you go nuts cleaning insignificant stuff in the middle of a rush when what we ACTUALLY need you to do is, like, help with the rush? I dunno? maybe? then you complain that you're the only one who ever cleans anything or knows how to do anything right. right, that's why everything else is always spotless and we have to keep correcting you on basic policies and recipes.
STOP trying to boss us all around. yes, your name is on the trainer board, but it was a mistake. the ETL-HR put the wrong person up. and please, stop trying to boss ME around. I TRAINED YOU. I have been here longer than you. I get introduced to newbies as 'that girl who reads everything, so ask her if you have any questions.' I feel like I've got a handle on things, thanks.
and leeeeet's not even start on your attitude. Saturday alone, you worked my very last nerve. first of all you dropped the F-bomb on a guest. "I read the name that was on the effing cup." whoooo-hoa. did you not notice how everyone around you stopped mid-action and stared at you?! one of your fellow TMs quietly slipped the guest a contact card and advised her that if she'd like to make a complaint to corporate she was able to. that is the only thing that defused that situation. our DM is going to have a cow.
then, while I was on a step stool getting the signboard down to re-chalk it, you said, "I'm going to run into you and knock you off the stool!" I can only assume you meant that you'd do it by accident as a clumsy mistake. it did not sound like someone lightheartedly poking fun at their clumsiness. it straight up sounded like a threat. haha. very funny joke.
and then while I was actually drawing the board, I erased something and muttered that it looked horrible, and you told me that it looked better than anything you could do (true), and that it was great that I could draw so well. sweet, right? sure, until you followed it up with, "that's the only reason we keep you around, right? because you can draw? haha. at least you have job security!" whoa. so not okay. again, you were TOTALLY joking! such a funny joke! haha! why would I ever be insulted by such great humor?
and because that wasn't enough, as the rest of us are busily trying to handle a rush, you come through on some menial insignificant task you've decided is the single most important thing in the history of ever, and you call out in the spirit of any good food service worker, "I'm behind you, ladies! ...and radiochu!" huh? what made you feel the need to call me out like that? I guess you figured I hadn't been brought down enough notches yet. my anxiety thanks you.
you have been like this for months. nobody knows why you're still here, except that somehow our TL doesn't seem to take us seriously when we tell her how awful you are. plus you're the beloved darling of all your other workcenters, and apparently you're up for a promotion to TL somewhere else in the store. quite frankly I don't get it. they must not see how unbearable you are in your primary workcenter. we certainly do.