To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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To that one O/N team member who keeps taking wave down the light duty aisles and stacking boxes as high as you can go: You're damn lucky no one has fallen off a ladder trying to pull something down *knock on wood* Also, it's a fire code violation when boxes are stacked higher than the BR sprinklers.
To that one PFresh TM: You are a godsend. Why you arent the CTL is beyond me. Always pushing, monarching and BS'ing the coolers and freezers when the other market guys wont and us in the back dont have time. You make shifts more enjoyable!
To those two re-shoppers: Your personal hygiene is deplorable. Please excuse me while I breathe air and not your stench.

To that one cardboard guy: I know you're leaving soon and it would've been more helpful if I brought those cages back sooner, but we just filled them. The ETL-Log wanted us to wait until now to de-trash those pallets, so ***** to him about it and not me.
To my awesome Team lead. Every time I see you cry from the overwhelming amount of work and no support you get, it breaks my heart. You are the truest sense of the word, a team leader. You are professional, you are demanding of good work. But you also have a heart, and you listen and do what you can to accommodate and just make team members lives around you better, happier and funner. I will miss you. You deserve better, so many of you deserve better considering how much of your lives and soul you give to this company.
To that Tm who packs the repack boxes that we receive on the trucks ,could you circle one number only ? And if you hapen to circle one number ,could you actually circle the right one ! And not to be ungratefull,but in those boxes ,could you avoid packing 1 hba and 15 pet items ,and circle the number for hba...that would be soooooo great !!!
I usually average 1.4 Red Cards an hr. my suggestions to others is, Use creative language that creates mystery like, "Are you aware of our 5% discount card"? the use your Red card as a prop, with your figer under the debit word on the card. 85% of individuals will purchase what they SEE vs what they hear. Then say, "Its NOT a credit card so there are NO credit checks of fees, its FREE". Then you have their attention and can go on sacking as you continue to tell them all the benifits of the Red Card. The most I have signed up in one day is 19. Signed 101 Cards in the month of OCT and 110 Red Cards in the month of NOV. Good luck

That's how I am. I live in a poor community where alot of times, the guests(I'm hispanic so not trying to be racist) just speak spanish and don't understand the whole credit card thing.

I tell them if they want to save 5% on all purchases by applying for a target red card, they ask if its a credit card, I say yes and they decline. I then immediately tell them if they are interested in a debit card, save 5% but no need for credit, still decline.

Very rarely do I get one. But I don't know what the deal is because we have another cashier who get atleast 2 a shift. It's quite annoying too when our gstls compare us to him. I try but maybe I just get the bad guests.

I do get surveys though. Atleast 1 per shift is my goal which is really easy because you get atleast one good experience with a guest and they are willing to do it for you.
thank you to the TL who asked me who of the seasonal hires we should keep. It makes me feel better knowing you are listening to us.

to the softlines TMs in tonight-so glad none of you called out and we outnumbered hardlines 2 to 1 but that doesn't mean you could just stand around gabbing.
To apparently a bunch of TMs: At the end of your shift, or when I call for them towards the end of the night, please bring your carts of strays up to me for sorting. I was mega unhappy to find not one, not two....but SIX abandoned, full carts of strays on the floor last night 20 minutes before I left. I was forced to leave quite a mess for the TM to sort through this morning. And that's simply not fair.
To my ETL-Replenishment: It's Saturday night in December, we had a call-in and a NCNS, and we have over 40 carts of re-shop (not including softlines). No, we are not going to push the truck for you. You have more than enough TMs and the truck is small.

To the softlines re-shoppers: You ladies are AMAZING! You got all of the softlines re-shop done and came over to help us in hardlines.
I usually average 1.4 Red Cards an hr. my suggestions to others is, Use creative language that creates mystery like, "Are you aware of our 5% discount card"? the use your Red card as a prop, with your figer under the debit word on the card. 85% of individuals will purchase what they SEE vs what they hear. Then say, "Its NOT a credit card so there are NO credit checks of fees, its FREE". Then you have their attention and can go on sacking as you continue to tell them all the benifits of the Red Card. The most I have signed up in one day is 19. Signed 101 Cards in the month of OCT and 110 Red Cards in the month of NOV. Good luck

That's interesting... and I have never heard of an average that high. We have a cashier who probably gets on average 1-2 a shift, and everyone in the store thinks that's impressive.. let alone 8-12. I am going to try your method in electronics. The only crappy part is when they don't have a blank check on them. 🙁
We have a cashier who has a staggering amount of the UGLIEST red Christmas sweaters - I'd say a different one for every day - and no one says a word.
thank goodness one of our cashiers doesn't work at your store. She always wears the most crazy outfits on holidays. We think it's weird and kind of out there but the guests love it!
We had a team member who used to wear those headbands with the wobbly things on them for the various holidays. The guests loved it. She was told to stop doing it as it was not "brand". I actually had quite a few guests who complained to me about it. (not that I, another lowly tm could do anything, but still...).
to that one electronics TM...

thanks for going out of your way and back stocked that whole smart cart of electronics backstock, i hate backstocking in there, and you did all of it! thanks!
To this particular TM...

You reek. Use some deodorant, please.

I know that we are not suppose to do this, but I did this on behalf of my mom when she was a cashier. I pretended to be a guest and sent in a guest comment via This comment was in regards to a female cashier that needed a little or was it a lot more than deodorant.
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