To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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Over the walkie: Does anyone know if we have "Elf on the Shelf"?

TM 1:"No shelf elfs at this time"

Rather confused walkie person."What"

TM 2: There are no elves on the shelf.

Even more confused walkie person: No I mean, do we have the book "Elf on the shelf"

TM 1: That shelf is currently empty.

Walkie person: Do we have the book or not?
Someone over the walkie: "Do we carry vibrators?"
*short silence*
TM: "Uh.. you mean those little massages? Yeah they are on an endcap near the Pharmacy."
Person over the walkie: "No, no. Vibrators, as in those things you stick in your vagina."
*long silence*...

This legit happened awhile back. To this day, no one knew who asked that question.
Someone over the walkie: "Do we carry vibrators?"
*short silence*
TM: "Uh.. you mean those little massages? Yeah they are on an endcap near the Pharmacy."
Person over the walkie: "No, no. Vibrators, as in those things you stick in your vagina."
*long silence*...

This legit happened awhile back. To this day, no one knew who asked that question.

Was it a male TM that asked this? hahaha
Someone over the walkie: "Do we carry vibrators?"
*short silence*
TM: "Uh.. you mean those little massages? Yeah they are on an endcap near the Pharmacy."
Person over the walkie: "No, no. Vibrators, as in those things you stick in your vagina."
*long silence*...

This legit happened awhile back. To this day, no one knew who asked that question.

Was it that guy who stole a walkie from his store and would ask things from the parking lot of another store?
It was a guy, and yeah it HAD to of been something crazy like that, because I just don't see how someone could of said it that seriously, not to mention we never found out who asked it. Makes for a funny story though.:excited:
Dear LOD, I know you are ticked off at the world of Spot. In the past three shifts I have seem you, you have been gloomy, moody, and hiding in your office which is the exact opposite of your usual self. So, that said, thank you for letting me borrow a box cutter...but please....I don't think Red works at our store, and I don't want to explain how I know all the things degreaser can be used to clean up.....
It was a guy, and yeah it HAD to of been something crazy like that, because I just don't see how someone could of said it that seriously, not to mention we never found out who asked it. Makes for a funny story though.:excited:

I just knew it had to be a guy lmao.

I really thought of you the day they wanted me to find a home for a bunch of knife sets that have gone clearance that had no room on their home location or on a clearance endcap for them and really didn't want me to come back to the back with them on my flat...I just thought to myself, "if Red were here, she would know what to do with them..."
Oh man, the crap you discover when you come back from college:
1] You. Not only do I know all about your patterns of being a skank, but you're useless. Learn to do your job, do it right, and gtfo the backroom if you can't handle it.
2] If you ever tell me you can't do a guest pull because you're still trying to finish the CAFs I will make your life miserable. Those guests were waiting 10 minutes. There is NO excuse for it. That's S one, anything else is going right to the LOD/TL

Annnnnnd for the system kicking me out at 9pm from cashing, wtf? 5 hours later I suddenly can't cash because I'm not in the store's system? Should've caught that a little bit sooner if you were going to kick me out.
to those gstl's/gsa's who make sure to ask for a specific hardlines area but not softlines when asking for a price check(i.e., small appliances vs. softlines...need a price check) why? Seriously, the new Etl-GE and I are already becoming friends because I was so frustrated with one of you today. It was awesome though because she got to see me covering both your butts by jumping in behind the counter at GS...thanks for making me look good!!

to that one tm-I put myself in time out so that I wouldn't slap you silly...stop following me around and wrecking my work. But again, thanks for making me look good....I did my 3 projects AND helped on your one because you were so slow.
oh, and to the now 3 TM's (including the one who followed me around today)gunning for the brand position....STOP!! There is no open position. There are only 4 brand positions in sofltines and depending on who you ask there are already 4 (there is some debate on the 4th one TL says the shoe one is brand the other (who she is aligned with) says she is a specialist...and the difference is?) I am the 4th (currently not assigned a specific area....and I am okay with that as I am getting mainly days) and for almost a year they worked with just 2 brand members.
To that one cashier TM: you're seasonal, and you're good. I'm not sure if they were planning to keep you, or if you were hoping to stay, but calling off for a long closing shift after putting the shift on the swap board and not finding someone? Seriously, probably not your best move.
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Yeah, I had one of those (except she wasn't a newbie, so it was worse). Once she "forgot" to take off for her SISTER'S WEDDING, and didn't seem to think that was a problem, except she had to have that day off AFTER the schedule was out, of course. She was a FA TM, so of course there was no one available to cover her. She seemed to think that if she put the shift up on the board, it wasn't her problem anymore and that calling off was somehow OUR problem because WE couldn't find anyone to cover for her. Jerk. Needless to say, she no longer works for Target and while she quit and walked out before her two weeks were up before she got fired, she is DEFINITELY ineligible for rehire. 😀
To the seasonal electronics TM it not your job to try and talk someone out of an item, just because you don't like it. Instead of getting your guest to buy the Playstation, rather than the Xbox you ended up causing them to go next door to Best Buy to the Xbox. It is a shame that you don't work on commission.
to that one team member-I don't believe your choice of hair color was supposed to make me laugh....but it did. You look like Thing 1 (or 2, take your pick)from Dr. Seuss.
To that one ex-TM...
You would have saved us a bit of grief if you had just quit the first time you called in on this streak. With all of your call-ins and then your no call no shows, we've been chronically understaffed.
To the other TM who keeps calling in...
I really hope everything's OK! You're a great TM and I'd hate for Target to drop you because of whatever's going on with you right now.
To that one TM...
When our LOD did the reshop challenge for a DVD... yeah, I couldn't help but notice you stashed most of your cart's hangables in the Liz Laing racks. You know, since I had already zoned that and everything. I hope your $5 prize was worth my hatred.
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