Any unused vay cay rolls over & continues to accumulate until you hit your limit, at which point it stops accruing until you use some.
Ex: If you accumulate 2 wks a year & didn't use any at all, it would roll over into the next year. You could bank up to 4 weeks before it would stop accruing & you would have to use some to start accruing again.
If you average 32 hrs/wk but you're only scheduled 28 hrs for the next couple weeks, you could use 4 hrs vay cay ea week to bring your paycheck up. You can't add more hrs than your avg, tho.
Rate of accrual (or replenishment) depends on how long you've worked here. About a year so far?
Your HRTM could tell you what the weekly accrual is or Hardlinesmaster will find the relevant thread 😉