To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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To ETL-LOG #5: Maybe you could hold back on your grand, sweeping changes to the logistics process for just a little bit? You have been at this store for two days. To my understanding your only Logistics experience is whatever training they gave you. I mean, its great that you have a plan to tackle what is a kind of rough situation at this store but why don't you take a few notes before jumping straight into doing things how your training store probably did them?

At least you seem like less of a dick than ETL-LOG #3. Which means you're probably gone in three months for better pastures. Maybe by then I'll actually remember which letter your name starts with.

To that one TM: Between your reaction to any sort of change being a visceral no fucking way I don't want to that's not how I've been doing it and your general attitude, interacting with you is getting kind of toxic. Too bad you come back here every day to drop things off! Maybe I should learn my lesson and let better-paid people tell you things because I have enough bad vibes in my life without getting blasted for telling you the salvage pallet's probably being moved again.

To Flow: No no no, you walked right past the defectives tub, why are you coming to me with your broken shit. Seriously, two feet to the left and you'd have walked right into it. Probably to pick yourself up, push it out of the way and drop that opened package of whatever on my desk.

Also, whoever bagged a handful of oatmeal or put a bunch of loose TP rolls in the tub? fffffffuuuuuuuu-
TToETL-SF/GE and new GSTL (yes, both of you): oh my God, get fucked. How about one of you actually status with me and give some actual fucking leadership instead of talking to me in ways where I can hear the daggers get sharpened in the background? I show up today and learn that my opening GSTL has left early, so I have no bearings of the front, only learning that I lose all but one of my cashiers at 7:15 tonight. Well, technically, all but two, but one was working our new SCO lanes and couldn't just easily hop on a regular lane. Oh, and that SCO also needed to run to service desk to assist when necessary because our SD called out and you guys didn't fucking replace them. Then, ETL, you ask me about the status of a tub of merchandise that I wasn't even aware of? Yes, really, I wasn't aware of it, no matter how much you tell me that I told you that I had the SCO cashier working on it. Well, surprise! It's 7:30 and it's not going to get done because, again, literally no one can break away, no matter how early I get to close the lanes, because I'm working with half of my normal crew as it is.

And don't tell me that "every other GSA and GSTL has these problems and works through them." I don't care if it's true. I suspect it isn't, though. I think it's a load of fucking horseshit you're throwing at me as another reason I'll be cut off in a couple of months. And, new GSTL, if you hound me one more time about checking the restrooms because our store is winning on payroll but still too cheap to schedule a cart attendant, so help me motherfucking God. And a double fuck you because I do get it done! I check the bathroom log today and our morning GSTL didn't do it at all, but my name's definitely there, and I'll fucking put money down and bet that I'll be told it's not good enough, or not often enough, or not thorough enough even though I'm trying to squeeze it in by myself with a barebones team who are already covering three bases at once at all times.

And yeah, okay, I guess I'm a failure at redcards. I legitimately don't know how the new GSTL manages to drum up so many in their shifts. Really, I don't; they're clearly good at RCs, I guess. But with all of this shit going on, I'm ready to leave. I'm not cut out for GSA. Maybe I am, but all this bullshit isn't worth this pay. I shouldn't be taking an extra 50 cents an hour to come home feeling like a fucking failure every time I have to talk to one of you two, but I am, because I've got too many plans that I fear would be upset by trying to get a new job and having to explain the time off I need in the coming months. But I can just feel that I'm somehow going to get the boot or a sudden deluge of CAs and finals before any other GSAs, even the ones who call out 55% of the time. And if I am.... well, fuck. I'd almost be okay with it at this point.


Why? Why did you decide to fuck over the opening Food Ave TM? I was supposed to close Food Ave today and had plenty of time to do so. But then you guys pulled me from Food Ave to cashier and basically told me to just leave everything, just turn off all the machines. Are you serious? Now the opening TM has to clean EVERYTHING out. She left me her number to text her if I had any questions, so I let her know what happened and she said not to worry about it, and she appreciated what I did do. But fuck man, I feel so bad that I just...left everything. I threw out some of the food, but I had no time to drain anything or clean the soda machine.

TToFood Ave TM

I'm sorry, I did my best.
TToETL-SF/GE and new GSTL (yes, both of you): oh my God, get fucked. How about one of you actually status with me and give some actual fucking leadership instead of talking to me in ways where I can hear the daggers get sharpened in the background? I show up today and learn that my opening GSTL has left early, so I have no bearings of the front, only learning that I lose all but one of my cashiers at 7:15 tonight. Well, technically, all but two, but one was working our new SCO lanes and couldn't just easily hop on a regular lane. Oh, and that SCO also needed to run to service desk to assist when necessary because our SD called out and you guys didn't fucking replace them. Then, ETL, you ask me about the status of a tub of merchandise that I wasn't even aware of? Yes, really, I wasn't aware of it, no matter how much you tell me that I told you that I had the SCO cashier working on it. Well, surprise! It's 7:30 and it's not going to get done because, again, literally no one can break away, no matter how early I get to close the lanes, because I'm working with half of my normal crew as it is.

And don't tell me that "every other GSA and GSTL has these problems and works through them." I don't care if it's true. I suspect it isn't, though. I think it's a load of fucking horseshit you're throwing at me as another reason I'll be cut off in a couple of months. And, new GSTL, if you hound me one more time about checking the restrooms because our store is winning on payroll but still too cheap to schedule a cart attendant, so help me motherfucking God. And a double fuck you because I do get it done! I check the bathroom log today and our morning GSTL didn't do it at all, but my name's definitely there, and I'll fucking put money down and bet that I'll be told it's not good enough, or not often enough, or not thorough enough even though I'm trying to squeeze it in by myself with a barebones team who are already covering three bases at once at all times.

And yeah, okay, I guess I'm a failure at redcards. I legitimately don't know how the new GSTL manages to drum up so many in their shifts. Really, I don't; they're clearly good at RCs, I guess. But with all of this shit going on, I'm ready to leave. I'm not cut out for GSA. Maybe I am, but all this bullshit isn't worth this pay. I shouldn't be taking an extra 50 cents an hour to come home feeling like a fucking failure every time I have to talk to one of you two, but I am, because I've got too many plans that I fear would be upset by trying to get a new job and having to explain the time off I need in the coming months. But I can just feel that I'm somehow going to get the boot or a sudden deluge of CAs and finals before any other GSAs, even the ones who call out 55% of the time. And if I am.... well, fuck. I'd almost be okay with it at this point.

I'm so sorry you are going through this. I'm covering GSA shifts because once again they have all quit and no one wants the job. I'm going to print this out so I can read it if I'm ever tempted to be GSA. They keep asking me and I keep saying nope, nope, nope.
The gsa position isn't that bad depending on leadership. I treat my GSA as my assistant and make sure that know they are empowered to make decisions and if policy agrees I'll back them up. My current gsa(I'm suppose to have 5 gsas and 2 gstls, I have myself as only gstl and only 1 gsa) is my right hand and since we have only 2 of the 7 front end leadership team we are supposed to have the hours she gets reflects that. 40 hrs every week and because certain etls can't actually manage the front end she has been getting doubles and over time every single week for the last two months.
I was a GSA when they first rolled them out (after they cut the specialists) &, when I remember the crap I endured then, it's only gotten worse.
@Codeteam15, you're right: it DOES depend on leadership which is why they seldom last long at my former store.
They're basically whipping posts & scapegoats.
All my GSAs and cashiers love working with me because they know when I work that I'll make sure to train them on something. Granted not all are GSA worthy every single front end team member can work all areas on the front end

Whoa there buddy I'm glad you helped to hook me up w electronics but what do you think you're doin dream banging me again

Stop that >:c
TTOSrTL: How many freaking PDAs do you need? You and your team are already working overnight so you already have your equipments. Why do you have to get the equipment from tms who are leaving? why don't you leave some for those starting their shifts???!!

Sorry, I am still upset over what my ETL wanted me to be yesterday.. you just upset me even further to the point that I just got to boiling. Your team members didn't help either.
Or Starbucks....where I ate ONCE because I was interrupted 2 times by people asking about their rxs!!!
Well, I extend an invitation to dine in our breakroom. 😛 I once left my name badge on and when I went to pick up my car at the shop, the guy started asking me about what sales were going on and what we carried. I couldn't figure out why until I got home. Seriously, just wanted my car.
TTOTM: Screaming at our tl to shut the fuck up is going too far. I knew you would be trouble after just working with you for a week. You are the Biggest Loser but you ain't getting $250,000!
TTOTM: At this point I'm just going to sit back and watch you hang yourself on the ever growing length of lies and laziness you've created. You used to be someone I looked forward to working with but now I see you for who you are: a two-faced bully. The higher ups are in to you and sooner or later your bullshit is going to catch up with you.
TTOSrTL: How many freaking PDAs do you need? You and your team are already working overnight so you already have your equipments. Why do you have to get the equipment from tms who are leaving? why don't you leave some for those starting their shifts???!!

Sorry, I am still upset over what my ETL wanted me to be yesterday.. you just upset me even further to the point that I just got to boiling. Your team members didn't help either.

All the stores had assumed that the PDAs were going to phase out thanks to the My Devices and not be needed so they sent out more than they should have. Our store is supposed to have 15 PDAs or more but they sent back too many, and some departments keep trying to hold onto secret stashes of them.

Unlike Dayside, Overnight needs all equipment and all vehicles (tubs, flats, tier carts) simultaneously because the team is working all areas all at once.

Overnight on a decent day needs 6 PDA's just for backroom, 1-2 for the floor, 3 for POG (sometimes they can share but not usually), 2 for FDC, and (sometimes) 1 for Electronics. That excludes My Devices. The reason being is that the company thought it was brilliant to split some of the different applications between Devices and PDAs, so if you're a TM or TL who works everywhere (like I do), you actually need both.

So when Overnight shows up and Dayside is still working, the question becomes, "Why aren't you using My Devices?" And Overnighters have to scrap and scrounge or adjust the work till there's enough available. And since I leave earlier than everyone else, sometimes the Price Change team would have to go hunting for 1, but would know that I usually have one available for them (and instead of turning mine in, I would just track them down and ask if they need it).
ToThatOneHR: Its going to be sad to see you leave and all but that's just is kinda how it is at our store heck we even call it "the training store" because more people just come and go. Lets hope this replacement lady is cool beacuse im pretty sure shes going to get the cold shoulder from many people one she comes.
All the stores had assumed that the PDAs were going to phase out thanks to the My Devices and not be needed so they sent out more than they should have. Our store is supposed to have 15 PDAs or more but they sent back too many, and some departments keep trying to hold onto secret stashes of them.

Unlike Dayside, Overnight needs all equipment and all vehicles (tubs, flats, tier carts) simultaneously because the team is working all areas all at once.

Overnight on a decent day needs 6 PDA's just for backroom, 1-2 for the floor, 3 for POG (sometimes they can share but not usually), 2 for FDC, and (sometimes) 1 for Electronics. That excludes My Devices. The reason being is that the company thought it was brilliant to split some of the different applications between Devices and PDAs, so if you're a TM or TL who works everywhere (like I do), you actually need both.

So when Overnight shows up and Dayside is still working, the question becomes, "Why aren't you using My Devices?" And Overnighters have to scrap and scrounge or adjust the work till there's enough available. And since I leave earlier than everyone else, sometimes the Price Change team would have to go hunting for 1, but would know that I usually have one available for them (and instead of turning mine in, I would just track them down and ask if they need it).

Oh I know that. I wasn't asking for those overnight who are already working for their equipment. I was questioning those who have already left for the day. Closers usually use MyDevices. Backroom have their PDAs. I always get my equipment from people who have already left or ask overnight if I can have theirs when they leave. I come early just to hopefully get equipment from the tms who are leaving. But this SrTL is taking everything, including the MyDevices when the morning shifts are about to start. She didn't leave anything. And she and her team already have theirs since they started at midnight. I wasn't questioning why she and her team have the equipment. They're price change and I was not asking for theirs. Don't get me wrong. I do not hate her or her team. I worked in Price Change before and I have done the scourging. I was just frustrated over the lack of equipment, MyDevice or PDA, since they ALREADY have their equpment and yet they are still taking equipment from TMS WHO ARE LEAVING. Our breakroom backroom morning tms didn't even have one.
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TToGSA - I'm sorry I didn't say bye to you when I left that bar tonight. I feel pretty bad even though we were both hanging out with other people and talking within our groups but still I'm like DAMN fuck you're too fucking great and I like you a lot and I psyched myself out and even just briefly seeing you and saying hi to you really made my night in a way that I figured would be weird if I tried to open my stupid drunk mouth an hour later when I left
TToGSA - I'm sorry I didn't say bye to you when I left that bar tonight. I feel pretty bad even though we were both hanging out with other people and talking within our groups but still I'm like DAMN fuck you're too fucking great and I like you a lot and I psyched myself out and even just briefly seeing you and saying hi to you really made my night in a way that I figured would be weird if I tried to open my stupid drunk mouth an hour later when I left
It was probably for the best. I got drunk once w coworkers including a cute now former GSA. Long story short I got drunk, started calling her my wife and kept cuddling up against her leg. Yep.
It was probably for the best. I got drunk once w coworkers including a cute now former GSA. Long story short I got drunk, started calling her my wife and kept cuddling up against her leg. Yep.
that.............. doesn't sound bad...............................

i mean, boundaries-wise, i guess, but..................
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