To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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To one of my fellow TM's, I don't care if you're husband came into our store. I will not be his personal shop slave and find shit for him that he KNOWS THE LOCATION OF.
To that one team member...

No one cares how they did it at Walmart. No one cares that you got more breaks at Walmart, or that they let you smoke outside on your breaks. Trust me, if a sentence has the word "Walmart" in it, chances are that no one wants to hear it. If all Walmart employees are like you, they spend a good amount of time standing around, milking simple jobs and leaving messes wherever they go, so no one is impressed with your stories. If things were really that much better there, you could always go back.

Oh wait, you can't. According to my friend at Walmart, you were fired. It turns out that those weren't just cigarettes you were smoking on your breaks. =/ Where's that "at Walmart..." story?

To a former team member: I'm sorry we didn't get to know each other better, but I appreciate all that you did for me when we worked together. I hope your new job is everything you want it to be.
To that one team member: Oh my god, please stop trying to converse with me while I'm ringing up a guest.
TTOTM: in the same vein as above: You really shouldn't be making small talk with me when your line is 7 guests deep
TTOTM: When you don't have a line, please don't step out of your lane, leave your light on and wander around the store, it makes things that much more difficult because you're not where you should be when a guest is ready to check out.

You already get more hours then me....

You actually had the nerve to try to pass off one of your pulls on me. I was told to come help you not take over and its not even that bad. I guess im so happy to have a job that if I was asked to pick up trash and clean the restrooms, id do it.
Ttotm I don't know who does the closing zone in my block but based on how I find the product I conclude that there is a lot of screwing around. I will document, I will learn who you (all) are and I will drop the hammer. You waste time and hours.
TTOTM: You're like my work mom, and I appreciate you always being there for me, for both work and personal stuff. Anyone else would've wanted to hurt me for asking them to help me undress a mannequin (the male was unfortunately wearing the only size medium we had in a pair of pants I needed for an SFS order), but you were cool about it. It took us a long time, and you still didn't get frustrated. When you said, "hey doglover, at least we got to see a naked man today!" I almost died laughing. I love having coworkers like you <3
To that one american freetings vendor. DO NOT throw my label holders on the base deck when setting youre new crap.

Ours decided that clear a 2ft section just for their crap and we already had the location tied for the holidays stuff. Guess who had to undo their mess....
TTOTM: im glad your LOD explained to you how the employee discount works because I'm sick and tired of getting shit when I attempt to use it at stores other than my own. I had my ID out and showednit to you and tried to tell you it was good at ANY store, but you didn't believe ME, you insisted on calling over your LOD, who told you the exact same thing. The color of your face was More red than the shirt you were wearing and the look on your face was priceless when I told you to have a nice day as I left. Aren't these people being told this in training?!?!?! And why is it always me 🙄
TTOETL If you could stop being a bitch to me that would be great. Sorry I told you I wasn't interested in becoming a team lead when you asked me about it. I figured I'd save you some work since I don't plan on staying at Target much longer. You being stupid now is just more motivation for me to leave sooner than next fall.

TTOSTL You make me wish our old STL was still here. He was a dick, but at least he could pretend to be nice. Don't tell me you want a detailed zone and a clean fitting room when we are short a person, the morning person got taken to do pulls, and the other softlines closer spends half the night on a lane because you constantly underschedule and we were super busy all day. The fact that you were pissed at the end of the night shows how unrealistic your expectations are. Idiot.
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To whoever did my schedule:


what kind of sick joke is this
To the corporate TMs responsible for planning shelf strips.

Go outside, find the nearest tree, and apologize to it for needlessly killing it's kin. I just did a POG that changed 26 shelf strips, 20-something peg labels, and 2 pages of blank shelf strips. Do you know what changed? The POG number. That's it. Everything was already on the shelf and was staying exactly where it was. Good job.

Also, to the corporate TM that decided to change the frozen food section from A-B-C-D to D-C-B-A in the aisle. All the same product, just wanted to move it around a little. Remember that one? Go wrap a cactus in barbed wire and shove it up your ass.
Ttotm: I told you calling out was a bad idea, just because you're leaving soon make it right to make others work double time.

Tt other tm: you're new and going to college. get off your high horse, and don't take my breakroom spot.
I see that crap you pull at the line during unload DO NOT GIVE ME ATTITUDE! I WONT ALLOW IT!
Ttotm, We know you smoke weed. We can tell when you come into work with eyes red as fuck, your lazy work ethic, and when you go to use the restroom with blood-shot eyes, and come back out with somewhat normal eyes after using eye drops. Just be grateful some of us smoke aswell.
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