To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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Wait, you're allowed to listen to music on the floor? Is that while guests are around? My store only allows music/headphones when the store isn't open to guests.
We're a 10pm to 6:30am team. From 10 to 11 there are still guests, but anyone with headphones keeps them off the floor (or off of their head) until 11.
We used to be able to listen to music (as long as you have headphones on) while the store is open. That changed recently so we r only allowed when the store is closed.
We used to be able to listen to music (as long as you have headphones on) while the store is open. That changed recently so we r only allowed when the store is closed.
That's very odd that they let you listen while the store was open. At the multiple locations I've worked, that's never been allowed.
At the first 2 stores, they allowed music to be played over the intercom while we worked overnight. Someone said the reason we're not allowed to now, is because someone drove into a store at night, and the overnight flow didn't hear it over the music.
TTOTM: I seeeeeriously hope you get termed soon. You're taking hour long breaks when the GSAs are around so you can't get coached for it. You turn off your light and just kinda sit around. Also, why do you think it's okay to tell others that if they don't want to close they can just say they're "going to hit OT" so they don't have to stay for a closing shift. And you're upset because you're not a GSA/GSTL. Well boo hoo. You don't deserve it.

TTOETL: I know why you did this but like... I don't want to have to MAKE A CALL to take my break. The GSTL give me my breaks and I write them down. I don't need to be made to feel like I need to hold someone's hand just so I can go on a fifteen. That's ridiculous. And if you plan on enforcing this for long, you need to make sure every phone at every register is in tip top shape because right now they ain't cutting it.

You have all worked for Target for YEARS. Not only have you worked for Target for years, but you've also worked in the same store for YEARS! Yet all 3 of you act like it's your first fucking day. They all come up to guest service, and ask me the most fucking retarded questions. There's this one lady, who will ask, "Where does this go?" And it will be a food item. Like Crackers or something. I've got to the point where I just say, "In the Market go-backs, as usual." Or if I'm in a bad mood, "What is that, food? It goes in the basket with all the food."

I used to be nice about it. In fact, I was nice about it for a long time until I noticed the pattern. It's become clear that she does this every fucking time. It's so annoying, because she doesn't just ask, she asks to the point where she draws me away from what it is I'm doing. WHAT THE FUCKING HELL!!! WHYYY! WHHHY!!! Or, she'll say, "I don't know where this stuff goes." and then proceed to dump a bunch of go-backs right on my counter, forcing me to do them immediately, FOR her. There are 3 team members that pull this shit with me!!! I don't know if they're just stupid, or if they're trying to pussy-foot their way around asking me to sort their stray carts (which they don't have to ask, either leave them, or sort them, I don't care.)

There's another lazy team member whom is always looking to just pass the buck to someone else. I have a large list of examples, but they're too specific. Anyway, today, she was helping a guest in jewelry. We don't have a register at our jewelry counter, so she brought the item and guest up to me at GS. Now, I have a long line of guest's I'm helping, and this team member tried to hand off the guest to me, and just wedging them into the line I already have.

OH NO! NO NO NO! I aaaaaaaint havin' dat shit!!!! I told her, "Here, you can ring them up here on this register." So, she did. Now, she knows how to use a register. She frequently backs up at the lanes, I'd say daily, and my registers aren't very different than the ones at the lanes................This fucking bitch. She Rung up their items as slow as possible. Then she hit total without scanning all the items, and didn't know how to back out of the payment screen. So she waited until there was a gap between guests to ask for help? SURIOUS??? SUUURSLYYY?!?!?! How could you not know this!!! TRY the back key! It literally says "K8 Cancel" at the corner of the screen! PROBLEM SOLVE, MOTHERFUCKER!!! She was being so difficult, I nearly had to do most of it for her, while helping the next guest in line, except now with her standing in the way.

There is just zero excuse for this. For someone who cashiers as much as she does, and for someone whom has been at Target for so long, that is just completely inexcusable. I don't understand this half hearted, half assed, playing dumb, pass the buck, not give a shit, lazy ass fucking attitude and work ethic. It boils my fucking blood. These people are dead fucking weight. She should work in a factory where she only has one primary task, because that's basically all she's fucking good at. FUCK! I am filled with rage and hate!!!!
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When the folks who should have a clue...don't...
AP dude: (loudly) "code yellow!" "Lod, we have a code yellow!" "Lod!"
LOD: "everyone switch to channel 2...AP dude, you have a description of the child?"
AP dude: "wrong code, sorry".

TTOAPTM: haha. you're always pretty smug, so I enjoy seeing a time when YOU mess up.
To that one TL: Thank you for making a bale when I had way too much other shit to get done.

Wait, you're allowed to listen to music on the floor? Is that while guests are around? My store only allows music/headphones when the store isn't open to guests.

We're allowed to listen to music in the backroom as long as we use a speaker and can hear our walkies. We used to be allowed to use one earbud, but one particular TM kept using a headset to talk on the phone and never answered the walkie. Flow had a similar music policy when they were overnight; now that they're 4AM, I would imagine they can still listen before store opening.
TTOTM? - Congratulations on getting a job at the Target that is 5 miles down the road. No - I cannot hand key in your employee number to give you the employee discount. Yes, I am serious. I need to actually need to see your card because you don't work here and I DON'T KNOW YOU.

I've been there. Worked for Target for 2 months without shopping at another location. At my store the cashiers always asked for my numbers so I never carried the card and assumed it wasn't needed. Found out the hard way that I was wrong.
That's very odd that they let you listen while the store was open. At the multiple locations I've worked, that's never been allowed.
At the first 2 stores, they allowed music to be played over the intercom while we worked overnight. Someone said the reason we're not allowed to now, is because someone drove into a store at night, and the overnight flow didn't hear it over the music.

Not all salesfloor do this. Mostly consummables (pfresh). And with only one earbud. Right now, no one is allowed to any music. I'm not sure about backroom tho. At one point, they were the only ones who have earphones on (and overnight) but that might have changed recently when an ETL couldn't get ahold of any of them for a long while for a guest pull.
Stop trying to push the electronics stockroom entirely to the floor during inventory prep week, in the middle of TV transition, just before electronics transition. I get we can't sell it out of the backroom but ffs, you've got only one TM trying to push all that, and fill holes on the wall left from pog team, and who has aisles to super zone.
TTOETL: WHY would you lie to my face? I really like you, despite the lie, because you work super hard. However, when I ask who pushed something because 10 minutes into my shift I already have a basket of backstock, don't tell me you guys didn't even have any of that brand in the carts you pushed. Especially not when my TL was helping the group push it and saw half of a cart filled with it. So clearly it existed and someone overpushed it. And even if it wasn't from the huddle you were overseeing, it would have been done by flow, which is still YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
TTOTm : I clearly put my name on a sticky note on my my device charging in the locked cabinet while I was on lunch , and used another tm device while he went on lunch ...he only found the note left ...
Why the hell did you take it ? I called on the walkie and asked about it , and you didn't acknowledge that you had it .
I walked all over the store to find it , and asked every tm who had one to show me the number on the device .
When I got to you $***%#, I was fuming ...Especially when you tried to hide it , you were pushing reshop for Christ sake , I was supposed to backstock..
25 minutes lost .
I had the pleasure to announce on the walkie who the idiot who had it ...
TTOTm : I clearly put my name on a sticky note on my my device charging in the locked cabinet while I was on lunch , and used another tm device while he went on lunch ...he only found the note left ...
Why the hell did you take it ? I called on the walkie and asked about it , and you didn't acknowledge that you had it .
I walked all over the store to find it , and asked every tm who had one to show me the number on the device .
When I got to you $***%#, I was fuming ...Especially when you tried to hide it , you were pushing reshop for Christ sake , I was supposed to backstock..
25 minutes lost .
I had the pleasure to announce on the walkie who the idiot who had it ...

That is not cool and we would be having a "Come to Jesus" conversation about that..
TTOTm : I clearly put my name on a sticky note on my my device charging in the locked cabinet while I was on lunch , and used another tm device while he went on lunch ...he only found the note left ...
Why the hell did you take it ? I called on the walkie and asked about it , and you didn't acknowledge that you had it .
I walked all over the store to find it , and asked every tm who had one to show me the number on the device .
When I got to you $***%#, I was fuming ...Especially when you tried to hide it , you were pushing reshop for Christ sake , I was supposed to backstock..
25 minutes lost .
I had the pleasure to announce on the walkie who the idiot who had it ...
Put it with the registry ones.
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