TTOTM: Yes, I understand I work in a different store so I'm probably holding you to a high standard but IS IT THAT HARD TO SAY HI AS YOU RING ME UP? I don't care what kind of a day I'm having. If I have a cashier shift, I greet everyone. For you to ring me up, not say hi, and roll your eyes at me when I say hi and ask how you are is absolutely not necessary. I'm sorry you're clearly having a bad day but taking out on a guest isn't fair. And yes, I used my cartwheel, discount card, and a gift card from my birthday this past month (and yes, I brought ID in case it was needed for my discount). If looks could kill, I would have been dead within a second. I'm not a scammer and if you thought I was that sketchy, you should have called your GSTL over. Lose the attitude and start acting like an adult.