To Multiple LODs you guys suck ass, seriously when I ask for help at guest service don't tell me over the walkie to "go to 3" and then ask me if the GSTL can handle it, they are busy too and guess what you are the person I need so get off your lazy asses and do some work.
To are new AP LOD again do your fucking job, I had a couponer try to go through SCO today and you were up at guest service I asked for your help and you said " You don't have to let me know about every couponer just take over for them." Like I am going to risk them getting mad at me and risk my job so that you don't have to do yours. The SCO then proceeded to lock up so I called the GSTL to come up and we had to restart and that was a stroke of luck since she was using coupons for travel sized items, then the couponer decided to fight with us to which you needed to be called up but no you sent the new AP guy who is still in training, QUIT BEING LAZY ( I had left at that point so I don't know how it turned out but I hope the AP LOD finally got her butt in gear and helped but I doubt it)
To the LOD(s) that make my schedule are you on drugs or something, stop scheduling me outside of my availability it has been the same for almost a year now it is not that hard and I am getting tired of giving up hours because you are incompetent 😡 I need these hours to pay bills
To the Starbucks TM, Team members are allowed to eat their lunch wherever they want we are considered guests, I don't care what the old STL said until I hear from a higher power I will eat where I want, I have friends that work target mobile that cant go into TSC anymore so I am going to eat my lunch at Starbucks I am not going to sit "in the back" and I don't appreciate the dirty looks as I wait for my fries to be cooked and I don't need an audience while I eat Fuck You. 😡
I am seriously on the edge of calling the TM support line on these people 😳
Whew that was a lot but I needed to get it off my chest (this all happened this past week and today) 😕