TTOTM: Stop acting like you don't understand English when you are asked to help a guest. I work with you all the time, yes you DO understand. I was more than willing to help a guest looking for a specific skin care product when she was having a hard time communicating with you, but you can answer a simple question about where our girls' dance/gymnastics clothes are WITHOUT calling me.
TTO backroom team: Cause some of you are rude/lazy when I ask for help pulling items for guests, I've learned to do it myself (after watching another tm do it once). However, when I'm operator, YOU need to pull said items, because I'm on the phones. Also, furniture/barbecue grills/items on high shelves...yeah, no. It's your job, and for the last time, no, I am not trained to drive the Wave, nor do I want to be (not a fan of heights).