Archived Transferring Question...

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Sep 11, 2017
Is a phone interview with your potential new store normal?

I think its pretty pointless to have a phone interview for the same exact softlines team member position in the same company...just a different store. I haven't heard of anyone else transferring having a phone interview either.

My ETL and TL seemed pretty excited that I had a phone interview and were very *wink wink* about it. My HR was also not in today which means someone at potential new store talked to my ETL and/or my TL about me.

Am I being put forward for a high up position??? Just seems fishy....and everyone seems to think i'm being put up for a TL position, especially since ive been with target for 10 months and have a 4 year degree in management...but why wouldnt they tell me if they suggested me for a TL position?
Was the phone interview on or off the clock? A phone interview with face to face video chat might be a better solution.
This was supposed to be on the clock while i was closing tonight, but they ended up never calling the store. Weird.
Its not really an interview...its more of a meet and greet interview.... they want to see what u know...

This times 100. I can't say how many times my store has taken a transfer for us to think (New person) is going to hit the ground running and they are complete trash or refuse to relearn/drop the bad habits they picked up.

They want to know you are competent, are willing to learn their ways before they offer you a position.

Its not a secret team lead interview lol. If it was a team lead interview they would do it over Skype or in person. Never heard of a team lead doing an interview over the phone unless it's a transfer.
Is a phone interview with your potential new store normal? I think its pretty pointless to have a phone interview for the same exact softlines team member position in the same company...just a different store. I haven't heard of anyone else transferring having a phone interview either.
Its not really an interview...its more of a meet and greet interview.... they want to see what u know...

They want to know you are competent, are willing to learn their ways before they offer you a position.

In the past, I have reached out to quite a few other stores to coordinate the transfer process for TMs. Phone/in-person "interviews" were pretty standard requests from the other stores. There was one store that I spoke with that was a real stickler for meeting in-person only. Most though were cool with a phone interview if the TM was not in the area yet for an in-person interview.

What H2Owned said is right - these "interviews" are actually more of a meet & greet to see what you know. Like HR Zone said, they want someone who is competent.

From what I observed, the other stores really liked these qualities from transfers:
- Cashiers who got a lot of red cards.
- TMs who were cross-trained in a whole bunch of different work centers. Extra points if you also specialize and own an area.
- TMs who worked in a high turnover work center (e.g. flow) and had at least an OK review score (in the past, that would be like a 75 and above).

If you don't have these qualities but do have an open availability, a good review score, and no correctives in the recent years, you should have a fair chance at transferring if they have openings.

Yes, that too. Like Yetive said, attendance is also another factor. If you are often late or have any no call no shows, that can ruin your chances.

Yup this is universal. Some stores give crappy workers good review scores. Attendance says a lot about what kind of worker you are.

Some folks with bad attendance are good workers. Most folks with good attendance folks are good workers.
Its not a secret team lead interview lol. If it was a team lead interview they would do it over Skype or in person. Never heard of a team lead doing an interview over the phone unless it's a transfer.

My TL interview with the DTL was over the phone...
My TL interview with the DTL was over the phone...

Back when you had to do team lead interviews with the DTL. Unless you are promoting to senior you don't even need to interview with DTL to promote to TL.
Mine was over the phone too. But I knew it was the interview, I'm sure they just want to feel out the transfer, we do it all the time at my store.
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