TTOTM: You're boring. I thought you were just shy, and I guess you are shy, but so am I (believe it or not, based on my behavior here) and I've tried multiple times to get you participating in conversations with me. I've tried weird conversations, I've made jokes with you, I've had serious conversations, I've asked about you, I've had work conversations with you. All of them unsuccessful. Either you hate talking to me, or you're as dull as a plank of wood. We even share similar hobbies. You suck.
TTOETL: I have a small Penrose-esque crush on you. (remember Penrose, you guys?) I'm not crushing on you THAT hard, but you were in a dream I had recently, and I thought that was really weird and unexpected. Don't worry, nothing steamy happened in this dream, you were just a character. That's just an inevitability that occurred in my brain as it processed everything it absorbed that day.
Not only are you off limits being an ETL, but you're also in a relationship anyway, so it's not like I have plans to pursue something with you. (I'm also a terrible person to date, and I'd rather not trample on the precious butterfly that is your soul) However, I just really appreciate what you're about. You're so calming and genuine. You're interesting, yet not obnoxious, you talk to me like a person rather than a subordinate. I like the weird thoughts you share with me that you've been thinking about all day. I like you explaining why a certain thing is your favorite vs that other thing. You're just really cool, and I'm happy we get to work together. You're unconventional, but you hide it well, and everyone likes you.