Archived Training quizzes

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Nov 11, 2017
I start tuesday @ 4:00 am on the Flow Team. I have no idea what to expect. I have had no training what so ever. They didn't even show us how to clock in and out I had to look it up. Orientation was crowded and rushed. I was the only flow team member there. I've heard I still have to take some quizzes and would like to know what to expect....Thanks
Show up 5-10 minutes early and follow everyone else into the store. Tell someone it's your first day and the TL will get you paired up with someone for training and they'll show you what to do. You probably won't be doing any computer quizzes.

If you were given a temporary discount card, it will have your TM number on it and you should bring it with you so you can attempt to clock in. If you don't have that number yet or can't clock in for whatever reason, you'll fill out a paper time card before you leave.
Welcome to Target's Awesome Spectacular Training Program!!!
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