To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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TTOTM: I know you're the one whose been making false claims about me apparently not wanting to do one aspect of my job when it's really you whose been complaining about doing yet volunteering to do it all the time and leaving the rest of us to do other tasks because they need attention as well. They can deny it and say it was more than one person who brought this up but I know it was you. I managed to get out of this unscathed because they brought it up to my attention (I had the receipts to back it up) but believe me when I say that I'm onto you and that I will not be in this workcenter much longer. Keep this up and you'll know exactly what kind of person I can be when pushed too far.
TTOTM: For the love of Spot, quit using your phone to scan Cartwheel for guests. I don’t mean when you only have one guest in line. I mean when it’s Saturday afternoon and there is a line of guests at every register. The line would clear up a whole lot faster if you would stop.
TTOflowTM who pushed Bullseye.... Fuck you. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Why the fuck did you dump so much shit into the wrong places? Do you not know the aisle numbers or are you just a lazy shit?

TTOETL. Fuck you for making me clean up after that asshole. All fucking Saturday. Although it did mostly keep me off a lane during the Harry Potter fuckarow.
TTOTM: For the love of Spot, quit using your phone to scan Cartwheel for guests. I don’t mean when you only have one guest in line. I mean when it’s Saturday afternoon and there is a line of guests at every register. The line would clear up a whole lot faster if you would stop.
Think of the plus side. He or she is just fucking themselves if they want to go shopping after work. Limit of 6 uses per day.
Actually only the STL does this. She acts like she's too important to have conversations with TMs. When she's on the floor, the other leaders follow her around like they're minions in her little clique. But when she's not around, the ETLs actually communicate with other team members and get work done.

I avoid my STL...
I don’t really have any reason to talk to her unless it was something major.

I just think it’s counter productive to my day to day work.

But I don’t understand why my STL needs to talk to the ETLs all day...I mean, don’t they have work to do?
TTOETL - the guest mentioned you by name saying you told them they could find “primary notebooks” in Bullseyes Playground. WTF are you smoking? Do you not know what the guest was looking for? If we don’t have those in bts then we don’t have them. You obviously do not have small school aged children.

For those without small children these are the notebooks with pages that have the two solid lines above and below a dashed line so a child can learn to write their letters. We did have a dry erase board like this that the guest decided to buy before heading to WallyWorld. (Which was what was written by this item on the supply list.)
TTOETL - the guest mentioned you by name saying you told them they could find “primary notebooks” in Bullseyes Playground. WTF are you smoking? Do you not know what the guest was looking for? If we don’t have those in bts then we don’t have them. You obviously do not have small school aged children.

For those without small children these are the notebooks with pages that have the two solid lines above and below a dashed line so a child can learn to write their letters. We did have a dry erase board like this that the guest decided to buy before heading to WallyWorld. (Which was what was written by this item on the supply list.)

If someone asked me for a "primary notebook", unless I was handed the school list I'd assume it was a notebook whose cover is one or more of the three primary colors. Not everyone worships at the alter of the Cult of the Child, where everything a child does is of the absolute mostest importance, elevated above the fate of nations, so not everyone knows every single little detail of what is relevant in a young child's life. Chances are the parent is a cult worshipper and never bothered to explain what he or she was looking for and assumed that everyone knows things that kids use.
If someone asked me for a "primary notebook", unless I was handed the school list I'd assume it was a notebook whose cover is one or more of the three primary colors. Not everyone worships at the alter of the Cult of the Child, where everything a child does is of the absolute mostest importance, elevated above the fate of nations, so not everyone knows every single little detail of what is relevant in a young child's life. Chances are the parent is a cult worshipper and never bothered to explain what he or she was looking for and assumed that everyone knows things that kids use.
It's kinda our job to ask what it is if we don't know.
Either way - bullseye’s playground doesn’t have notebooks. 🙂
There's no notebooks with this type of lines, correct. But there IS a pack of blank-paper notebooks that look sort of like composition books, I believe 10 books in a package, about 8" x 8" with maybe 20 pages or so in each. And that might be what the ETL was thinking of. In my store they're in X2 2-3-2. I may have spent way too much time in the Playground on my last shift.....
It's kinda our job to ask what it is if we don't know.
And when we are confident that we know due to the information given to us? "Primary notebook", one of two things. It's meant to be the primary notebook to be used, or it's in the primary colors. I would never in a million years think "primary" refers to pre-writing. One word does not equate to the other in any way. If someone said "hey, where are the bras?" would you think to ask if they wanted the kind of bra that goes over a car hood? How would you feel then if you were told that you should have asked the questions to determine that it was a car bra that was needed?
And when we are confident that we know due to the information given to us? "Primary notebook", one of two things. It's meant to be the primary notebook to be used, or it's in the primary colors. I would never in a million years think "primary" refers to pre-writing. One word does not equate to the other in any way. If someone said "hey, where are the bras?" would you think to ask if they wanted the kind of bra that goes over a car hood? How would you feel then if you were told that you should have asked the questions to determine that it was a car bra that was needed?
See I would think of either primary as in main or primary as in primary school or lower school aka wide ruled. Colors wouldn’t have even occurred to me.

The point is people understand things in different ways.
And when we are confident that we know when we are asked? At what point do we lose confidence in our confidence? As far as school, I've only heard of "primary" while reading literature or watching media that takes place in England. Without a British accent coming from the guest, I'd never ever in a million years think of that connotation. We don't have primary school, we have elementary school.

Sorry, if someone asked where the bras are without any extra information, I'm pointing them in the direction of Intimates, not the teeny automotive section. Same thing with primary notebooks, unless I'm handed a school list, I won't think of pre-writing. The guest could just ask for the pre-writing notebooks.
TTOTM: Don't encourage bad behavior from guests. We are not interrupting every TMs work flow to look for missing car keys. Don't bother asking over the walkie. No one cares and no one gets paid enough to care, yes even your ETLs. Direct them to lost and found at the service desk. It's not there? Oh, well. The guest will either have to find them on their own or wait for someone to turn them in. No, we're not reviewing security footage to figure out where they are. That's no where in the realm of AP responsibilities.
TTOTM - Don't lean against the meat bunker and tell me I'm breaking some steritech rule while I am finding outdated product. We, the pog team, found over 400 outdated products this week. Some from back to 2017. So if you have time to lean there, you aren't doing your job.
TTOTM: Don't encourage bad behavior from guests. We are not interrupting every TMs work flow to look for missing car keys. Don't bother asking over the walkie. No one cares and no one gets paid enough to care, yes even your ETLs. Direct them to lost and found at the service desk. It's not there? Oh, well. The guest will either have to find them on their own or wait for someone to turn them in. No, we're not reviewing security footage to figure out where they are. That's no where in the realm of AP responsibilities.
Are you at my store? That was this afternoon for me too.
TtoETL: Please don't start telling me what tasks I need to start with tomorrow when I come in. I'm off the clock, and it's kind of assumed that I'll work the full cart of abandon that I simply didn't have time for tonight.
TTOETL - the guest mentioned you by name saying you told them they could find “primary notebooks” in Bullseyes Playground. WTF are you smoking? Do you not know what the guest was looking for? If we don’t have those in bts then we don’t have them. You obviously do not have small school aged children.

For those without small children these are the notebooks with pages that have the two solid lines above and below a dashed line so a child can learn to write their letters. We did have a dry erase board like this that the guest decided to buy before heading to WallyWorld. (Which was what was written by this item on the supply list.)
I believe we do have those in the Bullseye Playground. They are located where all the licensed kids' stuff is.
TTOTL - You're one of the hardest working guys i've ever met, but for fucks sake man stop saying yes to every task handed to you. Theres almost no coordination because you're in 800 places at once. Slow down and focus for a second.
Softlines won't fucking throw away their extra vehicles we do not NEED and market won't stop ordering green racks on SAP

For fuck's sake
TTOTM I understand you not wanting to look at the time while you're working to make it go faster, but for the love of god please set a timer to alert you to lunch / scheduled out time. You've been a nice addition to the team, and you're a really great worker, I don't want you to lose your job over too many compliance violations or get yelled at for staying late too often.

Also ffs start taking your breaks you gave spot 2 hours of free labor this week.
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