Archived "Unannounced" visit from HQ?

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Going with the Flow

Queen of the dungeon
Jun 8, 2011
We had a visit today from a group of execs from Minneapolis. It was basically a surprise to almost everyone, but our STL and DTL had a heads up yesterday they may be coming. Is this normal? Anyone else have this recently? They were assessing everything! Thoughts?
I've had this happen at this store. My store also had a surprise visit (I mean less than 24 hours) from the Regional Leader not too long ago because he was in the district visiting stores which had had more than a week to prep for this visit....still went well thankfully.
It must be that time for big wigs to be out and about...we had a higher up in our Group do a surprise visit a week ago and we BOMBED. He's coming back soon but I dunno when. Given that and some other circumstances in our store that I'll decline to comment on, I wouldn't be surprised if we have a few more visits on that level in the future. Good riddance! At least my area didn't even get looked at. 😛 Didn't make a lick of difference to me!
we had a surprise visit also last thursday but I was old on Monday we were having a surprise visit on thursday lol
Heh, my store is near one of the district offices and the DTL lives about 5 minutes from the store as well. We get "suprise" visits all the time.
Could always be worse... you could be T-1375, the Nicollet Mall store connected directly to corporate.

I dunno... since they're so close they're probably more likely to be properly staffed with the right amount of hours so they can look good and shiny next to corporate HQ.
i hear there's a couple of new group leaders whose main focus is a "perfect zone". HAR DE HAR HAR. 😛arty:

They're gonna need to invest in a time machine and go back to 2008 or earlier lol.

You mean back when they actually gave us the staff and hours to complete the job right? ><

Aaaaaaannnnnnnd I work for a store in one of those groups. One spot has to be immaculate. The travel aisle has to be immaculate. Checklanes have to be immaculate. Softlines has to be immaculate. Off stage areas have to be immaculate. And all this done with the same hours we have now. Yeah right lol.

Oh, and the fixture room has to be located.
The Fixture Room was supposed to have its contents located just like merchandise. There was a re-set done a few years ago to make this happen.

Didn't work.

You can't get people to put things in the right bin
The system for looking up and creating labels was extremely time consuming.
Also some of the list was outdated when or just after the list was provided.
Who the heck has access to a PDA to scan this stuff in and out?!

The only good that came out of that fiasco was that we received a lot of wonderful grey bins.
The Fixture Room was supposed to have its contents located just like merchandise. There was a re-set done a few years ago to make this happen.

Didn't work.

You can't get people to put things in the right bin
The system for looking up and creating labels was extremely time consuming.
Also some of the list was outdated when or just after the list was provided.
Who the heck has access to a PDA to scan this stuff in and out?!

The only good that came out of that fiasco was that we received a lot of wonderful grey bins.

I remember that, I also remember saying what a terrible idea it was because it was going effect my back room error rate like crazy. We never did it and no store I ever knew of did it. It was just another idea that somebody in HQ came up with that had clearly never worked in a store so wasted a bunch of money on it. Man when I think about all the terrible ideas that company ran out to the stores with lots of fanfare that they quickly forgot about as its failure became clear. For me the summer software update a few years ago was amazing in how bad it was and how nobody seemed to know until it was released company wide yet, people here (or at a version of this place) had been in the testing and said it was a disaster.
It seems to a standard that something new will be rolled out with great fanfare, and little actual research, only to have it crash and burn ultimately to be left, ignored in the backroom someplace.
Unfortunately until it does get properly ignored people like us have to work with it and all of its unwieldy, shoddy, stupidness.
And in some cases, if an ETL or DTL has decided to make their bones on this latest abortion, our jobs can be at stake.
At one time things were rolled out a little more slowly but now it seems there is some new mess every few months.
Spot has a lot to answer for.
I just took the 100 hours given to thoroughly clean and organize my fixture room. Knew it wouldn't work, but I wasn't going to say no to the help.
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