I've done a lot of outside searching for guests, both as operator and guest service. It's way easier as the operator. You only have to hand guests trying on clothes a number. The FRO people at my store were anything but lazy, but it remained a tough impression to break. Mostly it was other tms who would pipe up, "I'll give the operator a break, I need to sit for a while and do nothing." And that's just what they'd do, beyond answering the phone they'd just sit there. Fitting rooms not checked, reshop not hung or folded and no zoning done. It would piss me off royally to come back to a mess. When the tables were reversed I always made sure the place looked like I'd want it to look when I came back. Don't forget it's also the job of the closing FRO to clean the break room and I don't know about elsewhere but we have a lot of pigs working here.