To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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TTOETL: are you sure you work at this store? You stopped at the pharmacy 4 times today to ask where items were located. I was especially surprised when the PM told me you've been an ETL for over a year!!! Shouldn't you know where items are located in your own store if you've been there over a year?!?!
TTOETL: are you sure you work at this store? You stopped at the pharmacy 4 times today to ask where items were located. I was especially surprised when the PM told me you've been an ETL for over a year!!! Shouldn't you know where items are located in your own store if you've been there over a year?!?!
Maybe they were flirting with you
To the people super high up in charge of merchandise, those back to college plastic bowls and plates that we have every year... They aren't microwave safe this year. Think back to when you were in college. How often would you say you cooked? And... How often would you say you microwaved things? I cooked like once or twice a week (and I think I was an outlier), but I microwaved my leftovers, and leftover takeout. I buy those college plates every year, because ceramic gets too hot when you microwave and I got a little impatient niece and I'm impatient my damn self.

To that one intern, I like you because you aren't rah rah sis boom bah cheerleadery like our actual etls, but I think you need to at least pretend to be like them around the stl and such. They'll eat that shit up.

To those etls, I don't think you guys knew I was right on the other side, but um, you might not wanna talk about possibly quitting when you don't know who's around. I won't say anything (idc, and as an optimist, I pretend you're only annoying because target makes people that way) but you dk who would say something. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Vml, I like retail because I don't have management breathing down my neck throughout my shift. And I'm still not adjusted to losing freedom weekend (my Sl TLs have the same weekend off. Before the vml existed, we always had every other weekend on our own. Twas nice), so please stop breathing down my neck and asking me how I feel. It doesn't make you a bad "manager" to give me some space.
TTOTM - Please buy some headphones. I do not want to listen to your stupid videos played on the highest volume when I am trying to eat or relax on my "break". Your guffaws and snorts while viewing said videos are killing me.

I have a TM who does that. And he gets all douchey whenever anyone says something to him about it.

Along the same lines: please take your personal phone call in the hallway or outside. Nobody wants to listen to you gush to your boyfriend how much you miss him and can't wait to see him later. Especially since i can't imagine anyone actually WANTING to have sex with you!

TTONewETL: I don't appreciate your attitude towards me. I use coupons responsibly and only chose the new(ish) cashier because her line was the shortest. She and I were having a nice conversation before you rudely jumped in and sent her on break. The look on your face was priceless when you discovered all of my coupons were, in fact, valid and I hope the STL rips you a new one for being a bitch.

TTOTM: I wish you the best of luck. You seem like a genuinely nice girl with her priorities straight. I especially liked how you asked about the red card. You weren't pushy about it and I think you'll get more the way you asked about it than some people do. 🙂
They do not. The only ones that do are the "Team member needs assistance at the time clock" call buttons. Source: Am Backroom, always on Channel 2 and have not heard a call button in the six months that I have been backroom unless it's an overnight TM needing to be clocked in.

It does occur, had it happen a couple times past couple of weeks, even on (my) Channel BR 2. Of course, on the dayside.

You left to another store and came back after a couple months. My peace no longer peaceful.


Thought you were leaving in July, then you just left. Heard some things. Good luck whatever is next.
TTOTM: Here's how to be a FRO, since you've got no clue or apparently don't care enough (most likely the latter).

FRO counts guest's items and directs them to a room. This is to discourage theft and to be able to help them if they want another size or to check another store.
What you did: "Go ahead in any room" to a guest with a pile of clothes in a cart who then proceeded to take the cart into the room! What. The. Fuck. And then the guest asked you to check another store. You did, but couldn't be bothered to call them, so you said "Oh looks like they're out of stock at that store too" Btw, I checked the DPCI after you gave me my MyDevice back and that store possibly had 3 of that item available (OH count) but unfortunately the guest had already left. Also, don't dare tell me to not help a guest because it would too time-consuming and inconvenient for you. I'm the one helping the guest, not you! And the other store in fact did have that item for this guest, so it was worthwhile and she was very happy. That's what I like about retail. Even though we deal with crazy people, there's the good ones that always make it worth it. You've been with Target the same amount of time that I have. If you don't like it, please just quit. Your attitude is extremely frustrating and I am a quite patient person. Also, why the hell didn't you bother telling anyone that no MyDevices were available? You're the operator. If there wasn't one, you easily could have said that you needed one and gotten one of your own since its kind of necessary for your job.

FRO performs hourly fitting room checks.
What you did: Certainly no checks, that's for sure.

FRO makes closing announcements.
What you did: Certainly no damn announcements until the LOD said "Um, ____ it's 10:50."

FRO doesn't walk across the store if there's enough sales floor coverage.
What you did: Walk up to where I was in swim to help me with, or should I say help by DUMPING go-backs.

FRO helps sort go-backs and zones areas near the fitting room.
What you did: "Hey Soyaxo would you mind covering my lunch and sorting this overflowing cart of clothes?" I am not even kidding. That is word-for-word what was said. What. The. Hell.

FRO alerts AP of suspicious ass guests.
What you did: Damn, that guy is sketchy as hell *Lets him in the room with his backpack and one pair of pants to try on*

You're a BRAND TEAM MEMBER. How? Why? I don't know. You show no interest in your job tasks. You call out frequently. You'll be an hour late sometimes. The best thing about you is you "look brand" but even that isn't going to be enough as soon as leadership realises how little you actually care about what you are responsible for. I sure as hell will be waiting for that day patiently.

Edit: This TM is no longer with Spot.
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Interesting how different fitting room rules are across stores. Some of the things she did would be fine in my store, and some of the requirements you guys have would be impossible here. We don't even cover phones all day, or do closing announcements, and they don't want us limiting or counting anymore (some do anyway, unless an etl is around, because it makes it easier to keep up with the work). The core roles suggest walking guests to rooms, but if we did that, nothing would get done. Monday morning, there was 10-12 unsorted carts in the backroom lol. Walking everyone back would be crazy. Our FR often has lines (late afternoon on weekdays, off and on on the weekends). We also only have AP for 4 hours a day lol and when he's there he's all "I can't even do anything about this.." And if I ask for a my device, I'm not given priority to have one. If I need one, I usually end up asking if a TM with one can bring it over... Or I use my phone. Target app is surprisingly useful. I would've helped that guest better, but when I was on the phone, I'd just be hand motioning people into fitting rooms.

I'm glad I'm not fitting room full time. Too much neverending work in that place.
Ttotl:if my pallet of shelves is rusty because you put it outside to make room for transition instead of in the inside trailer you took from me specifically for that purpose....I hope they fire you. Or take it out of your paycheck. It's not even appropriate for merch protection to leave a pallet of metal outside...any idiot could steal it...I'll be sending the stl and aptl as well as your boss an email in the morning...I hope you choke.
Ttotl:if my pallet of shelves is rusty because you put it outside to make room for transition instead of in the inside trailer you took from me specifically for that purpose....I hope they fire you. Or take it out of your paycheck. It's not even appropriate for merch protection to leave a pallet of metal outside...any idiot could steal it...I'll be sending the stl and aptl as well as your boss an email in the morning...I hope you choke.
Now you can put it on the sweep trailer to be recycle. Hope it pog wont need them for bts.
TTOTM: I specifically asked you if that one item was in my bags and you said "yes, it's in with your sunscreen and vitamins," so I didn't double-check. I just tied the bag shut and went home. I get home, untie the bag (they tend to roll around in the back of my car) and guess what? No item. I call the store, thy ask what lane I was on, I tell them, they go check and guess what's hanging in the small bags? My fricking item, which I wanted to use yesterday!
Interesting how different fitting room rules are across stores. Some of the things she did would be fine in my store, and some of the requirements you guys have would be impossible here. We don't even cover phones all day, or do closing announcements, and they don't want us limiting or counting anymore (some do anyway, unless an etl is around, because it makes it easier to keep up with the work). The core roles suggest walking guests to rooms, but if we did that, nothing would get done. Monday morning, there was 10-12 unsorted carts in the backroom lol. Walking everyone back would be crazy. Our FR often has lines (late afternoon on weekdays, off and on on the weekends). We also only have AP for 4 hours a day lol and when he's there he's all "I can't even do anything about this.." And if I ask for a my device, I'm not given priority to have one. If I need one, I usually end up asking if a TM with one can bring it over... Or I use my phone. Target app is surprisingly useful. I would've helped that guest better, but when I was on the phone, I'd just be hand motioning people into fitting rooms.

I'm glad I'm not fitting room full time. Too much neverending work in that place.

We do most of the stuff @soyaxo mentioned, but lately we've been way too busy for hourly room checks. We cover phones from 3:30-closing weekdays, and all day on weekends. Hrtm works weekdays until 3:30 only, so she answers phones then. Fitting room will cover her breaks. We're not supposed to count items but we sort of loosely do anyways. And no way could we walk guests to rooms. There's too much going on. AP is very involved with fitting room when they are in the store, as they see it as a good opportunity to prevent theft. And mydevices! Since I typically close, there is always one available. If I'm opening operator, I will borrow from my TL or anyone else who happens to be around and then keep it when they leave/don't need it/whatever. I like to have it to be able to make tags/do rewrap besides helping guests. Using my phone would be an absolute no no at my fitting room. Too many people using their phones to text/watch videos/etc.
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