To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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Yes it can be fun when you have multiple example: Matt's. "Hey electronics Matt?" and Market Matt answers cause he didn't hear the first part. Then you ask again and guest service Matt answers. So we have a couple TM with really odd names cause it makes the distinction very clear. Still work friendly but odd to one who doesn't know the why.

We had up three TM's with the same name. So one got renamed his last name, one became "Electronics Matt" the other who was senior of the group was just "Matt".

Same at my store. There were 4 T's during seasonal. There was GSA It's. Electronics T whose name was the shortened and the other 2 went by their last name. And same with my name. I went by Shorty and she went by Short. And when I put my two weeks in another girl who also went by Shorty so she got my name tags.
Same at my store. There were 4 T's during seasonal. There was GSA It's. Electronics T whose name was the shortened and the other 2 went by their last name. And same with my name. I went by Shorty and she went by Short. And when I put my two weeks in another girl who also went by Shorty so she got my name tags.
Not Target related, but my son has a relatively common name. When he was younger, there were a ton of them, so we started calling him a different name (long story attached.) One year, he was on a sport team and there were 4 of them so I told the coaches to call him by his nickname. When they had awards that year, the rest of the kids were wondering who the heck "PQ's son-real name" was because they had no idea it wasn't actually his name & some still call him by that to this day!!!
TTOTM: So you want to "move up" in the company and you have "goals". yet this is the 2nd Saturday in a row you've called in. And I know you do it because of poor planning, not because you are actually in a bind/sick/caring for your kid/etc. Last week you bragged that you went boating! Why they continue to schedule you on Saturday's I can't figure out, but when we are bare bones on shifts and people aren't getting scheduled...and we don't have enough people for a Saturday night, it's really shitty to call in just cause you can't plan in advance to have "fun" on your off-days.

Make it three Saturday's in a row...🙄
TTO New ETL: Yes, I am LOD today. Yes, I know exactly what I'm doing. I've been a senior for four years and have been with Target since the week I turned sixteen. Stop second guessing all of my decisions because I am not an ETL.
Yetive, Metive, Yetave, Yetive-jane, Yetivee, and Yetiveh. 3 of us are LODs. Can be a problem sometimes.
One year we had five ETLs/TLs/TMs named Chris, four named Matt, four named Brian & three named Robert.
In my case it has been auto denied vacation requests. HR is really on the ball! Cause when submit a month in advance should be enough time to figure out. Yes my TL knows. I don't have an ETL and haven't for over a month now.
This TM doesn't plan that far ahead. I can understand the auto denied requests though, another TM that requested today off weeks ago had the time off approved, and was still scheduled. The TM has concert tickets, so obviously isn't going to be there. Another was going out of state for a weekend, got everything approved and was still scheduled for all 3 days requested off. I realize it happens...and there are some extenuating circumstances. But for this particular TM, that isn't so.

I don't even really care if people happens. But when you do it three weeks in a row on a Saturday? Then I have an issue with it because of our bare-bones scheduling lately.
This TM doesn't plan that far ahead. I can understand the auto denied requests though, another TM that requested today off weeks ago had the time off approved, and was still scheduled. The TM has concert tickets, so obviously isn't going to be there. Another was going out of state for a weekend, got everything approved and was still scheduled for all 3 days requested off. I realize it happens...and there are some extenuating circumstances. But for this particular TM, that isn't so.

I don't even really care if people happens. But when you do it three weeks in a row on a Saturday? Then I have an issue with it because of our bare-bones scheduling lately.

I get ya..

I am at that point where this is just rude you management can't be bothered to do your job. It's my job to file the request, your job is approve or deny it.. And with the amount of hours we have that week, I am doing you a favor. 5 person workcenter only enough hours for our TL..
TTOTM: I get it, you're excited to be at the FR and off the lanes for good...but for gods sake when you get a softlines call, stop answering the phone with "this is softlines how can I help you?" Nobody who doesn't work in retail knows what softlines means. And I know this because you almost always follow up with "yeah, like clothing and stuff."

Same goes for that grocery TM...that 90 year old man doesn't know what the fuck "pfresh" is. It's 10 aisles away, you can walk him over to the item he was looking for.
TTOTM: I get it, you're excited to be at the FR and off the lanes for good...but for gods sake when you get a softlines call, stop answering the phone with "this is softlines how can I help you?" Nobody who doesn't work in retail knows what softlines means. And I know this because you almost always follow up with "yeah, like clothing and stuff."

Same goes for that grocery TM...that 90 year old man doesn't know what the fuck "pfresh" is. It's 10 aisles away, you can walk him over to the item he was looking for.

I'm going to play devil's advocate. How long have these guys worked at Target? I know that after several years at my previous job I had fallen into the habit of using internal terms when talking to customers. I'd give a followup proper term when I caught myself but I'm sure there were several times I didn't catch myself.
I'm going to play devil's advocate. How long have these guys worked at Target? I know that after several years at my previous job I had fallen into the habit of using internal terms when talking to customers. I'd give a followup proper term when I caught myself but I'm sure there were several times I didn't catch myself.
Several years each. But the softlines girl just doesn't get it. I could forgive it happening occasionally, but not every single time she picks up the phone, even though she usually has to follow up with an explanation of what softlines is.
Ttotm: Stop calling me and texting me when I'm not working about things you can easily ask your team lead that happens to be in the building with you at the time. If someone looked my phone they would think you were harassing me due to all the non responses on my end and the missed/ignored calls.
Or maybe no one has the balls to report her for it.

We termed someone two weeks from retirement for doing this. It's timeclock fraud
Is it though? A team member purchasing something on the clock, how is that fraud? I mean really?
Ttotm: Stop calling me and texting me when I'm not working about things you can easily ask your team lead that happens to be in the building with you at the time. If someone looked my phone they would think you were harassing me due to all the non responses on my end and the missed/ignored calls.
Why would you give a TM your number؟
TTO New ETL: Yes, I am LOD today. Yes, I know exactly what I'm doing. I've been a senior for four years and have been with Target since the week I turned sixteen. Stop second guessing all of my decisions because I am not an ETL.
Conceded much؟ سسثتن
Because you are shopping when you are supposed to be working.
Is it bullshit, pretty much but you know what?
It is not that hard to wait until you go on break or on lunch to do your shopping.

I have rung out sales on the clock for some personal female items.. But your regular shopping - nope..
I have rung out sales on the clock for some personal female items.. But your regular shopping - nope..

Emergency feminine supplies, a new shirt, meds, I can think of a dozen reasons why somebody could legitimately buy something on the clock.
Doing your regular shopping is just dumb.
TTOLOD: thank you for coming over and saying you appreciated me walking the guest over who wanted a red card. You're probably the only one in the store who would actually take the time to do that. It really wasn't a big deal (I had to use he restroom anyway...2 birds, 1 stone, ya know😉) but it was nice to have SOMEONE in the store not treat us like we have the plague 🙂
Because you are shopping when you are supposed to be working.
Is it bullshit, pretty much but you know what?
It is not that hard to wait until you go on break or on lunch to do your shopping.
Today I walked in on a team lead trying on shirts in the employee bathroom. 😵
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