Archived Unpaid Personal Leave

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Oct 18, 2017
I recently lost a child and I was told I could take personal leave by my ETL. He's fairly new. I also asked the HR team member and he said that I could take personal leave. He said there wasn't anything else I needed to do other than verbally telling them. I thought I was ready to go back to work however I'm not. Is this correct or is there forms I need to fill out or documentation that I need to submit?
I'm so sorry for your loss. I recommend you reach out to your HR ETL to let him/her know that you want to take a personal leave. They would key it for you (versus your ETL), so you want to make sure they know about the request. You shouldn't have to provide any documentation for a personal leave. You might also reach out to see if you are eligible to take a leave through Leave and Disability. That kind of leave could be job protected, especially if you have a doctor saying you need to be out of work.
Is this correct or is there forms I need to fill out or documentation that I need to submit?

Raquel, so sorry for your loss.

You should talk to your ETL-HR first if you want to go on a personal LOA. They will let you know if they need anything from you. It is up to the ETL-HR's discretion whether they want any documents from you (i.e. proof, forms, etc) before making the decision to approve or deny your personal LOA request. Once you get your ETL-HR's approval, your ETL-HR or HRTM will then submit a request form for your personal LOA. Once that has been processed by the Leave & Disability Team, you are officially on a leave of absence.

Also, please remember to let HR know if you want to use any vacation, personal holiday, or sick time as well. They need to include this information on the form because your time card will not be editable once you are on LOA.
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Raquel, I'm so sorry for your loss. As HRLady said, please speak to your ETL-HR and they can direct you in what you need to do to go out on personal leave. In my store we have you fill out a form so we have documentation (which can truly say "personal") and we can put you out on the leave ourselves.

Take care of yourself.
Leave of absence contact info:

What to do/Contacts

The first step in the leave process is for the team member to contact their HR partner or leader. Team members may be asked to call the Target Leave and Disability team directly at 800-828-5850, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT.
The Target Leave and Disability team handles most leave and disability administration processes for team members.
The fax number is 847-554-1660. Please include your claim number (if known) or team member ID number on your fax.
So so truly sorry for your loss.

Also you may qualify for bereavement pay if you’re full time. 🙁
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