that one brand attendant I like you as a person but it is very obvious to me that you can't stay in one area too long and heaven forbid actually zone. And please, please, until you have been over in your area longer than the seasonal people worry about your areas and not where everybody else is assigned.

You are in my store, taking hours from us... and then you shoot ME because you wouldn't call me for help when you knew what I was doing??? YOu had multiple mistakes today - not doing things they way WE require them, and our way isn't so bad. But i'm not going down for your stuff....

To the etl working on what happened to my schedule - you rock, truly. Thank you... and thank you for saying you weren't going to take that many hours from me next week. Of course, it will come out that i'm not really trained to work some of what they have me scheduled for on that one.... is that my problem??

Overall though, i'm tired of getting made into the daily scapegoat. I'm do old for this crap.
So I help you out big time by switching you shifts (after you call in last night) to come in early so you could come in later and you NCNS? C'mon dude. You're lucky today was one of the easiest days we've had since early November and the three of us in the back were knocking out pulls with absolutely no problem.
To the TM that put out the street date 1/1 Legos.... Thanks for getting my hopes up I was going to be done with my shopping this morning.

For the record, TRU had them on sale on Saturday. Too bad I didn't know I should have grabbed some then.

Yes! Some genius put a bunch of ours out as well. With everything flexed over there, the LOD and I are hoping we got them all.

My Lod was telling us to put them per spot email. We did put some out, but not all of them. exactly would you ring them up? The register won't let it go past the street date warning.
Some had the street date lifted. They put the creators back out later that day per an email, and for some reason I could buy movie ones yesterday that have a 12/29 street date on Legos site. Oops. But hey, they pulled the minifigs I planned to buy on break... Drat. A friend was in the store trying to find the Taco man while I was on lunch. Had him meet me at my register to try buying them... Because I was going to send him back for more for me. No go tho, and the STL had to go pull the end cap display they missed.

The Lego vendor at our store put ours out early herself.
To that seasonal TM, I'm sure the cart attendant was too busy to come to the lockers on Christmas eve, to clean up the ice you spilled. I loved how the ETL-GE was walking by just then and asked you why you couldn't get a paper towel and clean it up yourself! :sarcastic3:
To that seasonal TM, I'm sure the cart attendant was too busy to come to the lockers on Christmas eve, to clean up the ice you spilled. I loved how the ETL-GE was walking by just then and asked you why you couldn't get a paper towel and clean it up yourself! :sarcastic3:

That sounds like something I'd expect from the ETL, not the TM.
Dear Team of my store 🙂,

When I first started 3 months ago I was a nervous shelled person and didn't know anyone but then something happened. I became meshed into such a deep culture with the help of all you awesome and helpful people encouraging and challenging me to be the best that I can be and slowly that shell has come off and nervousness transformed into confidence. Every time I walk into the store to start my day I don't see a store and it's employees I see the an amazing team that has given me the gift of inspiration and kindness.

"When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be."

I love helping people and every time I help someone find that item they want or show them something they aren't familiar with or helping a fellow team member with something it reminds me that one person can make a difference in the world but as a team our ability to make a difference is more powerful tenfold 🙂

Someone once told me that all the gifts in the world can't measure up to pure kindness and thoughtfulness straight from the heart weather it be through action or words and this is why I decided to write this as a gift to the entire team.

I await the challenges and learning experiences of the new year of 2014 with you all and will continue to work my hardest and be my kindest always.

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To that one team member,

It has been so great working with you. Not only are you a person to respect greatly but you are very humble of your doings. And although we're all miserable together, you make it worthwhile. I'm glad I had the pleasure of working with you. I only wished we could have worked together more. You were honestly one of my favorite tms to work with.
To my CTL: Thank you for the refresher on pushing P-Fresh.

To that one seasonal TM: Even though you talk incessantly, you know your stuff, and it's too bad you didn't get hired on. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors.
To the one today who gave me talk, and appeared to (on the surface anyway) take an interest in me getting some training for my position.... Thanks, but telling me we have 30 days to get me up to snuf isn't really my problem. You blew my training hours refusing to allow me to do it, you have ensured I didn't get hands on during that time.... Now you want to pretend to be miss team player? What was the last 60 days supposed to be about? I'm not your average employee... I'm onto you all.

And if there isn't 15 hours to give me week, why was I hired in the first place?? And told then it was about 20 hours a week?

On the flip side, you doing YOUR job timely today enured we finally had crazy times that were not tied to huge guest disappoints. To bad that I still never got to enter on the computer today. Again.
To the seasonal TM who thinks he's figured the solution to an easy life as a closing Hardlines TM:

We know what you're doing. If you spend your entire closing shift doing nothing but reshops after being told to stop doing reshops and do your zone multiple times by TLs, ETLs, LOD and even other TMs but still "just didn't have time to zone", we know you're just abusing the end of night help from cashiers and other TMs who finished early. It's not going to work. Many have tried before you. None of them make it past 60 days, let alone 90.

Everyone else finished at 11:30. There are seven people in your area zoning and all of us want to go home. It's really obvious what you're doing.
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To my CTL: Thank you for calling out on the largest sales forecast of the year saturday (21st). I enjoyed working 8am-9:30pm so much!!!! :wacko:

To my CTL again: Thank you for also somehow convincing managment to give you the 24rd through the 29th off. I love having to prep and be here for a VP visit and having to do all the Holiday bounceback Anyone taking vacation is fine but you seem to take a vacation every 1-2 months and have had a total of 4 months or so off this year, do you really need MORE time off.

To my PA friend: If the CTL calling out wasnt enough saturday, you called out Monday for C+S push. Thankfully I was allready there BUT had to stay an extra 2 1/2 hours. This...on a day where I had orginally had the day off and came in to help do visit prep. It turned out ok and C+S is really easy but due to working 13 hours Saturday I just wanted to work my 4 hours and go home.

To the HL team: You guys have done an awesome job this year grabbing calls, backing up, and helping guests in non-market areas, especially with seasonal. It has allowed me to focus more on market than to be dragged away every 15 minutes to help with something that isnt even in market.

To my ETL team: You guys rock. I ALWAYS see every single one of you helping out around the store with almost every different kind of task, whether it be cashiering, working a tub of CAFS, reshop, flexing in seasonal, or whatever other tasks come up. Also making sure that Fast Fun and Friendly is not just something we say but actually do in our store is awesome to see as well. Love the work environment at my store
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to that new clique starting between a tl, srTL and an ETL.....yup, that's just what the store needed was you 3 off the floor when we only have 3 people closing softlines, 1 cashier until 10 and then none for the last hour, and maybe 4 people for the other sections of the store.
To the entire sales floor team: Thank you for spending half of your shifts back-up cashing. If leadership wanted the store zoned, they should've scheduled more cashiers.

If only this were the case. They just keep us until 2 AM and don't let us leave without zoning instead.

Pretty much. My store had me (Cashier) the CA and Guest Services stay late and zone Toys and part of D. We left around 11:45 (scheduled to 10:15) and there were only 2 other people to zone Seasonal and the LOD to finish Softlines.
To the same seasonal cashier that didn't know there was a credit card fiasco going on,

If you ask me why you don't have hours next week and I explain that I am just seasonal too and you should talk to our ETL for Guest Services, you do not go ask the Backroom ETL who most people don't like why you don't have hours. I hope you understand why they don't want to keep you now. I am sorry and you are a legitimately nice person, but better you than me.

To that one ETL,

Thanks for dealing with all those crazy guests we had near close. Especially the lady with the snowglobes. She was driving me crazy.
To the entire sales floor team: Thank you for spending half of your shifts back-up cashing. If leadership wanted the store zoned, they should've scheduled more cashiers.

If only this were the case. They just keep us until 2 AM and don't let us leave without zoning instead.

Pretty much. My store had me (Cashier) the CA and Guest Services stay late and zone Toys and part of D. We left around 11:45 (scheduled to 10:15) and there were only 2 other people to zone Seasonal and the LOD to finish Softlines.

They won't let us stay late because "we'd be getting in the way of the flow team" (read: payroll sucks). All (non-GSA) TMs leave as soon as all guests are gone, and the LOD and TLs stay no more than 30 min after closing. Needless to say, our store looks like shit.
to the closing ETL(s): If you are that behind on zone then why do you have two TLs doing abandons and not helping the TMs zone. I thought for sure my team member and I were really behind compared to you (with the four carts of softlines abandons i did before zone), but it turns out we were ahead of the game!
To the entire sales floor team: Thank you for spending half of your shifts back-up cashing. If leadership wanted the store zoned, they should've scheduled more cashiers.

If only this were the case. They just keep us until 2 AM and don't let us leave without zoning instead.

Pretty much. My store had me (Cashier) the CA and Guest Services stay late and zone Toys and part of D. We left around 11:45 (scheduled to 10:15) and there were only 2 other people to zone Seasonal and the LOD to finish Softlines.

They won't let us stay late because "we'd be getting in the way of the flow team" (read: payroll sucks). All (non-GSA) TMs leave as soon as all guests are gone, and the LOD and TLs stay no more than 30 min after closing. Needless to say, our store looks like shit.

Can I come work at your store? Please?

I've been scheduled to leave at 11:30 the past three days. I have not left before 1:30 AM on any of those days.

And then they wonder why people call out when scheduled five closings in a row.
To the leads: Don't schedule two people in hardlines, and two in softlines...1 for each floor in both departments...nearly every day, then get mad at us for not being able to finish every area, along with all the reshops we have to do on top of that, as well as helping guests *and* going to the front lanes for backup.
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