To that one district office secretary in our store: I am NOT putting MY head on the chopping block and giving you one of the two bearakeet hatchimals that came in today before the store opens. Further, how are you not aware of best practices on this?! I actually told you WHY I wasn't going to give you one and how long you had to wait.
I showed them where the box was and THEY took them, doing who knows what with them. The store opens; the small crowd asks; I answer yes, we got two in; they want to know where they are. "ohherewego" I do not know where they are so I radio the LOD who is ETL guestexperience/etc. I tell him exactly what happened. I am flow- electronics/entertainment stocker so I like to keep track of high demand electronics, mmb, and toys. While "looking" for them, I run into a team member in the back of mmb who just so happens to have one of them in their shopping cart...WITH INTENT TO BUY! They willingly give it up after hearing what is going on as if they didn't know this was going to happen, but I'm like, you better be glad that group didn't see you, otherwise your head would be on a pike...or crammed into the remnants of a hatchimal egg. So, I bring that one to the boat but now my thoughts are, I don't want to decide who gets this, so I leave it there at the boat for the guests to sort, peacefully I might add, and "look" for the other one I know I will not find. After about 15 minutes, I explain as much as I can to the remaining guests, leaving out what actually happened and they leave, save for one guest who think that if she leaves it will magically appear, get sold, and she will miss out. She has me "look" for it one last time, so I do, but I know I won't find it, so I basically take a 15 minute break in the freezer to cool down, then defrost, and tell the guest that I had no luck and she leaves. After that, I go to lunch and tell the ETL AP who the two team members were, that the district office secretary took one and did not give it up, and I know she bought it eventually because I kept track of it via mydevice, and the name of the other team member who took the other one but gave it up.