To that one Team Member - II

TTOTM who takes a 45 when they're supposed to be taking a 15 while in charge of OPUs leading to missed goals on an otherwise perfect goal week: Go fuck yourself
Oof. I have a guy who will be doing OPU and will go back up on a lane voluntarily and I'm about ready to slap him. Missed goal times, other Ship people covering for him who are busy with other things...he acts as if the front end is his domain instead of, ya know, picking orders.
TL " Hey team can someone help this guest in underwear"
I ask for someone in apparel to assist a guest near intimates or sleepwear. No need to embarrass the guest. Same with a guest shopping in HBA and asking for certain products, like lactation or morning sickness HBA products that are in Mom & Baby. Ask that DBO to go to channel 2 on the walkie. Let's be a little tactful, yes?
TTOTM, who happens to work in what used to be included in my area - gee, thanks for actually staying and finishing your truck push today so I could keep working on my sales planners for the week. Because you dashed off yesterday, leaving a mess of repacks and back stock for me to finish up, I was unable to work on my own stuff. It wouldn't bother me so much if you could at least leave things neat and organized so I could easily jump in and quickly finish it off. But no, it was a jumbled mess so it took me half again as long as it should have. No wonder you can't finish your work - which wasn't nearly as much as yesterday and yet you were set to leave me with twice as much before an LOD talked you into staying - before your scheduled out-time. Really, step up and figure it out or move on. I'm sorry you don't like how modernization has worked out for you, but that doesn't mean you can take your resentment out on me.
Ok, end of rant.
Is he leaving early? Or is he leaving at his scheduled time, rather than extending past his schedule?
Is he leaving early? Or is he leaving at his scheduled time, rather than extending past his schedule?
Sorry, that wasn't clear. TM left at scheduled out time on Monday, leaving a jumbled mess. TM was set to leave at scheduled out time on Tuesday, before LOD talked them into staying to finish - which took 1 1/2 hours. TM agreed to stay slightly past scheduled out time today, but still didn't finish. They're slow and inefficient, and have no interest in picking up the pace or working more efficiently. Very unhappy with modernization and I think this is some passive-aggressive behavior in response. And yay! It falls to me, usually, to pick up the slack.
TTOTM - Put your own shelves away ! So annoying to have a day off and find 2 dozen shelves loose on the floor all over the fixture room. I don’t have time to pick up after you and now my back is killing me from climbing the ladder to hang YOUR shelves.
TTOTL, stop using buggies and hand baskets for things that you don't want to deal with and then shoving them in the backroom. We do not let our TMs use them, so set an example and stop using them yourself. I do not want to have to explain to the DSD when he randomly shows up why they are there.
Sorry, that wasn't clear. TM left at scheduled out time on Monday, leaving a jumbled mess. TM was set to leave at scheduled out time on Tuesday, before LOD talked them into staying to finish - which took 1 1/2 hours. TM agreed to stay slightly past scheduled out time today, but still didn't finish. They're slow and inefficient, and have no interest in picking up the pace or working more efficiently. Very unhappy with modernization and I think this is some passive-aggressive behavior in response. And yay! It falls to me, usually, to pick up the slack.
I can understand wanting to string him up on the steel by his toes, but the expectation that he will extend (and anyone else ever asked to extend) is kinda silly. People schedule life around work when work hours are irregular time. Unless salary, expecting someone to put their scheduled-around-work life through a corkscrew to fit around additional unplanned for hours had better involve treating them like gold so they are willing to do so, and being big enough to accept a no without retribution.
I can understand wanting to string him up on the steel by his toes, but the expectation that he will extend (and anyone else ever asked to extend) is kinda silly. People schedule life around work when work hours are irregular time. Unless salary, expecting someone to put their scheduled-around-work life through a corkscrew to fit around additional unplanned for hours had better involve treating them like gold so they are willing to do so, and being big enough to accept a no without retribution.
I think maybe you're misunderstanding my frustration. This TM doesn't like the changes modernization has brought to their job. I get that - a lot of us don't. My problem is that instead of trying to do these new things (to them) in a way so as to finish up on time, they sort of meander around, taking lots - lots! - of extra steps and really, as I think about it, kind of trying to make things take longer. Since I've done way more push than this TM has, I've tried offering suggestions; they were not well received so I backed off. Some people like to figure things out on their own and that's fine. Except they haven't figured it out and don't appear interested in figuring it out. That's what I'm frustrated about.
I don't expect this TM to ever stay extra if that's inconvenient. I do expect them to actually try to do a good job, and I don't think they are. They're not doing what they hired in for and they're mad about it and tough rocks for everyone else. Unfortunately for me, because of the area where we both work, I'm in the direct line of the fall-out.
Well that goes back to stinging him up by his toes. Just don't ask to extend. Ask to see if someone else more efficient can be allowed to come in. Same hours as extending his shift.
Oof. I have a guy who will be doing OPU and will go back up on a lane voluntarily and I'm about ready to slap him. Missed goal times, other Ship people covering for him who are busy with other things...he acts as if the front end is his domain instead of, ya know, picking orders.
That's pretty bad 😵 Like, bear minimum, anyone doing OPUs needs to communicate if they're moved to another task or need additional help. But voluntarily moving yourself out without consulting a lead or ETL is a big no 😵 The one team member I was mentioning likes to not show up on days they're scheduled for OPUs or go home "sick" after discovering they're scheduled for OPUs. I'm surprised they haven't been written up for their behavior because of heir attendance/lack of communication/extended breaks this fourth quarter in regards to OPUs. They really fucked us over. I'm pretty sure from Black Friday to Christmas they had at least 5 callouts and 3 days they left early after discovering they were scheduled for OPU. Why have a job if you aren't going to show up for it? The kicker was they were a core team member...they weren't a seasonal. Thats ridiculous.
I think maybe you're misunderstanding my frustration. This TM doesn't like the changes modernization has brought to their job. I get that - a lot of us don't. My problem is that instead of trying to do these new things (to them) in a way so as to finish up on time, they sort of meander around, taking lots - lots! - of extra steps and really, as I think about it, kind of trying to make things take longer. Since I've done way more push than this TM has, I've tried offering suggestions; they were not well received so I backed off. Some people like to figure things out on their own and that's fine. Except they haven't figured it out and don't appear interested in figuring it out. That's what I'm frustrated about.
I don't expect this TM to ever stay extra if that's inconvenient. I do expect them to actually try to do a good job, and I don't think they are. They're not doing what they hired in for and they're mad about it and tough rocks for everyone else. Unfortunately for me, because of the area where we both work, I'm in the direct line of the fall-out.
Sounds like this TM needs his performance managed, either to get better or get out. Then maybe you won’t need to extend or have someone else come in. Maybe.
Ask to see if someone else more efficient can be allowed to come in.
Sounds like this TM needs his performance managed, either to get better or get out. Then maybe you won’t need to extend or have someone else come in. Maybe.
I've had a conversation recently with my TL and I don't think she was aware of the extent of the problem. We'll see what, if anything, happens.
To the market team member: You didn't have to be so rude when I asked for your help backstocking in market. I had never worked in market before let alone even been to the area where backstocked items were located. I hope I'm not asked to work in market that much anymore.
To the market team member: You didn't have to be so rude when I asked for your help backstocking in market. I had never worked in market before let alone even been to the area where backstocked items were located. I hope I'm not asked to work in market that much anymore.
Sorry that happened to you. It’s probably not personal, its just that time of the year when hours are cut and some TMs seem to feel that anyone sent to work in their area is taking their hours, and some people are just territorial and don’t want anyone else working in their area in any case. Of course, some people are just asshats. Hope you don’t have to work with that one again. Good luck!
Sorry that happened to you. It’s probably not personal, its just that time of the year when hours are cut and some TMs seem to feel that anyone sent to work in their area is taking their hours, and some people are just territorial and don’t want anyone else working in their area in any case. Of course, some people are just asshats. Hope you don’t have to work with that one again. Good luck!
Yeah, I agree with everything you said and he even seemed friendly when we were having lunch together during the same shift. He also could have been stressed from the expectations put on him by leadership and been more concerned with his own work which I get.
This was two Sundays ago, on December 29th which was still when we had a lot of hours so I'm guessing I won't be asked to work there from now on since hours will be cut.
TTOTM: Yes, I know that you're really a GM DBO and not a fulfillment TM. However, you were scheduled for fulfillment. Yes, I also know leadership was hoping you wouldn't have to do any fulfillment and they could have you just work your area. That was the plan because fulfillment had the hours to give. That's fine. But, when I call you into fulfillment to help with OPUs, you need to drop what you're doing and jump in right away. That's the deal: We'll use extra fulfillment hours to pad GM TMs' hours until payroll picks up, but I get to call them into fulfillment when needed. If you don't like it, the hours can always go to someone else, like say a real fulfillment TM.
TTOTL: please stop fucking people various places around the store. Do you really think people haven’t noticed aside from the person who called you out that mysteriously got fired just days later? Those of us who know would prefer to not know which TM you’ve stuck your dick in on the clock. Hope people really do call the hotline on you cause you deserve it.
Ok so stuff like that used to happen at my old job (never mind how I know 😉), but there were a lot of places to hide and not near as many people. I can't think of any place in my store where I'd feel at all safe getting my swerve on - there are people all over the place, no privacy.
Ok so stuff like that used to happen at my old job (never mind how I know 😉), but there were a lot of places to hide and not near as many people. I can't think of any place in my store where I'd feel at all safe getting my swerve on - there are people all over the place, no privacy.

The family bathroom by pharmacy !
That was the hideout for an ETL and a GSA years ago ... they both got fired ...
I'm thinking more along the lines of places were you both could slip in and out without anyone noticing you. Our bathrooms and Fitting Room are pretty high traffic areas, it would be difficult to go in and come out undetected. Especially single stall bathrooms, if someone's waiting and you both walk out, well, yeah. But where there's a will, there's a way...😁
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