To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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To that one cashier who keeps grabbing a soda cup: we've all told you to get a cup from Starbux but you persist & we KNOW you're getting sodas because we can hear it from the back.
Our ETL-HR & AP now know so it's in their court now.
I miss the days when we had someone manning the phones all the time. We had far less loss at the fitting room and calls were less likely to be dropped, plus easier to put on hold. rewrap/repackage was much easier to do when seated at a desk. I think it was thought that someone sitting was not working. Those who thought that of course had never worked operator.
We don't get that many calls...but it would be nice to not spend 5 or 10 minutes on the phone with another store while trying to help other guests with returns, etc, at the same time. Not sure if the operator would do the outside searching or if that would still be a guest service job.
We usually only have a FRO for mid-shifts, and GS has the main responsibility for the phone before and after the FRO leaves. That was the part I hated about GS the and phones don't get along!
I miss the days when we had someone manning the phones all the time. We had far less loss at the fitting room and calls were less likely to be dropped, plus easier to put on hold. rewrap/repackage was much easier to do when seated at a desk. I think it was thought that someone sitting was not working. Those who thought that of course had never worked operator.

or had seen about half the people who have FRO shifts in our store. Especially the one who gets the most hours.
I've done a lot of outside searching for guests, both as operator and guest service. It's way easier as the operator. You only have to hand guests trying on clothes a number. The FRO people at my store were anything but lazy, but it remained a tough impression to break. Mostly it was other tms who would pipe up, "I'll give the operator a break, I need to sit for a while and do nothing." And that's just what they'd do, beyond answering the phone they'd just sit there. Fitting rooms not checked, reshop not hung or folded and no zoning done. It would piss me off royally to come back to a mess. When the tables were reversed I always made sure the place looked like I'd want it to look when I came back. Don't forget it's also the job of the closing FRO to clean the break room and I don't know about elsewhere but we have a lot of pigs working here.
I've done a lot of outside searching for guests, both as operator and guest service. It's way easier as the operator. You only have to hand guests trying on clothes a number. The FRO people at my store were anything but lazy, but it remained a tough impression to break. Mostly it was other tms who would pipe up, "I'll give the operator a break, I need to sit for a while and do nothing." And that's just what they'd do, beyond answering the phone they'd just sit there. Fitting rooms not checked, reshop not hung or folded and no zoning done. It would piss me off royally to come back to a mess. When the tables were reversed I always made sure the place looked like I'd want it to look when I came back. Don't forget it's also the job of the closing FRO to clean the break room and I don't know about elsewhere but we have a lot of pigs working here.

I am so, so glad the closing FRO in our store doesn't have to clean the break room...that would kill me.
To my fellow Overnight BR TMs. Just because the pulls are 30 hours tonight and we are short staffed does not let you use the excuse "we will never finish" and move at a snails pace. You used that excuse last night when the pulls were only 16 hours. I know you will bail @ 7am but I'm the lone TM that always stays until the backstock is done and I rather that not be noon! And no I do not feel sorry that you are tired because you stayed up all day to chill with your friends and play video games. Make grown up life choices like big boys or switch to Dayside.
To ON Flow TM: Don't get pissy with me when I bring out more pulls and you assumed they were all out on the floor. I just spent the last hour in the freezing cold and rain, struggling around in overcrowded pitch black containers. I am now sopping wet, dirty, bruised and still can't feel my fingers because they are frozen stiff. And I do this every night without complaint because it is my job. I am so sorry you now have to reach into one more repack and place a couple more items on a shelf now...NOT!
AnnT, Dayside won't help them make grown up life choices. Do you not remember the TMs who come in drunk and/or hungover from playing video games and drinking with their friends all night?
Look, the GS girls have been giving me the cold shoulder and brushing me aside since the moment I started getting hours back there. I didn't go tattling to you, because I frankly don't care. I can ignore that and still do my job. I'm not there to win friends....I'm there to do my job to the best of my ability and go home. So now my ignoring their attitudes has me being called out for cattiness (along with them?). I don't have any interest in this drama. I don't really enjoy being dragged along for the ride of getting pulled aside and talked to because I chose to ignore it instead of running to the GSTL.
Clean the break room?!?! Seriously? Doesn't your cleaning company do that?

About once a month they will clean the microwaves and fridges. Normally it's up to any tm who has time or more than likely the operator. I have cleaned those microwaves out and really wonder what people do at home when stuff splatters? I have only once had to clean the fridges and I can tell you I nearly hurled. Glad I don't have that detail anymore.
thank you front end for being the source of team member drama....we, in softlines, have taken the crown for far too long. It's nice to be the "normal" side (even hardlines has more than we do). To that one cashier-I totally agree with the GSTL-so what if you decided to help at Starbucks on your were on your scheduled break from the CHOSE to "help" back there. It's not like there was a line or anything. Starbucks TL-I like you as a person, have from the start when I trained you in softlines-but there is a reason, six months in, that your scores have plummeted, it's you.

I seem to miss all of the drama but to that one ETL who was fired/quit this week.....I hope you sue because what you said on the way out is the truth...our STL is that!!
to the other ETL....please, please, please don't let the rumors be true and you put in your two weeks. You have always been my favorite. But if it's true it's because you are destined for better!!
Babytrees, I don't want drama at the front end! I know you are referring to it at your store, but I don't want it at mine! Apparently the GSTLs (who I haven't even worked with in the past couple of weeks) have been noticing cattiness. So I ignore what little I have experienced...but get dragged into it? What kills me is there are "four" of us, I only know of one other for sure and can guess another, and since they wouldn't name specific people or incidents, I haven't a clue what they are referring to. But I'm supposed to cut it out, anyway and go tattle when I see something? I'm too old for this crap.
Babytrees, I don't want drama at the front end! I know you are referring to it at your store, but I don't want it at mine! Apparently the GSTLs (who I haven't even worked with in the past couple of weeks) have been noticing cattiness. So I ignore what little I have experienced...but get dragged into it? What kills me is there are "four" of us, I only know of one other for sure and can guess another, and since they wouldn't name specific people or incidents, I haven't a clue what they are referring to. But I'm supposed to cut it out, anyway and go tattle when I see something? I'm too old for this crap.

I totally understand!! I actually don't want it anywhere in the store but it's nice to not be the ones who have it in softlines....seriously, it was worse than being in high school over on my side.
It makes me very glad I have three shifts in hard lines next week. What slays me is that this was a night after minding my business and was perfectly uneventful. And now, since it forced me to be late clocking out by 15 minutes, I will no longer be eligible for the fourth quarter attendance prizes.
It makes me very glad I have three shifts in hard lines next week. What slays me is that this was a night after minding my business and was perfectly uneventful. And now, since it forced me to be late clocking out by 15 minutes, I will no longer be eligible for the fourth quarter attendance prizes.

well that stinks!! We don't get prizes for attendance....we have a lame store, I am thinking.
I'm going to ask hr if I'm still eligible next time I have a chance, because that shouldn't count against me because I was in the middle of clocking out when I was told not to and pulled off to told to knock off the cattiness that I didn't know existed.
To two team members:
What is it going to take to get you to clean, super-zone, and generally work a little harder? I'm at a loss for how to improve your performance! 🙁
About once a month they will clean the microwaves and fridges. Normally it's up to any tm who has time or more than likely the operator. I have cleaned those microwaves out and really wonder what people do at home when stuff splatters? I have only once had to clean the fridges and I can tell you I nearly hurled. Glad I don't have that detail anymore.
It is good thing you are not at our store. Our lounge always looked great simply, because our clerical TM kept it that way. Now that she has moved on to bigger and better things I have yet to see anyone clean a single thing there. Our old clerical TM said tonight at going away/retirement dinner for another TL that our normal Swift driver saw her somewhere and wanted to know when she was coming back. He always comes up and uses our lounge and microwaves to fix his dinner before going to bed in his cab. In any event he said the lounge has never looked worse.
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