Archived Transferring and Being promoted

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Oct 10, 2018
I just started training for a seasonal position that will last till' January, that is going to be up to 40 hours a week! I have a few questions in regards to transferring and promotions, I tried searching a bit on the forum, but I didn't receive a clear cut answers for them.

1. After my seasonal position ends, is it easier to request a transfer more closer to home? or apply for the store that you want to work for?

2. I have a college degree in social work, I was wondering if it's easier to move up or get promoted with this type of degree? and who would I talk to?

3. Also in regards to promotion, has anyone gone on to work at a Target store and got promoted to work for corporate?
.5 - UP TO* 40 hours a week. I hope you can read between the lines on that one.

1. Yes, 90 days at least, but could be more. You have to be worth transferring. You better be good.

2. Would’ve been easier to apply for, and be hired in a higher position. You better be really good.

3. It has happened.
I just started training for a seasonal position that will last till' January, that is going to be up to 40 hours a week! I have a few questions in regards to transferring and promotions, I tried searching a bit on the forum, but I didn't receive a clear cut answers for them.

1. After my seasonal position ends, is it easier to request a transfer more closer to home? or apply for the store that you want to work for?

IF they offer you a permanent position, you will still most likely have ANOTHER 90 day probation period (They like to do this because it is so hard to fire someone AFTER this period) and you probably cannot apply for a transfer yet. However you could put in your 2 weeks, leave on good terms, and apply at the closer store if they have a number of positions open. Being able to say "I worked holiday at the store near you and they kept me on but I wanted to be closer to home" should elevate you much higher then other candidates.

2. I have a college degree in social work, I was wondering if it's easier to move up or get promoted with this type of degree? and who would I talk to?

AFAIK it won't do you much good here unless you were going for ETL HR. ETL and higher positions look at business degrees.

3. Also in regards to promotion, has anyone gone on to work at a Target store and got promoted to work for corporate?

I can see exceptional store managers hopping into district positions but frankly our ETL pool is where you go to drown your career. You either stay ETL forever or you quit and work for some other chain.
IF they offer you a permanent position, you will still most likely have ANOTHER 90 day probation period (They like to do this because it is so hard to fire someone AFTER this period) and you probably cannot apply for a transfer yet. However you could put in your 2 weeks, leave on good terms, and apply at the closer store if they have a number of positions open. Being able to say "I worked holiday at the store near you and they kept me on but I wanted to be closer to home" should elevate you much higher then other candidates.

AFAIK it won't do you much good here unless you were going for ETL HR. ETL and higher positions look at business degrees.

I can see exceptional store managers hopping into district positions but frankly our ETL pool is where you go to drown your career. You either stay ETL forever or you quit and work for some other chain.

I remember reading somewhere that if you quit, you have to wait a certain amount of time to be rehired again.
I remember reading somewhere that if you quit, you have to wait a certain amount of time to be rehired again.
That's pretty messed up if I couldn't get hired again, couldn't I just decline the permanent positon if it's offered?
You can do whatever you feel is best for you. If you are young and pretty, apply at my store.
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