To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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Put it with the registry ones.
We used to do that. Then guest service got mad and started hiding any mydevice on the registry chargers and turning it in at the end of the night to the GSTL. When a TM asked it was always "someone must have taken it."
STL asked me if the backroom had backstocked meat.

God himself intervened because the idea that backroom is doing anything in the coolers is hilarious
If you have a Deli, you might ask them if they have a charging cord back there. Our myDevice kept getting unplugged or picked up (no one but Deli can unlock it because it has a different code) so we commandeered a charging cord to get the thing charged in the morning.
TTOTM I know you're not normally softlines, so you don't care if you're doing something wrong, but I care because I will have to fix it later. Instead of ignoring me and continuing to do it wrong, just take my advice. Then I can stop being annoyed every time they schedule you over here. I want to like you but your attitude isn't helping things.
TTOTm : I clearly put my name on a sticky note on my my device charging in the locked cabinet while I was on lunch , and used another tm device while he went on lunch ...he only found the note left ...
Why the hell did you take it ? I called on the walkie and asked about it , and you didn't acknowledge that you had it .
I walked all over the store to find it , and asked every tm who had one to show me the number on the device .
When I got to you $***%#, I was fuming ...Especially when you tried to hide it , you were pushing reshop for Christ sake , I was supposed to backstock..
25 minutes lost .
I had the pleasure to announce on the walkie who the idiot who had it ...
If I have to put it up for charging I sign out and if it's gone I look on the report of who signed into it and just pop up without notice. The look of fear. I have a reputation of being 1 of 2 myDevice police. My ETL-HR was terrified of when I would find out when she misplaced hers. Though she found it later.
To the ETL-HR: You are unbelievable. You're damn lucky that guest didn't complain to the STL when you had the nerve to walk right up to me as I was helping them and proceed to screech in your standard patronizing tone, "less standing still, more actual working please." Yes, you did hear me right, I did encourage the guest to fill out a comment card and mention this situation and your name, because that's just not something you do to a coworker, much less as the god damn ETL-Human Resources. Did I die and wake up in a world where I don't help guests anymore? Also, when you tell me that I need to finish an overflowing cart of HBA/Cosmetics strays in 30 minutes or less with no mydevice at noon in a high volume store, two things pop into my head: One, I am not a pizza delivery driver. It isn't 30 minutes or less and it's free, it's as fast as I can get it done and you pay me. Two, to quote my spirit animal Dr. Perry Cox from Scrubs: "any other day I'd say no, but today I'm going to go ahead and just say no." One day I want to take a trip to whatever incarnation of la-la land you seem to exist in every time you put on your nametag.
To the ETL-HR: You are unbelievable. You're damn lucky that guest didn't complain to the STL when you had the nerve to walk right up to me as I was helping them and proceed to screech in your standard patronizing tone, "less standing still, more actual working please." Yes, you did hear me right, I did encourage the guest to fill out a comment card and mention this situation and your name, because that's just not something you do to a coworker, much less as the god damn ETL-Human Resources. Did I die and wake up in a world where I don't help guests anymore? Also, when you tell me that I need to finish an overflowing cart of HBA/Cosmetics strays in 30 minutes or less with no mydevice at noon in a high volume store, two things pop into my head: One, I am not a pizza delivery driver. It isn't 30 minutes or less and it's free, it's as fast as I can get it done and you pay me. Two, to quote my spirit animal Dr. Perry Cox from Scrubs: "any other day I'd say no, but today I'm going to go ahead and just say no." One day I want to take a trip to whatever incarnation of la-la land you seem to exist in every time you put on your nametag.
Where do they find these people?
To the DC: Please stop adding a trailer and then only putting 600-800 pieces on it. It was funny the first few times but it's becoming a waste of time.
ttoetl- I get that hours are tight. I get that everyone needed to leave at their scheduled time. What I don't get is you walking around " pissy" because the backstock isn't done. You cant have it both ways...if you are that worried about it ...I can show you how to backstock.
ttotm- Quit using so much perfume. I smell you before I see you
So somehow my stores able to find time for me to fill presh for the opener but whenever I open somehow everything is always empty.
There's a TM at my store who, after having a smoke, loads up on the perfume. So after break, she smells like an awful mix of cigarette smoke and floral fragrance.
We have one of those too....she uses some kind of fruity spray. So she smells like apples that have been cured in cigarette smoke....yummy 😉
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